Data models and processing functions

The packages below contain the building blocks of SDP processing.

Memory Data Models

The repository provides a set of data models involved in radio astronomy visibility processing. The models are specifically meant to facilitate passing data between services and processing components within the SDP. They are mostly based on xarray.Dataset.

Processing Function Library

Contains low-level capabilities such as coordinate systems, Fourier Transforms, etc, implemented in C, C++, and CUDA (internal), with C interfaces. Eventually it will cover reference implementations of all important domain-specific algorithms needed for the SKA, optimised for SKA-specific processing use cases.

Python Processing Function Wrappers

Contains processing function wrappers and reference implementations for imaging, calibration, coordinate systems, etc, implemented in Python. It meant to allow low-level processing function libraries (e.g ska-sdp-func) to present high-level interfaces using ska-sdp-datamodel.