Source code for ska_mid_cbf_mcs.talon_lru.talon_lru_device

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the TalonLRU project
# Distributed under the terms of the GPL license.
# See LICENSE.txt for more info.

TANGO device class for controlling and monitoring a Talon LRU.

from __future__ import annotations

from threading import Lock
from typing import Any, Optional, Tuple

# tango imports
import tango
from ska_tango_base import SKABaseDevice
from ska_tango_base.commands import ResultCode
from ska_tango_base.control_model import PowerMode, SimulationMode
from tango import AttrWriteType
from tango.server import attribute, device_property, run

from ska_mid_cbf_mcs.component.component_manager import CommunicationStatus

# Additional import
# PROTECTED REGION ID(TalonLRU.additionnal_import) ENABLED START #
from ska_mid_cbf_mcs.talon_lru.talon_lru_component_manager import (

# PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TalonLRU.additionnal_import

__all__ = ["TalonLRU", "main"]

[docs]class TalonLRU(SKABaseDevice): """ TANGO device class for controlling and monitoring a Talon LRU. """ # PROTECTED REGION ID(TalonLRU.class_variable) ENABLED START # # PROTECTED REGION END # // TalonLRU.class_variable # ----------------- # Device Properties # ----------------- TalonDxBoard1 = device_property(dtype="str") TalonDxBoard2 = device_property(dtype="str") PDU1 = device_property(dtype="str") PDU1PowerOutlet = device_property(dtype="str") PDU2 = device_property(dtype="str") PDU2PowerOutlet = device_property(dtype="str") PDUCommandTimeout = device_property(dtype="str") # ---------- # Attributes # ---------- LRUPowerMode = attribute( dtype="uint16", doc="Power mode of the Talon LRU", ) simulationMode = attribute( dtype=SimulationMode, access=AttrWriteType.READ_WRITE, memorized=True, hw_memorized=True, doc="Reports the simulation mode of the device. \nSome devices may implement " "both modes, while others will have simulators that set simulationMode " "to True while the real devices always set simulationMode to False.", ) # --------------- # General methods # ---------------
[docs] def always_executed_hook(self: TalonLRU) -> None: """ Hook to be executed before any attribute access or command. """
# PROTECTED REGION ID(TalonLRU.always_executed_hook) ENABLED START # # PROTECTED REGION END # // TalonLRU.always_executed_hook
[docs] def delete_device(self: TalonLRU) -> None: """ Uninitialize the device. """
# PROTECTED REGION ID(TalonLRU.delete_device) ENABLED START # # PROTECTED REGION END # // TalonLRU.delete_device
[docs] def init_command_objects(self: TalonLRU) -> None: """ Sets up the command objects. """ super().init_command_objects() device_args = (self, self.op_state_model, self.logger) self.register_command_object("On", self.OnCommand(*device_args)) self.register_command_object("Off", self.OffCommand(*device_args))
# ------------------ # Attributes methods # ------------------
[docs] def read_LRUPowerMode(self: TalonLRU) -> PowerMode: """ Read the power mode of the LRU by checking the power mode of the PDUs. :return: Power mode of the LRU. """ self.component_manager.check_power_mode(self.get_state()) if ( self.component_manager.pdu1_power_mode == PowerMode.ON or self.component_manager.pdu2_power_mode == PowerMode.ON ): return PowerMode.ON elif ( self.component_manager.pdu1_power_mode == PowerMode.OFF and self.component_manager.pdu2_power_mode == PowerMode.OFF ): return PowerMode.OFF else: return PowerMode.UNKNOWN
[docs] def write_simulationMode(self: TalonLRU, value: SimulationMode) -> None: """ Write the simulation mode to the component manager. """ super().write_simulationMode(value) self.component_manager.simulation_mode = value
# ---------- # Callbacks # ---------- def _communication_status_changed( self: TalonLRU, communication_status: CommunicationStatus ) -> None: """ Handle change in communications status between component manager and component. This is a callback hook, called by the component manager when the communications status changes. It is implemented here to drive the op_state. :param communication_status: the status of communications between the component manager and its component. """ self._communication_status = communication_status if communication_status == CommunicationStatus.DISABLED: self.op_state_model.perform_action("component_disconnected") elif communication_status == CommunicationStatus.NOT_ESTABLISHED: self.op_state_model.perform_action("component_unknown") def _component_power_mode_changed( self: TalonLRU, power_mode: PowerMode ) -> None: """ Handle change in the power mode of the component. This is a callback hook, called by the component manager when the power mode of the component changes. It is implemented here to drive the op_state. :param power_mode: the power mode of the component. """ self._component_power_mode = power_mode if self._communication_status == CommunicationStatus.ESTABLISHED: action_map = { PowerMode.OFF: "component_off", PowerMode.STANDBY: "component_standby", PowerMode.ON: "component_on", PowerMode.UNKNOWN: "component_unknown", } self.op_state_model.perform_action(action_map[power_mode]) def _component_fault(self: TalonLRU, faulty: bool) -> None: """ Handle component fault """ if faulty: self.op_state_model.perform_action("component_fault") self.set_status( "The device is in FAULT state - one or both PDU outlets have incorrect power state." ) def _check_power_mode( self: TalonLRUComponentManager, fqdn: str = "", name: str = "", value: Any = None, quality: tango.AttrQuality = None, ) -> None: """ Get the power mode of both PDUs and check that it is consistent with the current device state. This is a callback that gets called whenever simulationMode changes in the power switch devices. """ with self._power_switch_lock: self.component_manager.check_power_mode(self.get_state()) # -------- # Commands # --------
[docs] def create_component_manager(self: TalonLRU) -> TalonLRUComponentManager: """ Create and return a component manager for this device. :return: a component manager for this device. """ self.logger.debug("Entering create_component_manager()") self._communication_status: Optional[CommunicationStatus] = None self._component_power_mode: Optional[PowerMode] = None return TalonLRUComponentManager( talons=[self.TalonDxBoard1, self.TalonDxBoard2], pdus=[self.PDU1, self.PDU2], pdu_outlets=[self.PDU1PowerOutlet, self.PDU2PowerOutlet], pdu_cmd_timeout=int(self.PDUCommandTimeout), logger=self.logger, push_change_event_callback=self.push_change_event, communication_status_changed_callback=self._communication_status_changed, component_power_mode_changed_callback=self._component_power_mode_changed, component_fault_callback=self._component_fault, check_power_mode_callback=self._check_power_mode, )
[docs] class InitCommand(SKABaseDevice.InitCommand): """ A class for the TalonLRU's init_device() "command". """
[docs] def do(self: TalonLRU.InitCommand) -> Tuple[ResultCode, str]: """ Stateless hook for device initialisation. Creates the device proxies to the power switch devices. :return: A Tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. """ (result_code, msg) = super().do() device = device._power_switch_lock = Lock() # Setting initial simulation mode to True device.write_simulationMode(SimulationMode.TRUE) # check power mode in case of fault during communication establishment # device.component_manager.check_power_mode(device.get_state()) return (result_code, msg)
[docs] class OnCommand(SKABaseDevice.OnCommand): """ The command class for the On command. Turn on both outlets that provide power to the LRU. Device is put into ON state if at least one outlet was successfully turned on. """
[docs] def do(self: TalonLRU.OnCommand) -> Tuple[ResultCode, str]: """ Implement On command functionality. :return: A Tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. """ device = with device._power_switch_lock: # Check that this command is still allowed since the # _check_power_mode_callback could have changed the state self.is_allowed() return device.component_manager.on()
[docs] class OffCommand(SKABaseDevice.OffCommand): """ The command class for the Off command. Turn off both outlets that provide power to the LRU. Device is put in the OFF state if both outlets were successfully turned off. """
[docs] def do(self: TalonLRU.OffCommand) -> Tuple[ResultCode, str]: """ Implement Off command functionality. :return: A Tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. """ device = with device._power_switch_lock: # Check that this command is still allowed since the # _check_power_mode_callback could have changed the state self.is_allowed() return
# ---------- # Run server # ---------- def main(args=None, **kwargs): # PROTECTED REGION ID(TalonLRU.main) ENABLED START # return run((TalonLRU,), args=args, **kwargs) # PROTECTED REGION END # // TalonLRU.main if __name__ == "__main__": main()