Deploy Taranta on Docker

1. Install Docker on your machine

  • Install Docker if you don’t already have it.

  • To find if Docker is installed on your computer, type in a terminal: docker -v The output will either say which version of Docker is installed, or that docker is an unknown command.

  • If Docker is not there, point your browser to Get Docker and follow the instructions for installation.

2. Install Docker-Compose on your machine

  • Install Docker-Compose if you don’t already have it.

  • To find if Docker is installed on your computer, type in a terminal: docker-compose -v The output will either say which version of Docker-Compose is installed, or that docker-compose is an unknown command.

  • If Docker-Compose is not there, point your browser to Get Docker-Compose and follow the instructions for installation.

3. Once Docker and Docker-Compose are installed on your machine we will use Taranta Suite project to deploy Taranta Suite

git clone
cd taranta-suite
make run

This will clone all 4 taranta suite repos to your machine and build them using docker

git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
Creating taranta-suite_auth_1           ... done
Creating taranta-suite_traefik_1        ... done
Creating taranta-suite_mongodb_1        ... done
Creating taranta-suite_database_1       ... done
Creating taranta-suite_control-system_1 ... done
Creating taranta-suite_dashboards_1     ... done
Creating taranta-suite_tango-test_1     ... done
Creating taranta-suite_tangogql_1       ... done
Creating taranta-suite_taranta_1        ... done

After all this your should start seeing projects logs appearing on your console

4. Acess Taranta on browser