Projects by Area
Gitlab repository
Gitlab repository
Gitlab repository
[Deprecated] SKAMPI repository: the SKA MVP Integration project. Contains helm charts and automation for deployment.
Central Signal Processor Local Monitoring and Control repository CSP monitoring and control functionality for both SKA MID and LOW telescopes.
SKA Dish LMC repository: Dish local monitoring and control functionality for SKA MID telescope.
Pulsar Search Pipeline repository code for the Pulsar Search Subelement.
PSS test vector generator repository: allows generation of tests for Pulsar search.
PSS-CentOS-docker repository Allows PSS integration with skampi.
ska-low-mccs repository for the monitoring, control and calibration subsystem for the LOW telescope.
ska-sdp-config repository: interface for accessing Science Data Processor (SDP) configuration database.
ska-sdp-console repository: builds an image that can be used to launch a shell to connect to the SDP Configuration database.
ska-sdp-helmdeploy repository: SDP Helm deployment controller.
ska-sdp-helmdeploy-charts repository: charts for the SDP Helm deployer.
ska-sdp-integration repository integrates components of the Science Data Processor (SDP).
ska-sdp-lmc repository Tango device servers to control the SDP.
ska-sdp-opinterface repository SDP operator web interface.
ska-sdp-proccontrol repository: processing controller, allowing the SDP to control the execution of processing blocks.
ska-sdp-script repository SDP processing scripts.
ska-sdp-scripting repository: high-level interface for writing processing scripts.
ska-umbrellas repository: contains a minimal set of skampi charts for SKA MID and LOW.
tangogql project: for of an externl project to provide a GraphQL interface to Tango.
telescope-model project: library of data models shared between telescope elements.
Telescope Monitoring and Control (TMC)
TMC repositories
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Gitlab repository |
EDA repositories
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Gitlab repository |
Alarm Handler repository
Documentation |
Gitlab repository |