This project implements the Pulsar Timing Signal Processor (PST) of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). It provides the umbrella helm chart that integrates the CORE components of PST (SMRB, RECV, DSP, and STAT) with the Local Monitoring and Control (LMC) component This helm chart also launches the SEND process that autonomously moves PST output data to persistent storage and updates the Data Product Dashboard.

This project includes a number of system integration tests and provides documentation for integrating and using PST.

Current Capability

The current release of PST (ska-pst 0.11.0) implements the following capabilities:

  • Data Acquisition – capture the tied-array voltages from the correlator beam former (CBF) and write them to a ring buffer in shared memory

  • Data Quality Statistics – periodically output diagnostic statistical summaries of the tied-array voltages in the ring buffer

  • Voltage Recorder – record the tied-array voltages from the CBF to file

  • File Transfer – transfer recorded voltage files to a persistent volume shared with the Science Data Processor (SDP) and make them available in the Data Product Dashboard
