Source code for ska_mid_cbf_mcs.power_switch.power_switch_driver

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the SKA Mid.CBF MCS project
# Distributed under the terms of the GPL license.
# See LICENSE.txt for more info.

# Copyright (c) 2019 National Research Council of Canada

from __future__ import annotations

import json
import logging
from typing import List

import requests
from jsonschema import validate
from jsonschema.exceptions import ValidationError
from requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict
from ska_tango_base.commands import ResultCode
from ska_tango_base.control_model import PowerMode

__all__ = ["PowerSwitchDriver"]

class Outlet:
    """Represents a single outlet in the power switch."""

    def __init__(
        self: Outlet, outlet_ID: str, outlet_name: str, power_mode: PowerMode
    ) -> None:
        Initialize a new instance.

        :param outlet_ID: ID of the outlet
        :param outlet_name: name of the outlet
        :param power_mode: current power mode of the outlet
        self.outlet_ID = outlet_ID
        self.outlet_name = outlet_name
        self.power_mode = power_mode

[docs]class PowerSwitchDriver: """ A driver for the DLI web power switch. :param protocol: Connection protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) for the power switch :param ip: IP address of the power switch :param login: Login username of the power switch :param password: Login password for the power switch :param content_type: The content type in the request header :param outlet_list_url: A portion of the URL to get the list of outlets :param outlet_state_url: A portion of the URL to get the outlet state :param outlet_control_url: A portion of the URL to turn on/off outlet :param turn_on_action: value to pass to request to turn on an outlet :param turn_off_action: value to pass to request to turn on an outlet :param state_on: value of the outlet's state when on :param state_off: value of the outlet's state when off :param outlet_schema_file: File name for the schema for a list of outlets :param outlet_id_list: List of Outlet IDs :param logger: a logger for this object to use """ query_timeout_s = 6 """Timeout in seconds used when waiting for a reply from the power switch""" def __init__( self: PowerSwitchDriver, protocol: str, ip: str, login: str, password: str, content_type: str, outlet_list_url: str, outlet_state_url: str, outlet_control_url: str, turn_on_action: str, turn_off_action: str, state_on: str, state_off: str, outlet_schema_file: str, outlet_id_list: List[str], logger: logging.Logger, ) -> None: """ Initialise a new instance. """ self.logger = logger # Initialize the various URLs for monitoring/controlling the power switch self.base_url = f"{protocol}://{ip}" self.outlet_list_url = f"{self.base_url}/{outlet_list_url}" self.outlet_state_url = f"{self.base_url}/{outlet_state_url}" self.outlet_control_url = f"{self.base_url}/{outlet_control_url}" # Initialize the login credentials self.login = login self.password = password # Initialize the request header self.content_type = content_type self.header = CaseInsensitiveDict() self.header["Accept"] = "application/json" self.header["X-CSRF"] = "x" self.header["Content-Type"] = f"{self.content_type}" # Initialize the value of the payload data to pass to # the request to turn on/off an outlet self.turn_on_action = turn_on_action self.turn_off_action = turn_off_action # Initialize the expected on/off values of the response # to the request to turn on/off an outlet self.state_on = state_on self.state_off = state_off # Initialize and populate the outlet_id_list as a list # of strings, not DevStrings self.outlet_id_list: List(str) = [] for item in outlet_id_list: self.outlet_id_list.append(item) # Initialize outlets self.outlets: List(Outlet) = [] # Initialize schema file self.outlet_schema_file = outlet_schema_file
[docs] def initialize(self: PowerSwitchDriver) -> None: """ Initializes any variables needed for further communication with the power switch. Should be called once before any of the other methods. """ self.outlets = self.get_outlet_list()
@property def num_outlets(self: PowerSwitchDriver) -> int: """ Get number of outlets present in this power switch. :return: number of outlets """ return len(self.outlets) @property def is_communicating(self: PowerSwitchDriver) -> bool: """ Returns whether or not the power switch can be communicated with. :return: whether the power switch is communicating """ try: response = requests.get( url=self.base_url, verify=False, headers=self.header, auth=(self.login, self.password), timeout=self.query_timeout_s, ) if response.status_code == return True else: self.logger.error( f"HTTP response error: {response.status_code}" ) return False except ( requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, ): self.logger.error("Failed to connect to power switch") return False
[docs] def get_outlet_power_mode( self: PowerSwitchDriver, outlet: str ) -> PowerMode: """ Get the power mode of a specific outlet. :param outlet: outlet ID :return: power mode of the outlet :raise AssertionError: if outlet ID is out of bounds :raise AssertionError: if outlet power mode is different than expected """ assert ( outlet in self.outlet_id_list ), f"Outlet ID {outlet} must be in the allowable outlet_id_list read in from the Config File" url = self.outlet_state_url.replace("{outlet}", outlet) outlet_idx = self.outlet_id_list.index(outlet) try: response = requests.get( url=url, verify=False, headers=self.header, auth=(self.login, self.password), timeout=self.query_timeout_s, ) if response.status_code in [,, ]: try: resp = response.json() state = str(resp["state"]) if state == self.state_on: power_mode = PowerMode.ON elif state == self.state_off: power_mode = PowerMode.OFF else: power_mode = PowerMode.UNKNOWN except IndexError: power_mode = PowerMode.UNKNOWN if power_mode != self.outlets[outlet_idx].power_mode: raise AssertionError( f"Power mode of outlet ID {outlet} ({power_mode})" f" is different than the expected mode {self.outlets[outlet_idx].power_mode}" ) return power_mode else: self.logger.error( f"HTTP response error: {response.status_code}" ) return PowerMode.UNKNOWN except ( requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, ): self.logger.error("Failed to connect to power switch") return PowerMode.UNKNOWN
[docs] def turn_on_outlet( self: PowerSwitchDriver, outlet: str ) -> tuple[ResultCode, str]: """ Tell the DLI power switch to turn on a specific outlet. :param outlet: outlet ID to turn on :return: a tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status :raise AssertionError: if outlet ID is out of bounds """ assert ( outlet in self.outlet_id_list ), f"Outlet ID {outlet} must be in the allowable outlet_id_list read in from the Config File" url = self.outlet_control_url.replace("{outlet}", outlet) data = self.turn_on_action outlet_idx = self.outlet_id_list.index(outlet) try: response = requests.patch( url=url, verify=False, data=data, headers=self.header, auth=(self.login, self.password), timeout=self.query_timeout_s, ) if response.status_code in [,, ]: self.outlets[outlet_idx].power_mode = PowerMode.ON return ResultCode.OK, f"Outlet {outlet} power on" else: self.logger.error( f"HTTP response error: {response.status_code}" ) return ResultCode.FAILED, "HTTP response error" except ( requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, ): self.logger.error("Failed to connect to power switch") return ResultCode.FAILED, "Connection error"
[docs] def turn_off_outlet( self: PowerSwitchDriver, outlet: str ) -> tuple[ResultCode, str]: """ Tell the DLI power switch to turn off a specific outlet. :param outlet: outlet ID to turn off :return: a tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status :raise AssertionError: if outlet ID is out of bounds """ assert ( outlet in self.outlet_id_list ), f"Outlet ID {outlet} must be in the allowable outlet_id_list read in from the Config File" url = self.outlet_control_url.replace("{outlet}", outlet) data = self.turn_off_action outlet_idx = self.outlet_id_list.index(outlet) try: response = requests.patch( url=url, verify=False, data=data, headers=self.header, auth=(self.login, self.password), timeout=self.query_timeout_s, ) if response.status_code in [,, ]: self.outlets[outlet_idx].power_mode = PowerMode.OFF return ResultCode.OK, f"Outlet {outlet} power off" else: self.logger.error( f"HTTP response error: {response.status_code}" ) return ResultCode.FAILED, "HTTP response error" except ( requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, ): self.logger.error("Failed to connect to power switch") return ResultCode.FAILED, "Connection error"
[docs] def get_outlet_list(self: PowerSwitchDriver) -> List(Outlet): """ Query the power switch for a list of outlets and get their name and current state. :return: list of all the outlets available in this power switch, or an empty list if there was an error """ # JSON schema of the response with open(self.outlet_schema_file, "r") as f: schema = json.loads( url = self.outlet_list_url try: response = requests.get( url=url, verify=False, headers=self.header, auth=(self.login, self.password), timeout=self.query_timeout_s, ) if response.status_code == # Validate the response has the expected format try: validate(instance=response.text, schema=schema) except ValidationError as e: self.logger.error(f"JSON validation error: {e}") return [] # Extract the outlet list outlets: List(Outlet) = [] resp_list = response.json() for idx, resp_dict in enumerate(resp_list): try: state = str(resp_dict["state"]) if state == self.state_on: power_mode = PowerMode.ON elif state == self.state_off: power_mode = PowerMode.OFF else: power_mode = PowerMode.UNKNOWN except IndexError: power_mode = PowerMode.UNKNOWN outlets.append( Outlet( outlet_ID=str(idx), outlet_name=resp_dict["name"], power_mode=power_mode, ) ) return outlets else: self.logger.error( f"HTTP response error: {response.status_code}" ) return [] except ( requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, ): self.logger.error("Failed to connect to power switch") return []