Release a tangoGQL image and chartΒΆ

  • 1: Create a new Issue on the Release Management Jira Project with a summary of your release

  • 2: Choose which bump version you want to use:

    • bump-major-release

    • bump-minor-release

    • bump-patch-release

    Run for example make bump-patch-release, if for example .release was 1.2.1 it will be moved to 1.2.2

  • 3: Run make helm-set-release this will set all charts to example 1.2.2 version

  • 4: Run make python-set-release this will set pyproject.toml to example 1.2.2 version

  • 5: Run make git-create-tag

    • Do you wish to continue (will commit outstanding changes) [N/y]: y

    • Tell me your Jira Ticket ID (REL-999): REL-1234

  • 6: make git-push-tag