Source code for ska_mid_cbf_mcs.controller.talondx_component_manager

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the SKA Mid.CBF MCS project
# Distributed under the terms of the GPL license.
# See LICENSE.txt for more info.

# Copyright (c) 2019 National Research Council of Canada

from __future__ import annotations

import concurrent.futures
import json
import logging
import os
import time

import backoff
import tango
import yaml
from paramiko import AutoAddPolicy, SSHClient
from paramiko.ssh_exception import NoValidConnectionsError, SSHException
from scp import SCPClient, SCPException
from ska_tango_base.commands import ResultCode
from ska_tango_base.control_model import SimulationMode

from ska_mid_cbf_mcs.commons.global_enum import const
from ska_mid_cbf_mcs.device_proxy import CbfDeviceProxy

__all__ = ["TalonDxComponentManager"]

[docs]class TalonDxComponentManager: """ A component manager for the Talon-DX boards. Used to configure and start the Tango applications on the HPS of each board. """ def __init__( self: TalonDxComponentManager, talondx_config_path: str, hw_config_path: str, simulation_mode: SimulationMode, logger: logging.Logger, ) -> None: """ Initialise a new instance. :param talondx_config_path: path to the directory containing configuration files and artifacts for the Talon boards :param hw_config_path: path to the directory containing the hardware configuration file :param simulation_mode: simulation mode identifies if the real Talon boards or a simulator should be used; note that currently there is no simulator for the Talon boards, so the component manager does nothing when in simulation mode :param logger: a logger for this object to use """ self.talondx_config_path = talondx_config_path self._hw_config_path = hw_config_path self.simulation_mode = simulation_mode self.logger = logger self._hw_config = {} self.talondx_config = {} self.proxies = {}
[docs] def configure_talons(self: TalonDxComponentManager) -> ResultCode: """ Performs all actions to configure the Talon boards after power on and start the HPS device servers. This includes: copying the device server binaries and FPGA bitstream to the Talon boards, starting the HPS master device server and sending the configure command to each DsHpsMaster. :return: ResultCode.FAILED if any operations failed, else ResultCode.OK """ # TODO Simulation mode does not do anything yet if self.simulation_mode == SimulationMode.TRUE: return ResultCode.OK if self._read_config() == ResultCode.FAILED: return ResultCode.FAILED if self._setup_tango_host_file() == ResultCode.FAILED: return ResultCode.FAILED with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: futures = [ executor.submit(self._configure_talon_thread, talon_cfg) for talon_cfg in self.talondx_config["config_commands"] ] results = [f.result() for f in futures] if any(r[0] == ResultCode.FAILED for r in results): self.logger.error(f"Talon configure thread results: {results}") return ResultCode.FAILED return ResultCode.OK
[docs] def _read_config(self: TalonDxComponentManager) -> ResultCode: """ Read in the configuration files for the Talon boards and the hardware :return: ResultCode.FAILED if any operations failed, else ResultCode.OK """ try: talondx_config_path = ( f"{self.talondx_config_path}/talondx-config.json" ) with open(talondx_config_path) as json_fd: self.talondx_config = json.load(json_fd) with open(self._hw_config_path) as yaml_fd: self._hw_config = yaml.safe_load(yaml_fd) return ResultCode.OK except IOError as e: self.logger.error(e) return ResultCode.FAILED
[docs] def _configure_talon_thread( self: TalonDxComponentManager, talon_cfg ) -> tuple(ResultCode, str): if self._clear_talon(talon_cfg) == ResultCode.FAILED: return (ResultCode.FAILED, "_clear_talon FAILED") if self._configure_talon_networking(talon_cfg) == ResultCode.FAILED: return (ResultCode.FAILED, "_configure_talon_networking FAILED") if self._copy_binaries_and_bitstream(talon_cfg) == ResultCode.FAILED: return (ResultCode.FAILED, "_copy_binaries_and_bitstream FAILED") if self._start_hps_master(talon_cfg) == ResultCode.FAILED: return (ResultCode.FAILED, "_start_hps_master FAILED") if ( self._create_hps_master_device_proxies(talon_cfg) == ResultCode.FAILED ): return ( ResultCode.FAILED, "_create_hps_master_device_proxies FAILED", ) if self._configure_hps_master(talon_cfg) == ResultCode.FAILED: return (ResultCode.FAILED, "_configure_hps_master FAILED") target = talon_cfg["target"]"Completed configuring talon board {target}") return (ResultCode.OK, "_configure_talon_thread completed OK")
[docs] def _setup_tango_host_file( self: TalonDxComponentManager, ) -> None: """ Copy the file from mnt into mnt/talondx-config :return: ResultCode.OK if all artifacts were copied successfully, otherwise ResultCode.FAILED """ with open("") as hps_master_file_tmp: namespace = os.getenv("NAMESPACE") tango_host = os.getenv("TANGO_HOST").split(":") cluster_domain = os.getenv("CLUSTER_DOMAIN") db_service_name = tango_host[0].split(".")[0] port = tango_host[1] hostname = f"{db_service_name}.{namespace}.svc.{cluster_domain}" replaced_text = "<hostname>:<port>", f"{hostname}:{port}" ) with open("", "w") as hps_master_file: hps_master_file.write(replaced_text)
[docs] def _secure_copy( self: TalonDxComponentManager, ssh_client: SSHClient, src: str, dest: str, ) -> None: """ Execute a secure file copy to the specified target address. :param ssh_client: SSH client for the Talon board we are trying to SCP to :param src: Source file path :param dest: Destination file path :raise SCPException: if the file copy fails """ with SCPClient(ssh_client.get_transport()) as scp_client: scp_client.put(src, remote_path=dest)
[docs] def _configure_talon_networking( self: TalonDxComponentManager, talon_cfg ) -> ResultCode: """ Configure the networking of the boards including DNS nameserver and ifconfig for default gateway :return: ResultCode.OK if all artifacts were copied successfully, otherwise ResultCode.FAILED """ ret = ResultCode.OK try: target = talon_cfg["target"] ip = self._hw_config["talon_board"][target] # timeout for the first attempt at SSH connection # to the Talon boards after boot-up talon_first_connect_timeout = talon_cfg[ "talon_first_connect_timeout" ] f"Copying FPGA bitstream and HPS binaries to {target}" ) with SSHClient() as ssh_client: @backoff.on_exception( backoff.expo, NoValidConnectionsError, max_value=3, max_time=talon_first_connect_timeout, ) def make_first_connect(ip: str, ssh_client: SSHClient) -> None: """ Attempts to connect to the Talon board for the first time after power-on. :param ip: IP address of the board :param ssh_client: SSH client to use for connection """ ssh_client.connect(ip, username="root", password="") ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(AutoAddPolicy()) make_first_connect(ip, ssh_client) environment = os.getenv("ENVIRONMENT") host_ip = os.getenv("MINIKUBE_HOST_IP") if environment == "minikube": ssh_chan = ssh_client.get_transport().open_session() ssh_chan.exec_command( f"ip route add default via {host_ip} dev eth0" ) exit_status = ssh_chan.recv_exit_status() if exit_status != 0: self.logger.error( f"Error configuring default ip gateway: {exit_status}" ) ret = ResultCode.FAILED except NoValidConnectionsError as e: self.logger.error(f"{e}") self.logger.error( f"NoValidConnectionsError while connecting to {target}" ) ret = ResultCode.FAILED except SSHException as e: self.logger.error(f"{e}") self.logger.error(f"SSHException while talking to {target}") ret = ResultCode.FAILED except yaml.YAMLError as e: self.logger.error(f"{e}") self.logger.error(f"YAMLError with target {target}") ret = ResultCode.FAILED return ret
[docs] def _copy_binaries_and_bitstream( self: TalonDxComponentManager, talon_cfg ) -> ResultCode: """ Copy the relevant device server binaries and FPGA bitstream to each Talon board. :return: ResultCode.OK if all artifacts were copied successfully, otherwise ResultCode.FAILED """ ret = ResultCode.OK try: target = talon_cfg["target"] ip = self._hw_config["talon_board"][target] # timeout for the first attempt at SSH connection # to the Talon boards after boot-up talon_first_connect_timeout = talon_cfg[ "talon_first_connect_timeout" ] f"Copying FPGA bitstream and HPS binaries to {target}" ) with SSHClient() as ssh_client: @backoff.on_exception( backoff.expo, NoValidConnectionsError, max_time=talon_first_connect_timeout, ) def make_first_connect(ip: str, ssh_client: SSHClient) -> None: """ Attempts to connect to the Talon board for the first time after power-on. :param ip: IP address of the board :param ssh_client: SSH client to use for connection """ ssh_client.connect(ip, username="root", password="") ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(AutoAddPolicy()) make_first_connect(ip, ssh_client) ssh_chan = ssh_client.get_transport().open_session() # Make the DS binaries directory src_dir = f"{self.talondx_config_path}" dest_dir = talon_cfg["ds_path"] ssh_chan.exec_command(f"mkdir -p {dest_dir}") exit_status = ssh_chan.recv_exit_status() if exit_status != 0: self.logger.error( f"Error creating directory {dest_dir} on {target}: {exit_status}" ) return ResultCode.FAILED # Copy the HPS master binary self._secure_copy( ssh_client=ssh_client, src=f"{src_dir}/dshpsmaster/bin/dshpsmaster", dest="/lib/firmware/hps_software", ) # Copy HPS master run script self._secure_copy( ssh_client=ssh_client, src="", dest="/lib/firmware/hps_software", ) # Clear the existing DS binaries from dest dir ssh_chan = ssh_client.get_transport().open_session() ssh_chan.exec_command(f"rm -f {dest_dir}/*") exit_status = ssh_chan.recv_exit_status() if exit_status != 0: self.logger.error( f"Error deleting ds binaries from {dest_dir}: {exit_status}" ) return ResultCode.FAILED # Copy the remaining DS binaries for binary_name in talon_cfg["devices"]: self._secure_copy( ssh_client=ssh_client, src=f"{src_dir}/{binary_name}/bin/{binary_name}", dest=dest_dir, ) # Copy the FPGA bitstream dest_dir = talon_cfg["fpga_path"] ssh_chan = ssh_client.get_transport().open_session() ssh_chan.exec_command(f"mkdir -p {dest_dir}") exit_status = ssh_chan.recv_exit_status() if exit_status != 0: self.logger.error( f"Error creating directory {dest_dir} on {target}: {exit_status}" ) return ResultCode.FAILED fpga_dtb_name = talon_cfg["fpga_dtb_name"] self._secure_copy( ssh_client=ssh_client, src=f"{src_dir}/fpga-talon/bin/{fpga_dtb_name}", dest=dest_dir, ) fpga_rbf_name = talon_cfg["fpga_rbf_name"] self._secure_copy( ssh_client=ssh_client, src=f"{src_dir}/fpga-talon/bin/{fpga_rbf_name}", dest=dest_dir, ) except NoValidConnectionsError as e: self.logger.error(f"{e}") self.logger.error( f"NoValidConnectionsError while connecting to {target}" ) ret = ResultCode.FAILED except SSHException as e: self.logger.error(f"{e}") self.logger.error(f"SSHException while talking to {target}") ret = ResultCode.FAILED except SCPException as e: self.logger.error(f"{e}") self.logger.error(f"Failed to copy file to {target}") ret = ResultCode.FAILED except FileNotFoundError as e: self.logger.error(f"{e}") self.logger.error( f"Failed to copy file {e.filename}, file does not exist" ) ret = ResultCode.FAILED except yaml.YAMLError as e: self.logger.error(f"YAMLError with target {target}; {e}") ret = ResultCode.FAILED return ret
[docs] def _start_hps_master( self: TalonDxComponentManager, talon_cfg ) -> ResultCode: """ Start the DsHpsMaster on each Talon board. :return: ResultCode.OK if all HPS masters were started successfully, otherwise ResultCode.FAILED """ ret = ResultCode.OK talon = talon_cfg["target"] ip = self._hw_config["talon_board"][talon] target = f"root@{ip}" inst = talon_cfg["server_instance"]"Starting HPS Master on talon board {talon}") try: with SSHClient() as ssh_client: ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(AutoAddPolicy()) ssh_client.connect(ip, username="root", password="") ssh_chan = ssh_client.get_transport().open_session() ssh_chan.exec_command( f"sh /lib/firmware/hps_software/ {inst}" ) exit_status = ssh_chan.recv_exit_status() if exit_status != 0: self.logger.error( f"Error starting HPS master on {target}: {exit_status}" ) ret = ResultCode.FAILED except NoValidConnectionsError: self.logger.error( f"NoValidConnectionsError while connecting to {target}" ) ret = ResultCode.FAILED except SSHException: self.logger.error(f"SSHException while talking to {target}") ret = ResultCode.FAILED return ret
[docs] def _create_hps_master_device_proxies( self: TalonDxComponentManager, talon_cfg ) -> ResultCode: """ Attempt to create a device proxy to each DsHpsMaster device. :return: ResultCode.OK if all proxies were created successfully, otherwise ResultCode.FAILED """ # Create device proxies for the HPS master devices ret = ResultCode.OK fqdn = talon_cfg["ds_hps_master_fqdn"]"Trying connection to {fqdn} device") try: self.proxies[fqdn] = CbfDeviceProxy(fqdn=fqdn, logger=self.logger) except tango.DevFailed as df: for item in df.args: self.logger.error( f"Failed connection to {fqdn} device: {item.reason}" ) ret = ResultCode.FAILED return ret
[docs] def _configure_hps_master( self: TalonDxComponentManager, talon_cfg ) -> ResultCode: """ Send the configure command to all the DsHpsMaster devices. :return: ResultCode.OK if all configure commands were sent successfully, otherwise ResultCode.FAILED """ ret = ResultCode.OK hps_master_fqdn = talon_cfg["ds_hps_master_fqdn"] hps_master = self.proxies[hps_master_fqdn] # Wait for HPS Master ping_ok = False for i in range(6): try: ping_ok = True break except tango.DevFailed: # TODO handle unstarted HPS master time.sleep(5) if not ping_ok: self.logger.error(f"Timeout trying to ping {hps_master_fqdn}.") return ResultCode.FAILED"Sending configure command to {hps_master_fqdn}") try: hps_master.set_timeout_millis(60000) cmd_ret = hps_master.configure(json.dumps(talon_cfg)) if cmd_ret != 0: self.logger.error( f"Configure command for {hps_master_fqdn}" f" device failed with error code {cmd_ret}" ) ret = ResultCode.FAILED except tango.DevFailed as df: for item in df.args: self.logger.error( f"Exception while sending configure command" f" to {hps_master_fqdn} device: {str(item.reason)}" ) ret = ResultCode.FAILED return ret
[docs] def _clear_talon(self: TalonDxComponentManager, talon_cfg) -> ResultCode: """ Clear the Talon board by sending a script to the Talon that kills all device processes :return: ResultCode.OK if script was sent successfully, otherwise ResultCode.FAILED """ ret = ResultCode.OK target = talon_cfg["target"] ip = self._hw_config["talon_board"][target] talon_first_connect_timeout = talon_cfg["talon_first_connect_timeout"] kill_script = self._generate_kill_script(talon_cfg) try: with SSHClient() as ssh_client: @backoff.on_exception( backoff.expo, (NoValidConnectionsError, SSHException), max_value=3, max_time=talon_first_connect_timeout, ) def make_first_connect(ip: str, ssh_client: SSHClient) -> None: """ Attempts to connect to the Talon board for the first time after power-on or reboot. :param ip: IP address of the board :param ssh_client: SSH client to use for connection """ ssh_client.connect(ip, username="root", password="")"Clearing Talon board {target}") ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(AutoAddPolicy()) make_first_connect(ip, ssh_client) ssh_chan = ssh_client.get_transport().open_session() ssh_chan.exec_command(kill_script) time.sleep(const.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) except NoValidConnectionsError as e: self.logger.error(f"{e}") self.logger.error( f"NoValidConnectionsError while initially connecting to {target}" ) ret = ResultCode.FAILED except SSHException as e: self.logger.error(f"{e}") self.logger.error(f"SSHException while talking to {target}") ret = ResultCode.FAILED return ret
[docs] def _generate_kill_script(self: TalonDxComponentManager, talon_cfg) -> str: """ Generate a script to kill all device processes on the Talon board :return: the script to kill all device processes """ talon_devices = talon_cfg["devices"] + ["dshpsmaster"] kill_script = "#!/bin/sh\n" for talon_device in talon_devices: kill_script += f""" pid=$(ps alx | grep {talon_device} | grep -v grep | awk '{{print $3}}') if [ $pid -gt 0 ] then kill -9 $pid fi """ return kill_script
[docs] def shutdown( self: TalonDxComponentManager, ) -> ResultCode: """ Shutdown the DsHpsMaster device with shutdown code 3. For reference, shutdown command codes: 0. Child Tango DSs only 1. Child and HPS Master Tango DSs 2. Child and HPS Master Tango DSs, reboot Talon DX board 3. Child and HPS Master Tango DSs, shut down Talon DX board :return: ResultCode.OK if all configure commands were sent successfully, otherwise ResultCode.FAILED """ ret = ResultCode.OK if self.simulation_mode == SimulationMode.TRUE: return ret with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: futures = [ executor.submit(self._shutdown_talon_thread, talon_cfg) for talon_cfg in self.talondx_config["config_commands"] ] results = [f.result() for f in futures] if any(r[0] == ResultCode.FAILED for r in results): self.logger.error(f"Talon shutdown thread results: {results}") ret = ResultCode.FAILED return ret
[docs] def _shutdown_talon_thread( self: TalonDxComponentManager, talon_cfg ) -> tuple(ResultCode, str): # HPS master shutdown with code 3 to gracefully shut down linux host (HPS) hps_master_fqdn = talon_cfg["ds_hps_master_fqdn"] hps_master = self.proxies[hps_master_fqdn] try: hps_master.shutdown(3) except tango.DevFailed as df: for item in df.args: self.logger.warning( f"Exception while sending shutdown command" f" to {hps_master_fqdn} device: {str(item.reason)}" ) # TODO: determine behaviour here; the shutdown command will # inevitably throw an exception, as the device is shut off # there may be a more elegant way to handle the expected shutdown # for CIP-1673 just logging a warning here # wait for linux shutdown time.sleep(const.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) return ( ResultCode.OK, f"_shutdown_talon_thread for {talon_cfg['target']} completed OK", )