Use Vaults secrets in Kubernetes

Vault allows multiple ways of reading secrets - cli, the UI itself, GitLab or Kubernetes integrations - in order to give developers maximum flexibility while maintaining maximum security.


Vault Injector and Vault CSI Driver are currently deprecated in SKAO, their support will be terminated by Sprint #2 of PI 25.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to set up Vault and synchronise secrets in Kubernetes from Vault using the Vault Secrets Operator - VSO - which is a direct replacement of the previous solutions whith a much richer featureset.

We will cover:



Run all commands from a shell in ska-cicd-deploy-minikube repository as we are using parts of it for this tutorial

Deploy Vault into Minikube

The first step we need to do is to have a working Kubernetes cluster with Vault. It is already part of the ska-cicd-deploy-minikube repository but needs to be manually deployed:

Deploy the minikube cluster, Vault and VSO
make all # Deploy the minikube cluster

make vault-deploy
make vault-ui-url # port forward the Vault UI to the local machine

Verify that Vault was successfully deployed and that you can access it. It should be noted that if the shell is closed then the port-forwarding will be lost and so will the access to the UI. To regain it, simply run make vault-ui-url again.

Log in to the UI by using the token root.

Create test KV engine and configure Kubernetes cluster access

We need to create and populate a test KV engine:

Add test data to Vault
eval $(make vault-cli-config)

# Enable kv engine
vault secrets enable -path=test-kv kv-v2
vault secrets list

# Write data to the kv engine
vault kv put -mount=test-kv myservice/myapp username="admin" password="secretpassword"

# Read data from the kv engine
vault kv get test-kv/myservice/myapp

Now that we have a working Vault instance with test data, we need to configure the access from the Kubernetes cluster:

Integrate the cluster with Vault
make vault-k8s-integration

We can inspect the policy that this target created by doing:

Inspect the Kubernetes cluster Vault policy
eval $(make vault-cli-config)
vault policy read k8spolicy

Note that it doesn’t have access to our test-kv engine. We will need to address that later.

Deploy the Vault Secrets Operator

The next step is to deploy the Vault Secrets Operator followed by testing if the connection to Vault has been established:

Inspect VSO resources
make vault-deploy-secrets-operator

# Inspect the connection to Vault
kubectl get vaultconnection default -n vault -o jsonpath='{.status}'

# Inspect the connection to Vault
kubectl get vaultauth default -n vault -o jsonpath='{.status}'

Having achieved this we are able to start creating Kubernetes objects - VaultStaticSecret - that will synchronise Vault secrets into Kubernetes secrets.

Create a VaultStaticSecret resource

After setting up the access between Kubernetes and Vault and having VSO configured properly, it is time to create a VaultStaticSecret resource. This resource allows Kubernetes to fetch static secrets from Vault and use them within the cluster.

Here is an example of a VaultStaticSecret resource definition:

Create a VaultStaticSecret resource
kubectl apply -f - << EOF
kind: VaultStaticSecret
  name: test-secret
  namespace: default
  refreshAfter: 10s
  path: myservice/myapp
  type: kv-v2
  mount: test-kv
    name: myapp-secret
    create: true

Note that the destination is set to myapp-secret, which will be the Kubernetes secret created. We can check the status of our vault secret by doing:

Inspect the status of the VaultStaticSecret resource
kubectl describe vaultstaticsecret/test-secret

Which should output:

Inspect the status of the VaultStaticSecret resource
Type     Reason            Age   From               Message
----     ------            ----  ----               -------
Warning  VaultClientError  3s    VaultStaticSecret  Failed to read Vault secret: Error making API request.

Code: 403. Errors:

* 1 error occurred:
   * permission denied

As we mentioned earlier, the policy k8spolicy doesn’t provide access to our new KV engine, so we need to address that:

Fix Kubernetes cluster auth policy
eval $(make vault-cli-config)
vault policy read k8spolicy >> /tmp/k8spolicy.hcl
cat <<EOF >> /tmp/k8spolicy.hcl
# Permissions for our test kv engine
path "test-kv/*" {
  capabilities = ["read", "list"]
vault policy write k8spolicy /tmp/k8spolicy.hcl
rm /tmp/k8spolicy.hcl

Once this policy update is applied we can describe our vaultstaticsecret/test-secret again:

Inspect VaultStaticSecret resource status
   Last Generation:  2
   Secret MAC:       bZM+H43B61LyiLqeeNQokhDVxfwnyjVNmeOCz9NFZGc=
   Type    Reason         Age   From               Message
   ----    ------         ----  ----               -------
   Normal  SecretSynced   2s    VaultStaticSecret  Secret synced
   Normal  SecretRotated  2s    VaultStaticSecret  Secret synced

As soon as authentication to Vault is in place and the role VSO is using has the right set of permissions to access the secret, Vault was able to synchronise it.

To know more about policies, please visit Vault’s policy documentation

Transform secrets

You can verify that the secret was created in Kubernetes by running:

Inspect created Kubernetes Secret
kubectl get secret myapp-secret -o yaml

Note that the synchronised secret also has the .raw field, which contains the complete information on the Vault secret.

Decode Kubernetes Secret
kubectl get secret myapp-secret -o jsonpath='{.data._raw}' | base64 -d

Vault Secrets Operator introduces a transformation feature that allows for active manipulation of data thus enabling the creation of more complex data fields based on secret data. We can also exclude and/or include fields in the synchronisation.

Lets configure our VaultStaticSecret to exclude the .raw and password fields. Also, we want to add a field named basicAuth to be the basic authentication representation of the username and password:

Use tranformation to exclude fields and create a new field
kubectl apply -f - << EOF
kind: VaultStaticSecret
  name: test-secret
  namespace: default
  refreshAfter: 10s
  path: myservice/myapp
  type: kv-v2
  mount: test-kv
    name: myapp-secret
    create: true
    overwrite: true
    labels: secrets
      excludeRaw: true
        - password
          text: >-
            {{- b64enc (printf "%s:%s" (get .Secrets "username") (get .Secrets "password")) -}}

We can now see the password and .raw fields are no longer present. We can also validate the basicAuth field:

Inspect transformed secret
kubectl get secret myapp-secret -o yaml
kubectl get secret myapp-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.basicAuth}' | base64 -d | base64 -d

Automatic secret synchronisation

Picking up on the previous example, we can try changing the password in Vault, and see the synchronisation happening in real time. We can do that using a simple pod running a bash script. Note that in Kubernetes, secrets mounted as volumes are automatically updated, while environment variables are not:

Create pod that consumes the secret
kubectl apply -f - << EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: myapp-pod
    - name: myapp-container
      image: bash
      command: ["/usr/local/bin/bash", "-c"]
        - |
          while true;
            echo -e "\$counter | basicAuth=\$(cat /etc/myapp-secret/basicAuth | base64 -d)";
            sleep 1;
        - name: myapp-secret-volume
          mountPath: "/etc/myapp-secret"
          readOnly: true
    - name: myapp-secret-volume
        secretName: myapp-secret

Using three shells, one can observe the pod’s logs, the state of the secret and change the value in Vault:

Update the secret in Vault and monitor synchronisation
# Shell #1: Change value in Vault
eval $(make vault-cli-config)
vault kv put -mount=test-kv myservice/myapp username="<username>" password="<password>"

# Shell #2: Watch the secret
watch "kubectl get secret myapp-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.basicAuth}' | base64 -d | base64 -d"

# Shell #3: Watch logs
kubectl logs -f myapp-pod

You might notice that, even though the secret has been updated, it is not propagated right away to the pod. Depending on the cluster setup, this can take some minutes to happen.

Pinning a secret’s version

With Vault Secrets Operator and VaultStaticSecret, we can set the version field to use a specific version in Vault. This ensures that we are using consistent inputs and we can control when these secrets get updated.

Pinning a secret version
kubectl apply -f - << EOF
kind: VaultStaticSecret
  name: test-secret
  namespace: default
  refreshAfter: 10s
  path: myservice/myapp
  type: kv-v2
  mount: test-kv
  version: 3
    name: myapp-secret
    create: true
    overwrite: true
    labels: secrets
      excludeRaw: true
        - password
          text: >-
            {{- b64enc (printf "%s:%s" (get .Secrets "username") (get .Secrets "password")) -}}

Secrets live update and deployment rollout

To overcome the time it might take for the secret to update in the actual pod, we can use VaultStaticSecret rolloutRestartTargets to automatically roll out an update to a resource of type Deployment, DaemonSet, StatefulSet.

Together with VSO’s automatic synchronisation, this can be used to implement automatic secret rotation, for instance, to address leaked secrets.

Create deployment that consumes the secret
# Delete previous pod
kubectl delete pod myapp-pod

# Create deployment
kubectl apply -f - << EOF
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: myapp-deployment
  replicas: 1
      app: myapp
        app: myapp
        - name: myapp-container
          image: bash
          command: ["/usr/local/bin/bash", "-c"]
            - |
              while true;
                echo -e "\$counter | basicAuth=\$(cat /etc/myapp-secret/basicAuth | base64 -d)";
                sleep 1;
            - name: myapp-secret-volume
              mountPath: "/etc/myapp-secret"
              readOnly: true
        - name: myapp-secret-volume
            secretName: myapp-secret

Now, we can patch our VaultStaticSecret accordingly so that it does a rollout on our deployment upon an update of the secret:

Configure automatic rollout for deployment
kubectl apply -f - << EOF
kind: VaultStaticSecret
  name: test-secret
  namespace: default
  refreshAfter: 10s
  path: myservice/myapp
  type: kv-v2
  mount: test-kv
    - kind: Deployment
      name: myapp-deployment
    name: myapp-secret
    create: true
    overwrite: true
    labels: secrets
      excludeRaw: true
        - password
          text: >-
            {{- b64enc (printf "%s:%s" (get .Secrets "username") (get .Secrets "password")) -}}

Again, using two shells, we can observe the deployment’s logs and change the value in Vault. To facilitate seeing the logs of multiple pods in a deployment, we can use stern:

Update the secret in Vault and monitor synchronisation
# Shell #1: Change value in Vault
eval $(make vault-cli-config)
vault kv put -mount=test-kv myservice/myapp username="<username>" password="<password>"

# Shell #3: Watch logs
stern -l app=myapp -t --since 1m

As we can see, after a few seconds (at most the VaultStaticSecret’s refreshAfter) of us changing the secret in Vault, there is a new pod for our deployment getting created. This pod will have the latest contents of the secret.

Remember that, since we can mount secrets as volumes (essentially files) in pods, we can use Vault to inject full configuration files and automatically rotate workloads when those change.

Using secrets with TANGO Devices

Now that we’ve covered the essentials of setting up and working with Vault and Kubernetes in generic terms, we can cover how we can do it with TANGO Devices.

In SKAO deployments, ska-tango-util chart is used as a template chart to deploy all the required components of a TANGO device in Kubernetes, regardless of the use of the SKA Tango Operator. The deployment has the following stages:

  1. Configure the Device Server with the TANGO Database

  2. Wait for dependencies to start the Device Server

  3. Run the Device Server

With the SKA TANGO Operator enabled, the Operator itself takes care of the first two steps. If not, ska-tango-util will create - per Device Server - a Kubernetes job to handle the configuration and another to handle dependencies. The recommended way of deploying is using the operator, as it is does things optimally, severely improving the deployment’s reliability and reducing deployment times.

Typically, a chart with device servers is composed by:

├── Chart.yaml
├── data
│   ├── someDevice.yaml
│   └── ...
├── templates
│   ├── deviceservers.yaml

Where the templates/deviceservers.yaml will use the templates in ska-tango-util to generate the Kubernetes resources required to run a Device Server. In the data directory, we find the definitions of the device servers themselves. Lets look at an example device server:

Configure TANGO device to read secret from Vault
instances: ["test"]
  - name: "someclass.SomeClass"
    path: "/app/src/"
    - name: "test"
      - name: "SomeClass"
        - name: "test/someclass/1"
          - name: "deviceProperty"
            - "test"
  - name: "SomeClass"
      - name: "aClassProperty"
        values: ["10", "20"]
      - name: "anotherClassProperty"
        values: ["test", "test2"]
- secretPath: dev/skao-team-system/vault-tutorial
  - secretKey: env
    envName: TEST
    default: "minikube-case"

We can add a secrets entry per device server, letting you inject secret keys in Vault as environment variables in the Device Server. We can also set the transform field. Note that we need to add the transformation expression as {{`<transformation expression>`}} so that Helm doesn’t template it:

Adding a secret with transformation
- secretPath: dev/skao-team-system/vault-tutorial
  - secretKey: env
    envName: TEST
    default: "minikube-case"
    transform: >-
      {{`{{ printf "some-secret: %s" (get .Secrets "test_key") }}`}}

In the future, we expect to provide more functionality, such as allowing to mount secrets as files or specifying the secret version in Vault. Please refer to the TANGO examples for up-to-date and more in depth examples.