
This subpackage implements DSP component for PST.LMC.

class ska_pst.lmc.dsp.DspDiskMonitorData(disk_capacity: int = 9223372036854775807, available_disk_space: int = 9223372036854775807, data_recorded: int = 0, data_record_rate: float = 0.0, available_recording_time: float = 31536000.0, subband_data_recorded: ~typing.List[int] = <factory>, subband_data_record_rate: ~typing.List[float] = <factory>)[source]

A data class to represent the DSP monitoring across all subbands.

This class is used to model the combined subband data for the DSP Disk. Which includes the disk usage and monitoring as well as the current throughput of data.

  • disk_capacity (int) – size, in bytes, for the disk for DSP processing for this beam.

  • available_disk_space (int) – currently available bytes of the disk.

  • data_recorded (int) – total amount of bytes written in current scan across all subbands of the beam.

  • data_record_rate (float) – total rate of writing to disk across all subbands, in bytes/second.

  • available_recording_time (float) – estimated available recording time left for current scan.

  • subband_data_recorded (List[int]) – a list of bytes written, one record per subband.

  • subband_data_record_rate (List[float]) – a list of current rate of writing per subband, in bytes/seconds.

available_disk_space: int = 9223372036854775807
available_recording_time: float = 31536000.0
data_record_rate: float = 0.0
data_recorded: int = 0
disk_capacity: int = 9223372036854775807
disk_used_bytes: int
disk_used_percentage: float
subband_data_record_rate: List[float]
subband_data_recorded: List[int]
class ska_pst.lmc.dsp.DspDiskMonitorDataStore[source]

Data store used to aggregate the subband data for DSP Disk.

property monitor_data: DspDiskMonitorData

Get current monitoring data for DSP.

This returns the latest monitoring data calculated from the current subband data. If no subband data is available then the response is a default DspDiskMonitorData object.

update_disk_stats(disk_capacity: int, available_disk_space: Optional[int] = None, disk_available_bytes: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any) None[source]

Update disk statistics.

The available_disk_space and disk_available_bytes parameters are the same property but both are provided to work around an issue that coming from DSP

  • disk_capacity (int) – the total disk capacity.

  • available_disk_space (Optional[int]) – the available amount of disk space.

  • disk_available_bytes (Optional[int]) – the available amount of disk space.

class ska_pst.lmc.dsp.DspDiskSubbandMonitorData(disk_capacity: int, available_disk_space: int, data_recorded: int, data_record_rate: float)[source]

A data class to represent a subband monitoring data record.

This class is used to report on a subband specific monitoring data. Each subband will report on the disk capacity and availabile bytes to help with the calculation of available recording time left for the whole beam.

  • disk_capacity (int) – total amount of bytes for the disk used for DSP processing for the beam.

  • available_disk_space (int) – total currently available bytes of the disk used.

  • data_recorded (int) – amount of bytes written by the subband in current scan.

  • data_record_rate (float) – current rate of writing of data to disk for subband.

available_disk_space: int
data_record_rate: float
data_recorded: int
disk_capacity: int
class ska_pst.lmc.dsp.DspFlowThroughMonitorData[source]

A data class to represent the DSP.FT monitoring across all subbands.

This class is used to model the combined subband data for the DSP Flow Through.

The monitoring attributes will added in a future PI. For now this is an empty class.

class ska_pst.lmc.dsp.DspFlowThroughMonitorDataStore[source]

Data store used to aggregate the subband data for DSP Flow Through.

This class is a stub at the moment to allow until the monitoring attributes are determined in a future PI.

property monitor_data: DspFlowThroughMonitorData

Get current monitoring data for DSP.

This returns the latest monitoring data calculated from the current subband data. If no subband data is available then the response is a default DspFlowThroughMonitorData object.

class ska_pst.lmc.dsp.DspFlowThroughSubbandMonitorData[source]

A data class to represent a subband monitoring data record.

This class is used to report on a subband specific monitoring data.

The monitoring attributes will added in a future PI. For now this is an empty class.

class ska_pst.lmc.dsp.PstDspComponentManager(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

A class to handle the orchestration of requests to various DSP sub-components.

This class ensures that given a configure beam request that all future requests will go to the appropriate DSP sub-component until such time that a deconfigure beam request is performed.

abort() None

Abort current process.

The only long lived process for API based devices is that of SCANNING. However, if another system fails this can be used to put all the subsystems into an ABORTED state.

The CSP.LMC can call abort before the system is in a configured state, if there is not observation mode set then apply abort to all sub-components.

configure_beam(configuration: dict, **kwargs: Any) None

Configure the beam specific configuration of the component.


configuration (dict) – configuration for beam

configure_scan(configuration: dict, **kwargs: Any) None

Configure the component for a scan.


configuration (dict) – the configuration to be configured

connect() None

Establish connection to API components.

property current_dsp_subcomponent: PstProcessApiSubcomponentManager

Get the current DSP sub-component base on observation mode.


AssertionError – if current observation mode is not set or not supported.


the currently active DSP subcomponent

Return type


deconfigure_beam() None

Deconfigure the component’s beam configuration.

This will release all the resources associated with the component, including the SMRBs.

deconfigure_scan() None

Deconfigure this component for current scan configuration.


task_callback (Callback) – callback for background processing to update device status.

disconnect() None

Establish disconnect from API components.

property dsp_disk_monitor_data: DspDiskMonitorData

Get monitoring data from DSP.DISK.

property dsp_flow_through_monitor_data: DspFlowThroughMonitorData

Get monitoring data from DSP.FT.

end_scan() None

Stop scanning.

go_to_fault(fault_msg: str) None

Set the component into a FAULT state.

For BEAM this will make the sub-devices be put into a FAULT state. For API backed component managers it is expected that the service backing that API should be put into a FAULT state.

obsreset() None

Reset service.

This is used to reset a service in ABORTED or FAULT states back to an EMPTY state. This will deconfigure a scan and beam.

reset_monitoring() None

Stop monitoring and reset monitoring data.

scan(scan_id: int, **kwargs: Any) None

Start scanning.

The kwargs of this method is scan request. By using the kwargs allow for forward compatability of accepting other parameters for the starting of the scan.

  • scan_id (int) – the scan ID

  • kwargs (dict) – scan request as a dict

set_logging_level(log_level: ska_control_model.LoggingLevel) None

Set the LoggingLevel of the service.


log_level – The required TANGO LoggingLevel



validate_configure_scan(configuration: dict, **kwargs: Any) None

Validate configure scan request with the specific configuration of the component.

This checks what the operational mode in the configuration is routes the request to the correct.


configuration (dict) – the configuration to validate.

class ska_pst.lmc.dsp.PstDspDiskComponentManager(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Component manager for the DSP.DISK component for the PST.LMC subsystem.

property available_disk_space: int

Get currently available bytes of the disk.

property available_recording_time: float

Get estimated available recording time left for current scan.

connect() None

Establish connection to API component.

property data_record_rate: float

Get total rate of writing to disk across all subbands, in bytes/second.

property data_recorded: int

Get total amount of bytes written in current scan across all subbands.

disconnect() None

Disconnect from API component.

property disk_capacity: int

Get size, in bytes, for the disk for DSP processing for this beam.

property disk_used_bytes: int

Get amount of bytes used on the disk that DSP is writing to.

property disk_used_percentage: float

Get the percentage of used disk space that DSP is writing to.

stop_disk_stats_monitoring() None[source]

Stop monitoring of disk usage.

property subband_data_record_rate: List[float]

Get a list of current rate of writing per subband, in bytes/seconds.

property subband_data_recorded: List[int]

Get a list of bytes written, one record per subband.

validate_configure_scan(configuration: dict, **kwargs: Any) None

Validate a ConfigureScan request sent from CSP.LMC to the DSP.DISK sub-component.

This asserts the request can be converted to DSP.DISK resources and then calls the process API to perform the validation.

  • configuration (dict) – configuration that would be used when the configure_beam and configure_scan methods are called.

  • task_callback (Callback) – callback for background processing to update device status.

class ska_pst.lmc.dsp.PstDspDiskProcessApi(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Abstract class for the API of the DSP process.

This extends from PstProcessApi but provides the specific method of getting the monitoring data.

class ska_pst.lmc.dsp.PstDspDiskProcessApiGrpc(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

This is an gRPC implementation of the PstDspDiskProcessApi API.

This uses an instance of a PstGrpcLmcClient to send requests through to the DSP.DISK application. Instances of this class should be per subband, rather than one for all of DSP.DISK as a whole.

class ska_pst.lmc.dsp.PstDspDiskProcessApiSimulator(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

A simulator implementation version of the API of PstDspDiskProcessApi.

get_env() dict

Get simulated environment values for DSP.DISK.

class ska_pst.lmc.dsp.PstDspDiskSimulator(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Simulator for the DSP Disk process of the PST.LMC sub-system.

This is used to generate random data and simulate what for the DSP Disk subsystem. This simulator is used for all the subbands. For the LMC state model most methods are no-op operations but when a scan is in process the get_data() method will randomly update the monitoring data.

For DSP.DISK functionality the following properties can be set: * Total disk size * Availabe disk size * Subband write rates * Subband bytes written

To be able to simulate situation where the disk is near full, or is full, the method simulate_disk_capacity() should be called to override the current value.

property available_disk_space: int

Get simulated available bytes left of disk.

configure_scan(configuration: dict) None

Simulate configuring a scan.

Only the “num_subbands” parameter is used by this simulator.


configuration (dict) – the configuration to be configured

property disk_capacity: int

Get simulated disk capacity.

get_data() DspDiskMonitorData[source]

Get current DSP Disk data.

Updates the current simulated data and returns the latest data.


current simulated DSP Disk data.

Return type


class ska_pst.lmc.dsp.PstDspFlowThroughComponentManager(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Component manager for the DSP.FT component for the PST.LMC subsystem.

validate_configure_scan(configuration: dict, **kwargs: Any) None

Validate a ConfigureScan request sent from CSP.LMC to the DSP.FT sub-component.

This asserts the request can be converted to DSP.FT resources and then calls the process API to perform the validation.

  • configuration (dict) – configuration that would be used when the configure_beam and configure_scan methods are called.

  • task_callback (Callback) – callback for background processing to update device status.

class ska_pst.lmc.dsp.PstDspFlowThroughProcessApi(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Abstract class for the API of the DSP process.

This extends from PstProcessApi but provides the specific method of getting the monitoring data.

class ska_pst.lmc.dsp.PstDspFlowThroughProcessApiGrpc(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

This is an gRPC implementation of the PstDspFlowThroughProcessApi API.

This uses an instance of a PstGrpcLmcClient to send requests through to the DSP.FT application. Instances of this class should be per subband, rather than one for all of DSP.FT as a whole.

class ska_pst.lmc.dsp.PstDspFlowThroughProcessApiSimulator(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

A simulator implementation version of the API of PstDspFlowThroughProcessApi.

class ska_pst.lmc.dsp.PstDspFlowThroughSimulator(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Simulator for the DSP Flow Through process of the PST.LMC sub-system.

This is currently a stub to allow the DSP.FT functionality of the LMC to work. When the monitoring attributes are known and how to simulate them then this class will be update.

configure_scan(configuration: dict) None

Simulate configuring a scan.

Only the “num_subbands” parameter is used by this simulator.


configuration (dict) – the configuration to be configured

get_data() DspFlowThroughMonitorData[source]

Get current DSP Flow Through data.

Updates the current simulated data and returns the latest data.


current simulated DSP Flow Through data.

Return type


ska_pst.lmc.dsp.calculate_dsp_subband_resources(beam_id: int, **kwargs: Any) Dict[int, dict][source]

Calculate the digital signal processing (DSP) resources from request.

This is a common method to map a CSP JSON request to the appropriate DSP parameters. It is also used to calculate the specific subband resources.

This uses the SMRB generate_data_key(), generate_weights_key() functions to calculate the keys for the data and weight ring buffers that the DSP process will read from.

  • beam_id – the numerical id of the beam that this DSP request is for.

  • request_params – a dictionary of request parameters that is used to configure PST, the specific parameters for DSP are extracted within this method.


a dict of dicts, with the top level key being the subband id, while the second level is the specific parameters. An example would response is as follows:

    1: {
        'data_key': "a000",
        'weights_key': "a010",