
This module provides a factory for tango.DeviceProxy instances.

This code is based off the SKA TANGO Examples class.

class ska_pst.lmc.device_proxy.ChangeEventSubscription(subscription_id: int, device: PstDeviceProxy, callbacks: List[Callable], attribute_name: str, logger: Logger)[source]

Class to act as a handle for a change event subscription.

Instances of this class can be used to programmatically unsubscribe from a change event, without having to have access to the device or the subscription id.

property callbacks: List[Callable]

Get callbacks for current subscription.

property subscribed: bool

Check if subscription is still subscribed.

unsubscribe() None[source]

Unsubscribe to the change event.

Use this to method to unsubscribe to listening to a change event of as device. As this is potentially called from a Python thread this will try to run this within a TANGO OmniThread using a background thread.

class ska_pst.lmc.device_proxy.DeviceProxyFactory[source]

Simple factory to create tango.DeviceProxy instances.

This class is an easy attempt to develop the concept developed by MCCS team in the following confluence page:

It is a factory class which provide the ability to create an object of type DeviceProxy. If a proxy had already been created it will reuse that instance.

When testing the static variable _test_context is an instance of the TANGO class MultiDeviceTestContext.

More information on tango testing can be found at the following link:

classmethod get_device(fqdn: str, green_mode: tango.GreenMode = tango.GreenMode.Synchronous, logger: Optional[Logger] = None) PstDeviceProxy[source]

Return a :py:class::PstDeviceProxy.

This will return an existing proxy if already created, else it will create a tango.DeviceProxy and then wrap it as a :py:class::PstDeviceProxy.

  • fqdn – the FQDN of the TANGO device that the proxy is for.

  • green_mode – the TANGO green mode, the default is GreenMode.Synchronous.

  • logger – the Python logger to use for the proxy.

class ska_pst.lmc.device_proxy.PstDeviceProxy(fqdn: str, logger: Logger, device: tango.DeviceProxy)[source]

A DeviceProxy wrapper class.

This class is used to wrap device proxies and abstract away from the TANGO API. This class is designed to provide passthrough methods/attributes that would already be available.

At the moment this is a very simple API wrapper but could be built up, like what is done in MCCS that allows the device’s to try to connect and wait for being initialised.

property device: tango.DeviceProxy

Get TANGO Device Proxy object.

is_subscribed_to_events(attribute_name: str) bool[source]

Check if there is an active event subscription for attribute.

Checks if there is a ChangeEventSubscription for the attribute and if it is actively subscribed.


attribute_name – the name of the attribute to check if there is an active event subscription.

subscribe_change_event(attribute_name: str, callback: Callable, stateless: bool = False) ChangeEventSubscription[source]

Subscribe to change events.

This method is used to subscribe to an attribute changed event on the given proxy

object. This is similar to:

This method also returns a ChangeEventSubscription which can be used to

later unsubscribe from change events on the device proxy.

  • attribute_name – the name of the attribute on the device proxy to subscribe to.

  • callback – the callback for TANGO to call when an event has happened.

  • stateless – whether to use the TANGO stateless event model or not, default is False.


a ChangeEventSubscription that can be used to later to unsubscribe from.

unsubscribe_change_event(subscription: ChangeEventSubscription) None[source]

Unsubscribe to change events for a given subscription.

This method is used to unsubscribe to an attribute changed event on the given

proxy object. This is similar to:


subscription – the subscription to unsubscribe to.

wait_for_initialised() None[source]

Wait for the device proxy is up and initalised.

Only after the device is initialised, device.state() != DevState.INIT is the device ready to be used.