Overriding Parameters


The following example shows how to download the default ska-pst Helm chart values from the SKAO nexus.

# Add the SKAO helm repository
helm repo add skao https://artefact.skao.int/repository/helm-internal

# Search the repository for ska-pst chart
helm search repo skao/ska-pst

# Store default values to file
helm show values skao/ska-pst > values.yaml

The values.yaml file can be modified as needed and then validated using one of the two following methods. If using the SKA makefile machinery,

make k8s-template-chart

Alternatively, using Helm,

helm template skao/ska-pst


First, set the KUBE_NAMESPACE and KUBE_APP environment variables.

# Declare k8s namespace
# Declare the chart to deploy (default chart is `test-parent`)
export K8S_CHART=ska-pst
# Declare target application for wait
export KUBE_APP=ska-pst-lmc

Then, if using the SKA makefile machinery,

# Install using overrides
make K8S_CHART_VALUES="value.yaml" k8s-install-chart

# Wait for pods to be in a ready or completed state (optional)
make k8s-wait

Alternatively, using Helm

# Install using overrides
helm install --values=value.yaml --generate-name skao/ska-pst

# Wait for pods to be in a ready or completed state (optional)
kubectl -n ${KUBE_NAMESPACE} wait pod --for=condition=ready -l app=${KUBE_APP} --timeout=360s