
ska_sdp_func_python.calibration.ionosphere_solvers.set_coeffs_and_params(xyz, cluster_id, zernike_limit=None)[source]

Initialise coefficients and parameters.

Calculate a vector of basis function values for each cluster and initialise parameter values for each station.

  • xyz – [n_antenna,3] array containing the antenna locations in the local horizontal frame

  • cluster_id – [n_antenna] array of antenna cluster indices

  • zernike_limit – [n_cluster] list of Zernike index limits: Generate all Zernikes with n + |m| <= zernike_limit[cluster_id]. Default: [6,2,2,…,2]

Return param:

[n_cluster] list of solution vectors

Return coeff:

[n_station] list of basis-func value vectors Stored as a numpy dtype=object array of variable-length coeff vectors