Tabular View

Tabular View allows presentation of information on a bidirectional grid, N rows x M columns.

Each row presents an instance of devices and each column represents a property of that device, examples of tables are: list of receptors, list of subarrays, list of alarms. Example of columns are names, addresses, LEDs, states, attribute value

Widget setting


It is possible to customize the widget setting from the inspector panel(in edit mode), as below:

Input value



The list of devices, listed in rows


Integer to define the number of decimal cases

Show scientific notation

Whether to show numbers in scientific notation or not

Show default attributes

If checked, it show the attributed defined in config.json file in columns

Show enum lables

Whether to show enum lables on DevEnum attributes or not

Custom attributes

The list of custom attributes added by the user

Show compact tables

It compacts the table size in order to show more data.

Show bordered tables

It creates a border for each cell in order to improve the readability

Text color

Specify the color of text for given widget

Background color

Specify the Background color for given widget

Text size

Specify the font size of text for given widget

Applying CSS to widget

One can also write css under custom css section. The css syntax is same as we write for html files

Widget render

In the image below, it is possible to see an example of the Tabular widget running. It is important to note that:

  • the table header shows the list of attribute names

  • list of devices is reported in the first column in bold

  • if the device does not have the attribute listed in the default configuration or custom attributes, it shows ‘…’ instead of the value

  • Also table shows ‘…’ when a attribute is not available or invalid for a device.

  • States are colored using the Tango color convention

  • DevEnum attributes display only the value of the label

  • it is not possible to change the order of the default or custom attributes