Source code for ska_mid_cbf_mcs.slim.slim_device

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Distributed under the terms of the GPL license.
# See LICENSE.txt for more info.

TANGO device class for controlling and monitoring the
Serial Lightweight Interconnect Mesh (SLIM)

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Optional

# tango imports
import tango
from ska_tango_base import SKABaseDevice
from ska_tango_base.commands import ResponseCommand, ResultCode
from ska_tango_base.control_model import HealthState, PowerMode, SimulationMode
from ska_tango_base.faults import StateModelError
from tango import AttrWriteType, DebugIt
from tango.server import attribute, command, device_property, run

from ska_mid_cbf_mcs.component.component_manager import CommunicationStatus
from ska_mid_cbf_mcs.slim.slim_component_manager import SlimComponentManager

__all__ = ["Slim", "main"]

[docs]class Slim(SKABaseDevice): """ TANGO device class for controlling and monitoring the SLIM """ # PROTECTED REGION ID(Slim.class_variable) ENABLED START # MAX_NUM_LINKS = 16 # AA 0.5 # PROTECTED REGION END # // Slim.class_variable # ----------------- # Device Properties # ----------------- Links = device_property(dtype=("str",)) # ---------- # Attributes # ---------- @attribute( dtype=str, label="Mesh configuration", doc="Mesh configuration in a YAML string. This is the string provided in Configure. Returns empty string if not already configured", ) def meshConfiguration(self: Slim) -> str: """ Returns the Mesh configuration in a YAML string. This is the string provided in Configure. Returns empty string if not already configured. :return: the Mesh configuration in a YAML string. """ res = self.component_manager.get_configuration_string() return res @attribute( dtype=(str,), max_dim_x=MAX_NUM_LINKS, label="Link FQDNs", doc="the Tango device FQDN of the active links.", ) def linkFQDNs(self: Slim) -> list[str]: """ Returns the Tango device FQDN of the active links. :return: a list of FQDNs. """ res = self.component_manager.get_link_fqdns() return res @attribute( dtype=(str,), max_dim_x=MAX_NUM_LINKS, label="Link Names", doc="Returns the names of the active links.", ) def linkNames(self: Slim) -> list[str]: """ Returns the names of the active links. :return: a list of link names. """ res = self.component_manager.get_link_names() return res @attribute( dtype=(HealthState,), max_dim_x=MAX_NUM_LINKS, label="Mesh health summary", doc="Returns a list with the health state of each link. True if OK. False if the link is in a bad state.", ) def healthSummary(self: Slim) -> list[HealthState]: """ Returns a list with the health state of each link. :return: a list of health states. """ res = self.component_manager.get_health_summary() return res @attribute( dtype=(float,), max_dim_x=MAX_NUM_LINKS, label="Bit error rate", doc="Returns the bit-error rate of each link in a list", ) def bitErrorRate(self: Slim) -> list[float]: """ Returns the bit-error rate of each link in a list. :return: the bit-error rate as a list of floats. """ res = self.component_manager.get_bit_error_rate() return res simulationMode = attribute( dtype=SimulationMode, access=AttrWriteType.READ_WRITE, memorized=True, doc="Reports the simulation mode of the device. \nSome devices may implement " "both modes, while others will have simulators that set simulationMode " "to True while the real devices always set simulationMode to False.", ) # --------------- # General methods # ---------------
[docs] def always_executed_hook(self: Slim) -> None: # PROTECTED REGION ID(Slim.always_executed_hook) ENABLED START # pass
# PROTECTED REGION END # // Slim.always_executed_hook
[docs] def delete_device(self: Slim) -> None: # PROTECTED REGION ID(Slim.delete_device) ENABLED START # pass
# PROTECTED REGION END # // Slim.delete_device
[docs] def init_command_objects(self: Slim) -> None: """ Sets up the command objects. """ super().init_command_objects() device_args = (self, self.logger) self.register_command_object( "Configure", self.ConfigureCommand(*device_args) ) self.register_command_object( "SlimTest", self.SlimTestCommand(*device_args), )
# -------- # Commands # --------
[docs] def create_component_manager(self: Slim) -> SlimComponentManager: """ Create and return a component manager for this device. :return: a component manager for this device. :rtype: SlimComponentManager """ self.logger.debug("Entering create_component_manager()") self._communication_status: Optional[CommunicationStatus] = None self._component_power_mode: Optional[PowerMode] = None # Simulation mode default true return SlimComponentManager( link_fqdns=self.Links, logger=self.logger, push_change_event_callback=self.push_change_event, communication_status_changed_callback=self._communication_status_changed, component_power_mode_changed_callback=self._component_power_mode_changed, component_fault_callback=self._component_fault, )
[docs] class InitCommand(SKABaseDevice.InitCommand): """ A class for the init_device() "command". """
[docs] def do(self: Slim.InitCommand) -> tuple[ResultCode, str]: """ Stateless hook for device initialisation. :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ (result_code, message) = super().do() device = device.write_simulationMode(True) return (result_code, message)
[docs] class OnCommand(SKABaseDevice.OnCommand): """ The command class for the On command. """
[docs] def do(self: Slim.OnCommand) -> tuple[ResultCode, str]: """ Implement On command functionality. :return: A Tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ component_manager = return component_manager.on()
[docs] class OffCommand(SKABaseDevice.OffCommand): """ The command class for the Off command. """
[docs] def do(self: Slim.OffCommand) -> tuple[ResultCode, str]: """ Implement Off command functionality. :return: A Tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ component_manager = return
[docs] class ConfigureCommand(ResponseCommand): """ The command class for the Configure command. """
[docs] def is_allowed(self: Slim.ConfigureCommand) -> bool: """ Determine if Configure is allowed (allowed when Devstate is ON). :return: if Configure is allowed :rtype: bool """ if == tango.DevState.ON: return True return False
[docs] def do( self: Slim.ConfigureCommand, argin: str ) -> tuple[ResultCode, str]: """ Configure command. Configures the SLIM as provided in the input string. :param argin: mesh configuration as a string in YAML format. :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ if self.is_allowed(): component_manager = (result_code, message) = component_manager.configure(argin) if result_code == ResultCode.OK:"Mesh Configure completed successfully") elif result_code == ResultCode.FAILED: self.logger.error(message) return (result_code, message) else: return ( ResultCode.FAILED, "Device is off. Failed to issue Configure command.", )
[docs] class SlimTestCommand(ResponseCommand): """ A command to test the mesh of SLIM Tx Rx Links """
[docs] def do(self: Slim.SlimTestCommand) -> tuple[ResultCode, str]: """ SLIM Test Command. Checks the BER and Health Status of the mesh with the already configured links. :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message contaiing a report on the health of the Mesh or error message if exception is caught. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ # shorten to cm to help fit the below two function call in one line cm = # Kicks off SLIM Test result_code, message = cm.slim_test() return (result_code, message)
[docs] @command( dtype_in="DevString", doc_in="mesh configuration as a string in YAML format", dtype_out="DevVarLongStringArray", doc_out="Tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating the status of the command.", ) @DebugIt() def Configure(self: Slim, argin: str) -> tango.DevVarLongStringArray: # PROTECTED REGION ID(Slim.Configure) ENABLED START # handler = self.get_command_object("Configure") return_code, message = handler(argin) return [[return_code], [message]]
# PROTECTED REGION END # // Slim.Configure
[docs] def is_SlimTest_allowed(self: Slim) -> bool: """ Determined if SlimTest is allowed (allowed when the Mesh is configured) Raises CommandError if DevState is not on and/or the Mesh has not been configured :return: if SlimTest is allowed :rtype: bool """ if self.get_state() == tango.DevState.ON: if self.component_manager.mesh_configured: return True else: raise StateModelError( "The SLIM must be configured before SlimTest can be called" ) return False
[docs] @command( dtype_out="DevVarLongStringArray", doc_out="Tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating the status of the command.", ) def SlimTest(self: Slim) -> None: handler = self.get_command_object("SlimTest") return_code, message = handler() return [[return_code], [message]]
# --------- # Callbacks # --------- def _communication_status_changed( self: Slim, communication_status: CommunicationStatus ) -> None: """ Handle change in communications status between component manager and component. This is a callback hook, called by the component manager when the communications status changes. It is implemented here to drive the op_state. :param communication_status: the status of communications between the component manager and its component. """ self._communication_status = communication_status if communication_status == CommunicationStatus.DISABLED: self.op_state_model.perform_action("component_disconnected") elif communication_status == CommunicationStatus.NOT_ESTABLISHED: self.op_state_model.perform_action("component_unknown") elif ( communication_status == CommunicationStatus.ESTABLISHED and self._component_power_mode is not None ): self._component_power_mode_changed(self._component_power_mode) else: # self._component_power_mode is None pass # wait for a power mode update def _component_power_mode_changed( self: Slim, power_mode: PowerMode ) -> None: """ Handle change in the power mode of the component. This is a callback hook, called by the component manager when the power mode of the component changes. It is implemented here to drive the op_state. :param power_mode: the power mode of the component. """ self._component_power_mode = power_mode if self._communication_status == CommunicationStatus.ESTABLISHED: action_map = { PowerMode.OFF: "component_off", PowerMode.STANDBY: "component_standby", PowerMode.ON: "component_on", PowerMode.UNKNOWN: "component_unknown", } self.op_state_model.perform_action(action_map[power_mode]) def _component_fault(self: Slim, faulty: bool) -> None: """ Handle component fault :param faulty: True if component is faulty. """ if faulty: self.op_state_model.perform_action("component_fault") self.set_status("The device is in FAULT state.") # ------------------ # Attributes methods # ------------------
[docs] def write_simulationMode(self: Slim, value: SimulationMode) -> None: """ Overrides the base class implementation. Additionally set the simulation mode of link devices to the same value. :param value: SimulationMode """"Writing simulationMode to {value}") super().write_simulationMode(value) self.component_manager._simulation_mode = value
[docs] def read_simulationMode(self: Slim) -> SimulationMode: """ Reads simulation mode. Overrides the base class implementation. """ return self.component_manager._simulation_mode
# ---------- # Run server # ---------- def main(args=None, **kwargs): # PROTECTED REGION ID(Slim.main) ENABLED START # return run((Slim,), args=args, **kwargs) # PROTECTED REGION END # // Slim.main if __name__ == "__main__": main()