Taranta Docker Image Build Process


Taranta is an integral part of the Tango-Controls project, collaboratively maintained by MAXIV and SKAO The development process involves a merge request (MR) system, where updates are reviewed and approved by both institutions.

Development and Integration

The source code is hosted on GitLab within the Tango-Controls project:

Taranta Suite Source Code

When changes are merged into the develop branch, they trigger a pipeline in the dedicated SKA repository. This repository is responsible for constructing the Docker image, configuring it for SKA deployment and pushing it to Nexus ska-tango-taranta:

SKA Tango Taranta Pipeline

Configuration and Deployment

The SKA repository contains Docker configurations, including nginx.conf, which is templated to integrate dynamic namespaces during deployments.

A pivotal script, namespace.sh, modifies the namespace within configuration files, depending of what is set from charts templates using NAMESPACE var, aligning the Docker image with the targeted deployment environment. The script’s functions encompass:

  • Writing the namespace to nginx.html.

  • Modifying static asset paths in the main CSS file.

  • Launching the Nginx server in the foreground to enhance performance.

Performance Improvements

Transitioning from npm start - Development Build to run build - Production Build has markedly expedited startup times and minimized memory consumption.

Taranta Image Resource Optimization

Image size reduction

From ~932MB to ~83MB

Taranta Image Size Optimization

Image startup time reduction

From ~137s to ~6s

Taranta Image Size Optimization

Taranta Image Size Optimization

Script used to check this stats:


# Set the target pod name, namespace, and URL

# Function to check the web page status
check_web_page() {
    status_code=$(curl --write-out '%{http_code}' --silent --output /dev/null "$URL")
    if [[ "$status_code" -ge 200 && "$status_code" -lt 300 ]]; then
        return 0
        return 1

# Function to reinstall the pod and wait for readiness
reinstall_pod() {
    start_time=$(date +%s)

    kubectl delete pod $POD_NAME -n $NAMESPACE
    # Pod reinstall logic

    echo -n "Waiting for pod to be running and ready..."
    while true; do
        status=$(kubectl get pod $POD_NAME -n $NAMESPACE -o jsonpath="{.status.phase}")
        ready=$(kubectl get pod $POD_NAME -n $NAMESPACE -o jsonpath="{.status.conditions[?(@.type=='Ready')].status}")

        if [[ $status == "Running" && $ready == "True" ]]; then
            echo -n "Pod is running and ready, checking web page..."
            if check_web_page; then
                echo "Web page is available."
                echo -ne "\rWeb page not ready. Retrying..."
            echo -ne "\rWaiting for pod to be running and ready..."
        sleep 1

    end_time=$(date +%s)
    time_taken=$((end_time - start_time))
    echo "Time taken for pod and web page to be ready: $time_taken seconds"

# Main execution