

To run the PST requires Kubernetes and the Helm package manager. You might also need to obtain cluster access credentials.

In order to better use TANGO-controls in Kubernetes, PST employs the ska-tango-operator to extend Kubernetes with a Custom Resource Definition and a Controller. To install the ska-tango-operator

git clone --recursive
cd ska-tango-operator
make k8s-install-chart

On bare-metal clusters (like minikube and Docker Desktop) it may also be necessary to install the MetalLB Load Balancer as described in the Installation instructions.

If using minikube or Docker Desktop, it may also be necessary to enable some storage class emulators (for nfs, nfss1, block, and bds1); this can be done by downloading sc.yaml.

For minikube, run

kubectl apply -f sc.yaml

For Docker Desktop, run

sed -e 's|||g' sc.yaml > ddsc.yaml
kubectl apply -f ddsc.yaml

External Access

To access the Data Product Dashboard or JupyterLab instances that are deployed with the PST test-parent chart, it may be necessary to install the Ingress NGINX Controller as described in the Installation Guide.

Further Help

For more information about the required utilities, please use the following links: