Source code for ska_sdp_func_python.imaging.wg

Functions that implement prediction of and imaging from visibilities
using the GPU-based w-stacking gridder from ska-sdp-func
(which is compatible with the DUCC/nifty gridder).

__all__ = [

import copy
import logging

import numpy

    import cupy
except ImportError:
    cupy = None

from ska_sdp_datamodels.image.image_model import Image
from ska_sdp_datamodels.science_data_model.polarisation_functions import (
from ska_sdp_datamodels.visibility.vis_model import Visibility

from ska_sdp_func_python.imaging.base import (

    from ska_sdp_func.grid_data import GridderUvwEsFft
except ImportError:
    GridderUvwEsFft = None

log = logging.getLogger("func-python-logger")

[docs] def predict_wg(bvis: Visibility, model: Image, **kwargs) -> Visibility: """Predict using GPU-based w-stacking degridder module. In the imaging and pipeline workflows, this may be invoked using context='wg'. :param bvis: Visibility to be predicted :param model: Model Image :return: Resulting Visibility (in place works) """ if not GridderUvwEsFft: log.error("ska-sdp-func is not installed. Cannot run predict_wg") raise RuntimeError( "ska-sdp-func is not installed. Cannot run predict_wg" ) if not cupy: log.error("cupy is not installed. Cannot run predict_wg") raise RuntimeError("cupy is not installed. Cannot run predict_wg") if not model.image_acc.is_canonical(): log.error( "The image model is not canonical. See the logfile. Exiting..." ) raise ValueError("WG:The image model is not canonical") # If the model is None than just return the input visibility. if model is None: return bvis epsilon = kwargs.get("epsilon", 1e-12) do_wstacking = kwargs.get("do_wstacking", True) newbvis = bvis.copy(deep=True, zero=True) # Extracting data from Visibility freq = # frequency, Hz nrows, nbaselines, vnchan, vnpol = bvis.vis.shape uvw = uvw = uvw.reshape([nrows * nbaselines, 3]) uvw = numpy.nan_to_num(uvw) vis_temp = numpy.zeros( [vnpol, vnchan, nbaselines * nrows], dtype="complex" ) # Get the image properties m_nchan = model["pixels"].data.shape[0] m_npol = model["pixels"].data.shape[1] if m_npol != vnpol: log.error( "The number of polarisations in bvis " "and a model does not match, exiting..." ) raise ValueError( "WG: The number of polarisations in " "bvis and a model does not match" ) flipped_uvw = copy.deepcopy(uvw) # We need to flip the u and w axes. The flip in w is # equivalent to the conjugation of the # convolution function grid_visibility to griddata flipped_uvw[:, 0] *= -1.0 flipped_uvw[:, 2] *= -1.0 # Find out the image size/resolution pixsize = numpy.abs(numpy.radians(model.image_acc.wcs.wcs.cdelt[0])) # Make de-gridding over a frequency range and pol fields vis_to_im = numpy.round( model.image_acc.wcs.sub([4]).wcs_world2pix(freq, 0)[0] ).astype("int") # Copy uvw-coordinates to GPU and allocate scratch GPU memory. uvw_gpu = cupy.asarray(flipped_uvw) vis_gpu = cupy.zeros([nbaselines * nrows, 1], dtype=vis_temp.dtype) weight_gpu = cupy.ones( vis_gpu.shape, dtype=( cupy.float32 if vis_gpu.dtype == cupy.complex64 else cupy.float64 ), ) if m_nchan == 1: freq_gpu = cupy.asarray(freq) for vpol in range(vnpol): image_gpu = cupy.asarray( numpy.ascontiguousarray(model["pixels"].data[0, vpol, :, :].T) ) vis_gpu.fill(0) gridder = GridderUvwEsFft( uvw_gpu, freq_gpu, vis_gpu, weight_gpu, image_gpu, pixsize, pixsize, epsilon, do_wstacking, ) gridder.ifft_grid_uvw_es( uvw_gpu, freq_gpu, vis_gpu, weight_gpu, image_gpu ) vis_temp[vpol, 0, :] = cupy.asnumpy(vis_gpu[:, 0]) else: for vpol in range(vnpol): for vchan in range(vnchan): imchan = vis_to_im[vchan] freq_gpu = cupy.array(freq[vchan : vchan + 1]) image_gpu = cupy.asarray( numpy.ascontiguousarray( model["pixels"].data[imchan, vpol, :, :].T ) ) vis_gpu.fill(0) gridder = GridderUvwEsFft( uvw_gpu, freq_gpu, vis_gpu, weight_gpu, image_gpu, pixsize, pixsize, epsilon, do_wstacking, ) gridder.ifft_grid_uvw_es( uvw_gpu, freq_gpu, vis_gpu, weight_gpu, image_gpu ) vis_temp[vpol, vchan, :] = cupy.asnumpy(vis_gpu[:, 0]) vis = convert_pol_frame( vis_temp.T, model.image_acc.polarisation_frame, bvis.visibility_acc.polarisation_frame, polaxis=2, ) vis = vis.reshape([nrows, nbaselines, vnchan, vnpol]) newbvis["vis"].data = vis # Now we can shift the visibility from the image frame # to the original visibility frame return shift_vis_to_image(newbvis, model, tangent=True, inverse=True)
[docs] def invert_wg( bvis: Visibility, model: Image, dopsf: bool = False, normalise: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> (Image, numpy.ndarray): """ Invert using GPU-based w-stacking gridder module. Use the Image im as a template. Do PSF in a separate call. In the imaging and pipeline workflows, this may be invoked using context='wg'. :param dopsf: Make the PSF instead of the dirty image :param bvis: Visibility to be inverted :param model: Image template (not changed) :param normalise: Normalise by the sum of weights (True) :return: (resulting Image, sum of the weights for each frequency and polarization) """ if not GridderUvwEsFft: log.error("ska-sdp-func is not installed. Cannot run invert_wg") raise RuntimeError( "ska-sdp-func is not installed. Cannot run invert_wg" ) if not cupy: log.error("cupy is not installed. Cannot run invert_wg") raise RuntimeError("cupy is not installed. Cannot run invert_wg") if not model.image_acc.is_canonical(): log.error( "The image model is not canonical. See the logfile. Exiting..." ) raise ValueError("WG:The image model is not canonical") im = model.copy(deep=True) epsilon = kwargs.get("epsilon", 1e-12) do_wstacking = kwargs.get("do_wstacking", True) bvis_shifted = bvis.copy(deep=True) bvis_shifted = shift_vis_to_image( bvis_shifted, im, tangent=True, inverse=False ) freq = # frequency, Hz nrows, nbaselines, vnchan, vnpol = bvis_shifted.vis.shape ms = bvis_shifted.visibility_acc.flagged_vis ms = ms.reshape([nrows * nbaselines, vnchan, vnpol]) ms = convert_pol_frame( ms, bvis.visibility_acc.polarisation_frame, im.image_acc.polarisation_frame, polaxis=2, ).astype("c16") uvw = copy.deepcopy( uvw = uvw.reshape([nrows * nbaselines, 3]) weight = bvis_shifted.visibility_acc.flagged_imaging_weight.astype("f8") weight = weight.reshape([nrows * nbaselines, vnchan, vnpol]) # Find out the image size/resolution npixdirty = im["pixels"].data.shape[-1] pixsize = numpy.abs(numpy.radians(im.image_acc.wcs.wcs.cdelt[0])) flipped_uvw = copy.deepcopy(uvw) # We need to flip the u and w axes. flipped_uvw[:, 0] *= -1.0 flipped_uvw[:, 2] *= -1.0 nchan = im["pixels"].data.shape[0] npol = im["pixels"].data.shape[1] im["pixels"].data[...] = 0.0 sum_weight = numpy.zeros([nchan, npol]) # Set up the conversion from visibility channels to image channels vis_to_im = numpy.round( model.image_acc.wcs.sub([4]).wcs_world2pix(freq, 0)[0] ).astype("int") mfs = nchan == 1 and vnchan > 1 ms_temp = ms.T weight_temp = weight.T if dopsf: ms_temp[...] = 0.0 ms_temp[0, ...] = 1.0 # Copy uvw-coordinates to GPU and allocate scratch GPU memory. uvw_gpu = cupy.asarray(flipped_uvw) image_gpu = cupy.zeros( [npixdirty, npixdirty], dtype=cupy.float32 if ms.dtype == numpy.complex64 else cupy.float64, ) # lms and lwt - the contiguous versions of ms_temp and weight_temp if mfs: freq_gpu = cupy.asarray(freq) for pol in range(npol): lms = numpy.ascontiguousarray(ms_temp[pol, :, :].T) if numpy.max(numpy.abs(lms)) > 0.0: lwt = numpy.ascontiguousarray(weight_temp[pol, :, :].T) vis_gpu = cupy.asarray(lms) weight_gpu = cupy.asarray(lwt) image_gpu.fill(0) gridder = GridderUvwEsFft( uvw_gpu, freq_gpu, vis_gpu, weight_gpu, image_gpu, pixsize, pixsize, epsilon, do_wstacking, ) gridder.grid_uvw_es_fft( uvw_gpu, freq_gpu, vis_gpu, weight_gpu, image_gpu ) im["pixels"].data[0, pol] += cupy.asnumpy(image_gpu).T sum_weight[0, pol] += numpy.sum(weight_temp[pol, :, :].T) else: for pol in range(npol): for vchan in range(vnchan): ichan = vis_to_im[vchan] lms = numpy.ascontiguousarray( ms_temp[pol, vchan, :, numpy.newaxis] ) if numpy.max(numpy.abs(lms)) > 0.0: lwt = numpy.ascontiguousarray( weight_temp[pol, vchan, :, numpy.newaxis] ) freq_gpu = cupy.array(freq[vchan : vchan + 1]) vis_gpu = cupy.asarray(lms) weight_gpu = cupy.asarray(lwt) image_gpu.fill(0) gridder = GridderUvwEsFft( uvw_gpu, freq_gpu, vis_gpu, weight_gpu, image_gpu, pixsize, pixsize, epsilon, do_wstacking, ) gridder.grid_uvw_es_fft( uvw_gpu, freq_gpu, vis_gpu, weight_gpu, image_gpu ) im["pixels"].data[ichan, pol] += cupy.asnumpy(image_gpu).T sum_weight[ichan, pol] += numpy.sum( weight_temp[pol, vchan, :].T, axis=0 ) if normalise: im = normalise_sumwt(im, sum_weight) return im, sum_weight