Source code for ska_mid_cbf_mcs.component.component_manager

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the SKA Mid.CBF MCS project
# Distributed under the terms of the GPL license.
# See LICENSE.txt for more info.

# Copyright (c) 2019 National Research Council of Canada

from __future__ import annotations  # allow forward references in type hints

import enum
import logging
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional

from ska_tango_base.base import BaseComponentManager
from ska_tango_base.control_model import PowerMode

__all__ = ["CommunicationStatus", "CbfComponentManager"]

class CommunicationStatus(enum.Enum):
    """The status of a component manager's communication with its component."""

    DISABLED = 1
    The component manager is not trying to establish/maintain a channel
    of communication with its component. For example:

    * if communication with the component is connection-oriented, then
      there is no connection, and the component manager is not trying to
      establish a connection.
    * if communication with the component is by event subscription, then
      the component manager is unsubscribed from events.
    * if communication with the component is by periodic connectionless
      polling, then the component manager is not performing that

    The component manager is trying to establish/maintain a channel of
    communication with its component, but that channel is not currently
    established. For example:

    * if communication with the component is connection-oriented, then
      the component manager has failed to establish/maintain the

    The component manager has established a channel of communication
    with its component. For example:

    * if communication with the component is connection-oriented, then
      the component manager has connected to its component.

[docs]class CbfComponentManager(BaseComponentManager): """ A base component manager for SKA Mid.CBF MCS This class exists to modify the interface of the :py:class:`ska_tango_base.base.component_manager.BaseComponentManager`. The ``BaseComponentManager`` accepts an ``op_state_model`` argument, and is expected to interact directly with it. This is not a very good design decision. It is better to leave the ``op_state_model`` behind in the device, and drive it indirectly through callbacks. Therefore this class accepts three callback arguments: one for when communication with the component changes, one for when the power mode of the component changes, and one for when the component fault status changes. In the last two cases, callback hooks are provided so that the component can indicate the change to this component manager. """ def __init__( self: CbfComponentManager, logger: logging.Logger, push_change_event_callback: Optional[Callable], communication_status_changed_callback: Optional[ Callable[[CommunicationStatus], None] ], component_power_mode_changed_callback: Optional[ Callable[[PowerMode], None] ], component_fault_callback: Optional[Callable[[bool], None]], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ): """ Initialise a new instance. :param logger: a logger for this instance to use :param push_change_event_callback: mechanism to inform the base classes what method to call; typically device.push_change_event. :param communication_status_changed_callback: callback to be called when the status of communications between the component manager and its component changes. :param component_power_mode_changed_callback: callback to be called when the power mode of the component changes. :param component_fault_callback: callback to be called when the fault status of the component changes. :param args: other positional args :param kwargs: other keyword args """ self._logger = logger assert push_change_event_callback self._push_change_event = push_change_event_callback self._communication_status = CommunicationStatus.DISABLED self._communication_status_changed_callback = ( communication_status_changed_callback ) self._power_mode: Optional[PowerMode] = None self._component_power_mode_changed_callback = ( component_power_mode_changed_callback ) self._faulty: Optional[bool] = None self._component_fault_callback = component_fault_callback super().__init__(None, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def start_communicating(self: CbfComponentManager) -> None: """Start communicating with the component.""" if self.communication_status == CommunicationStatus.ESTABLISHED: return if self.communication_status == CommunicationStatus.DISABLED: self.update_communication_status( CommunicationStatus.NOT_ESTABLISHED )
[docs] def stop_communicating(self: CbfComponentManager) -> None: """Break off communicating with the component.""" if self.communication_status == CommunicationStatus.DISABLED: return self.update_communication_status(CommunicationStatus.DISABLED) self.update_component_power_mode(None) self.update_component_fault(None)
[docs] def update_communication_status( self: CbfComponentManager, communication_status: CommunicationStatus ) -> None: """ Handle a change in communication status. This is a helper method for use by subclasses. :param communication_status: the new communication status of the component manager. """ if self._communication_status != communication_status: self._communication_status = communication_status if self._communication_status_changed_callback is not None: self._communication_status_changed_callback( communication_status )
@property def is_communicating(self: CbfComponentManager) -> bool: """ Return communication with the component is established. SKA Mid.CBF MCS uses the more expressive :py:attr:`communication_status` for this, but this is still needed as a base classes hook. :return: whether communication with the component is established. """ return self.communication_status == CommunicationStatus.ESTABLISHED @property def communication_status(self: CbfComponentManager) -> CommunicationStatus: """ Return the communication status of this component manager. This is implemented as a replacement for the ``is_communicating`` property, which should be deprecated. :return: status of the communication channel with the component. """ return self._communication_status
[docs] def update_component_power_mode( self: CbfComponentManager, power_mode: Optional[PowerMode] ) -> None: """ Update the power mode, calling callbacks as required. This is a helper method for use by subclasses. :param power_mode: the new power mode of the component. This can be None, in which case the internal value is updated but no callback is called. This is useful to ensure that the callback is called next time a real value is pushed. """ if self._power_mode != power_mode: self._power_mode = power_mode if ( self._component_power_mode_changed_callback is not None and power_mode is not None ): self._component_power_mode_changed_callback(power_mode)
[docs] def component_power_mode_changed( self: CbfComponentManager, power_mode: PowerMode ) -> None: """ Handle notification that the component's power mode has changed. This is a callback hook, to be passed to the managed component. :param power_mode: the new power mode of the component """ self.update_component_power_mode(power_mode)
@property def power_mode(self: CbfComponentManager) -> Optional[PowerMode]: """ Return the power mode of this component manager. :return: the power mode of this component manager. """ return self._power_mode
[docs] def update_component_fault( self: CbfComponentManager, faulty: Optional[bool] ) -> None: """ Update the component fault status, calling callbacks as required. This is a helper method for use by subclasses. :param faulty: whether the component has faulted. If ``False``, then this is a notification that the component has *recovered* from a fault. """ if self._faulty != faulty: self._faulty = faulty if self._component_fault_callback is not None and faulty is not None: self._component_fault_callback(faulty)
[docs] def component_fault_changed( self: CbfComponentManager, faulty: bool ) -> None: """ Handle notification that the component's fault status has changed. This is a callback hook, to be passed to the managed component. :param faulty: whether the component has faulted. If ``False``, then this is a notification that the component has *recovered* from a fault. """ self.update_component_fault(faulty)
@property def faulty(self: CbfComponentManager) -> Optional[bool]: """ Return whether this component manager is currently experiencing a fault. :return: whether this component manager is currently experiencing a fault. """ return self._faulty