SKA PST DSP Applications


The implementation of the DSP.DISK software component for the Pulsar Timing product. This application is used to write the data streams to disk as part of the AA0.5 PST Voltage Recorder. By default the data streams will be written to sub-directories in /tmp, unless the option is overridden via the -d option. Note that the O_DIRECT option will use raw/direct I/O to the file system to bypass kernel buffering but should only be used on local file system’s that support it.

Usage: ska_pst_dsp_disk [options]
Create DSP Disk Recorder from the configuration file or via control command.
Quit with CTRL+C.

    -d path     write output files to the recording path [default /tmp]
    -f config   ascii file containing observation configuration
    -h          print this help text
    -v          verbose output
    -o          use O_DIRECT for I/O transactions


The implementation of the DSP.FT software component for the Pulsar Timing product. This application is used to resample incoming complex voltage data and write the output to configurable output directory. By default the data streams will be written to sub-directories in /tmp, unless the option is overridden via the -d option. Note that the O_DIRECT option will use raw/direct I/O to the file system to bypass kernel buffering but should only be used on local file system’s that support it.

Usage: ska_pst_dsp_ft [options]
Execute DSP Flow Through from the configuration file or via control command.
Quit with CTRL+C.

    -c port     port on which to accept control commands
    -d path     write output files to the recording path [default /tmp]
    -f config   ascii file containing observation configuration
    -h          print this help text
    -v          verbose output
    -o          use O_DIRECT for I/O transactions


Tests the write performance of the FileWriter class when writing data from a ring buffer to the file system provided in the -d argument. The configuration options support

Usage: ska_pst_dsp_disk_perftest [options] config

config      ascii file containing observation configuration
-d path     write files to path [default /tmp]
-h          print this help text
-l nsecs    generate data stream for nsecs [default 30]
-o          use O_DIRECT for file output
-v          verbose output


Test the monitoring functions of the DiskMonitor class when monitoring a file system provided by the -d option.

Usage: ska_pst_dsp_disk_monitor [options] config
Monitor the file system specified in the configuration file and report the disk available statistics. Quit with CTRL+C.

config      ascii file containing observation configuration
-d path     recording base path to monitor [default /tmp]
-h          print this help text
-v          verbose output


Generate data and weights data streams, write a pseudo-random sequence to the data and weights shared-memory ring buffers defined in the config file. The configuration file must contain ascii key/value pairs that include the following parameters:

  • DATA_KEY 4-character hexidemical key for the PSRDADA ring buffer defining the data stream

  • WEIGHTS_KEY 4-character hexidemical key for the PSRDADA ring buffer defining the weights stream

  • NCHAN Number of channels

  • NBIT Number of bits per sample

  • NDIM Number of dimensions (1=real, 2=complex)

  • NSAMP_PP Number of samples per packet/weight

  • TSAMP Sampling interval in microseconds

Usage: ska_pst_dsp_disk_rand_generate [options] config

config      ascii file containing observation configuration
-h          print this help text
-l nsecs    generate data stream for nsecs [default 15]
-v          verbose output


Validate a data file written by ska_pst_dsp_disk against a predictable pseudo-random sequence. The unsigned 8-bit integer sequence is seeded using the unix epoch of the UTC_START header attribute, with the position in the sequence determined by the byte-offset from the start of the data stream.

Usage: ska_pst_dsp_disk_rand_validate [options] data_file

data_file   raw data file that will be validated against the pseudo-random sequence
-h          print this help text
-v          verbose output


Unpack the timeseries in a data and weights file to produce a denormalised time series. The application will print the frequency channel at which the maximum power is detected. Optionally dump the integrated bandpass to binary file for plotting in matplotlab.

Usage: ska_pst_dsp_disk_sine_analyse [options] data_file weights_file

data_file     raw data file that will be validated against the pseudo-random sequence
weights_file  weights file containing scale and weights corresponding to the data file
-o output     write bandpass to output file raw/binary FP ordered file
-h            print this help text
-v            verbose output

The following python code can plot the contents of the bandpass output file:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plot

fptr = open("output_file.raw", "rb")
nchan = np.fromfile(fptr, dtype=np.uint32, count=1)[0]
npol = np.fromfile(fptr, dtype=np.uint32, count=1)[0]

fig, axs = plt.subplots(int(npol), 1)
fig.suptitle(f"Bandpass of {nchan} channels with {npol} polarisations")

x_axis = np.fromfile(fptr, dtype=np.float32, count=nchan)
for ipol in range(npol):
    y_axis = np.fromfile(fptr, dtype=np.float32, count=nchan
    axs[ipol].plot(x_axis, y_axis[ipol])
    axs[ipol].set_title(f"Polarisation {ipol}")
plt.xlabel("Frequency [MHz]")


Read a data and weights file from disk and write an unpacked file to disk. The unpacked_file will be written in 32-bit floating point PSRDADA format in Time, Frequency, Polarisation ordering, which will allow it to be read by the default FloatUnpacker class of DSPSR.

Usage: ska_pst_dsp_disk_data_unpack [options] data_file weights_file output_dir

data_file     raw data file containing packed data samples
weights_file  weights file containing scale and weights corresponding to the data file
output_dir    directory to write the unpacked file
-h            print this help text
-o            use O_DIRECT for writing file output
-v            verbose output