Usage Examples


Calibration control is via a calibration_controls dictionary created by ska_sdp_func_python.calibration.chain_calibration.create_calibration_controls(). This supports the following Jones matrices:

. T - Atmospheric phase
. G - Electronics gain
. P - Polarisation
. B - Bandpass
. I - Ionosphere

This is specified via a dictionary:

contexts = {'T': {'shape': 'scalar', 'timeslice': 'auto',
                    'phase_only': True, 'first_iteration': 0},
            'G': {'shape': 'vector', 'timeslice': 60.0,
                    'phase_only': False, 'first_iteration': 0},
            'P': {'shape': 'matrix', 'timeslice': 1e4,
                    'phase_only': False, 'first_iteration': 0},
            'B': {'shape': 'vector', 'timeslice': 1e5,
                    'phase_only': False, 'first_iteration': 0},
            'I': {'shape': 'vector', 'timeslice': 1.0,
                    'phase_only': True, 'first_iteration': 0}}

Currently P and I are not supported.

For example:

controls = create_calibration_controls()

controls['T']['first_selfcal'] = 1
controls['T']['phase_only'] = True
controls['T']['timeslice'] = 'auto'

controls['G']['first_selfcal'] = 3
controls['G']['timeslice'] = 'auto'

controls['B']['first_selfcal'] = 4
controls['B']['timeslice'] = 1e5

ical_list = ical_list_rsexecute_workflow(vis_list,
                                          context='wstack', vis_slices=51,
                                          scales=[0, 3, 10], algorithm='mmclean',
                                          nmoment=3, niter=1000,
                                          threshold=0.1, nmajor=5, gain=0.25,

Calibration solvers are via substitution algorithm due to Larry D’Addario c 1980’ish. Used in the original VLA Dec-10 Antsol.

For example:

gtsol = solve_gaintable(vis, originalvis,
        phase_only=True, niter=niter, crosspol=False, tol=1e-6)
vis = apply_gaintable(vis, gtsol, inverse=True)

It is also possible to run DP3 Gaincal step <> with sks_sdp_func_python.calibration.dp3_calibration.dp3_gaincal(): The skymodel needs to be converted in a text format prior to the calibration.

For example:

export_skymodel_to_text(SkyModel(sky_components), "dp3.skymodel")
dp3_gaincal(visibility, ["T"], True, "dp3.skymodel")

Fourier Transforms

All grids and images are considered quadratic and centered around npixel//2, where npixel is the pixel width/height. This means that npixel//2 is the zero frequency for FFT purposes, as is convention. Note that this means that for even npixel the grid is not symmetrical, which means that e.g. for convolution kernels odd image sizes are preferred.


Imaging is based on use of the FFT to perform Fourier transforms efficiently. Since the observed visibility data_models do not arrive naturally on grid points, the sampled points are resampled on the FFT grid using a convolution function to smear out the sample points. The resulting grid points are then FFT’ed. The result can be corrected for the griddata convolution function by division in the image plane of the transform.

The grid_data module ska_sdp_func_python.grid_data() contains functions for performing the griddata process and the inverse degridding process.

GridData, ConvolutionFunction and Vis always have the same PolarisationFrame. Conversion to stokesIQUV is only done in the image plane. These data models can be found in ska-sdp-datamodel <>


Functions in the Image module ska_sdp_func_python.image() aid Fourier transform processing. These are built on top of the core functions in ska_sdp_func_python.fourier_transforms().

The measurement equation for a sufficiently narrow field of view interferometer is:

\[V(u,v,w) =int I(l,m) e^{-2 pi j (ul+vm)} dl dm\]

The measurement equation for a wide field of view interferometer is:

\[V(u,v,w) = int frac{I(l,m)}{sqrt{1-l^2-m^2}} e^{-2 pi j (ul+vm + w(sqrt{1-l^2-m^2}-1))} dl dm\]

This and related modules contain various approaches for dealing with the wide-field problem where the extra phase term in the Fourier transform cannot be ignored.

The standard deconvolution algorithms are provided by ska_sdp_func_python.imaging.cleaners().

  • hogbom: Hogbom CLEAN See: Hogbom CLEAN A&A Suppl, 15, 417, (1974)

  • msclean: MultiScale CLEAN See: Cornwell, T.J., Multiscale CLEAN (IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Sig Proc, 2008 vol. 2 pp. 793-801)

  • mfsmsclean: MultiScale Multi-Frequency See: U. Rau and T. J. Cornwell, “A multi-scale multi-frequency deconvolution algorithm for synthesis imaging in radio interferometry,” A&A 532, A71 (2011).

For example to make dirty image and PSF, deconvolve, and then restore:

model = create_image_from_visibility(vt, cellsize=0.001, npixel=256)
dirty, sumwt = invert_visibility(vt, model, context="2d")
psf, sumwt = invert_visibility(vt, model, context="2d", dopsf=True)

comp, residual = deconvolve_cube(dirty, psf, niter=1000, threshold=0.001,
                    fracthresh=0.01, window_shape='quarter',
                    gain=0.7, algorithm='msclean', scales=[0, 3, 10, 30])

restored = restore_cube(comp, psf, residual)

All functions return an image holding clean components and residual image.


The imaging functions in ska_sdp_func_python.imaging() include 2D prediction and inversion operations. A very simple example, given a model Image to specify the image size, sampling, and phasecentre:

model = create_image_from_visibility(vis, npixel=1024, nchan=1)
dirty, sumwt = invert_visibility(vis, model, context="2d")

The call to create_image_from_visibility step constructs a template image. The dirty image is constructed according to this template.

AW projection is supported by the predict_visibility and invert_visibility methods, provided the gridding kernel is constructed and passed in as a partial. For example:

gcfcf = functools.partial(create_awterm_convolutionfunction, nw=100, wstep=8.0,
        oversampling=8, support=100, use_aaf=True)
dirty, sumwt = invert_visibility(vis, model, context="awprojection", gcfcf=gcfcf)

If installed, the nifty gridder ( can also be used:

dirty, sumwt = invert_visibility(vis, model, verbosity=2, context="ng")

The convolutional gridding functions are to be found in the grid_data module


In order to use DP3, the optional dp3 dependency must be installed. You can obtain it with:

pip install dp3

The functions in the module ska_sdp_func_python.util.dp3_utils() allow usage of DP3 steps. The user should define the parset for the specific step with the desired settings, and use the parset to create the step using the function dp3.make_step().

import dp3
parset = dp3.parameterset.ParameterSet()
parset.add("predict.sourcedb", "test.skymodel")
predict_step = dp3.make_step("predict", parset, "predict.", dp3.MsType.regular)

Once the step object is created, the visibilities can be passed to it and processed with the process_visibilities() function

from ska_sdp_func_python.util.dp3_utils import process_visibilities
predicted_vis = process_visibilities(predict_step, input_visibilities)

For some steps, it is possible to call the function directly. This is the case for Predict and Gaincal

from ska_sdp_func_python.calibration.dp3_calibration import dp3_gaincal
calibrated_vis = dp3_gaincal(skymodel_vis, calibration_context, global_solution, solutions_filename)