Sky components

ska_sdp_func_python.sky_component.operations Module

Functions to manage sky components operations.


apply_beam_to_skycomponent(sc, beam[, ...])

Apply a primary beam to a SkyComponent.

apply_voltage_pattern_to_skycomponent(sc, vp)

Apply a voltage pattern to a SkyComponent.

filter_skycomponents_by_flux(sc[, flux_min, ...])

Filter sky components by stokes I flux.

find_nearest_skycomponent(home, comps)

Find the nearest component to a given direction.

find_nearest_skycomponent_index(home, comps)

Find the nearest component in a list to a given direction (home).

find_separation_skycomponents(comps_test[, ...])

Find the matrix of separations for two lists of components.

find_skycomponents(im[, fwhm, threshold, ...])

Find gaussian components in Image above a certain threshold as SkyComponent.

find_skycomponent_matches(comps_test, comps_ref)

Match a list of candidates to a reference set of SkyComponents.

find_skycomponent_matches_atomic(comps_test, ...)

Match a list of candidates to a reference set of SkyComponents.

fit_skycomponent(im, sc, **kwargs)

Fit a two-dimensional Gaussian skycomponent using astropy.modeling.


Fit the spectral index for a multi frequency SkyComponent.

image_voronoi_iter(im, components)

Iterate through Voronoi decomposition, returning a generator yielding fullsize images.

insert_skycomponent(im, sc[, insert_method, ...])

Insert a SkyComponent into an Image.

partition_skycomponent_neighbours(comps, targets)

Partition sky components by nearest target source.

remove_neighbouring_components(comps, distance)

Remove the faintest of a pair of components that are within a specified distance.

select_components_by_separation(home, comps)

Select components with a range in separation.

select_neighbouring_components(comps, ...)

Assign components to nearest in the target.

voronoi_decomposition(im, comps)

Construct a Voronoi decomposition of a set of components.

ska_sdp_func_python.sky_component.taylor_terms Module

SkyComponent functions using taylor terms in frequency.



Calculate frequency taylor terms for a List of SkyComponents.


Find skycomponents by fitting to moment0, fit polynomial in frequency, return in frequency space.


Gather a SkyComponent list from [chan][source] to [source].


Smooth SkyComponent fluxes by fitting polynomial in frequency.


Transpose a SkyComponent list from [source,chan] to [chan,source].