Source code for ska_sdp_func_python.calibration.ionosphere_utils

# pylint: disable=invalid-name
Utilities to support ionospheric calibration and the generation of ionospheric
phase screens.

import logging
import math

import numpy

log = logging.getLogger("func-python-logger")

[docs] def decompose_phasescreen(x, y, r_0, beta=5.0 / 3.0): """ Generate eigenvectors for phase-screen pierce points. Generation and eigen-decomposition of pierce-point covariance matrix with Kolmogorov statistics. Used for generation of turbulent phase shifts and phase screens. Based on the algorithm from "Fast simulation of a Kolmogorov phase screen," Harding, Johnston & Lane (1999) Applied Optics, 38 (11). This can be used to generate random phase shifts for pierce points between stations and radio sources, however the processing time increases rapidly as the number of pierce points increases. For many pierce points it is recommended to use this function to generate phase shifts for vertices of a coarse 2D grid, and functions interpolate_phasescreen and displace_phasescreen to extend the Kolmogorov statistics to higher resolutions. Such grids also allow for sidereal motion of pierce points across them, resulting in time variation of the phases. :param x: coordinates of 1st pierce-point dimension :param y: coordinates of 2nd pierce-point dimension :param r_0: diffractive scale [m] :param beta: exponent of the power spectrum (defaults to 5/3) :return: eigenvector matrix :return: sqrt(eigenvalues) vector """ log.debug("generating phase screen eigenvectors and eigenvalues") # stack 2D array into a vector N = numpy.size(x) x = numpy.reshape(x, N) y = numpy.reshape(y, N) # calculate pierce-point offsets u = numpy.tile(x[:, numpy.newaxis], (1, N)) - numpy.tile( x[numpy.newaxis, :], (N, 1) ) v = numpy.tile(y[:, numpy.newaxis], (1, N)) - numpy.tile( y[numpy.newaxis, :], (N, 1) ) D = (numpy.sqrt(u * u + v * v) / r_0) ** beta Dint = numpy.mean(D, axis=0) Dsum = numpy.tile(Dint[:, numpy.newaxis], (1, N)) + numpy.tile( Dint[numpy.newaxis, :], (N, 1) ) # and the final covariance matrix C = -0.5 * D + 0.5 * Dsum # eigen decomposition S, U = numpy.linalg.eigh(C, UPLO="U") S[0] = 0.0 return U, numpy.sqrt(S)
[docs] def standardise_eigenvectors(evec): """ Fix arbitrary eigenvector signs. Different eigenvector solvers generate vectors with arbitrary scaling by +1 or -1. And for Numpy, this has been seen to change from one version to the next. While the scaling is arbitrary and will not affect the desired statistics, it will affect the resulting phase screens. This routine standardises the scaling to avoid randomness during testing. :param evec: eigenvector matrix to standardise """ # scale to make the first element of each vector positive # for k in range(evec.shape[1]): # evec[:,k] *= numpy.sign(evec[0,k]) evec *= numpy.sign(evec[0, :])
[docs] def interpolate_phasescreen(input_screen): """ Bilinear interpolation of a two dimensional phase screen. The initial phase screen could, for instance, be generated using decompose_phasescreen. If the interpolation needs to maintain Kolmogorov statistics, a subsequent call to displace_phasescreen is needed to add extra phase distortions. This function follows the approach described in "Fast simulation of a Kolmogorov phase screen," Harding, Johnston & Lane (1999) Applied Optics, 38 (11). :param input_screen: input phase screen. The NxN screen should have odd N :return: interpolated phase screen """ # increase resolution by 2x using standard bilinear interpolation Nside = 2 * input_screen.shape[0] - 1 interpolated_screen = numpy.zeros((Nside, Nside)) # set the known phases interpolated_screen[0:Nside:2, 0:Nside:2] = input_screen Nsub1 = Nside - 1 Nsub2 = Nside - 2 Nsub3 = Nside - 3 # interpolate new edge phases -- each an average of two input edge phases # edge columns: interpolated_screen[1:Nsub1:2, [0, -1]] = 0.5 * ( input_screen[1:, [0, -1]] + input_screen[:-1, [0, -1]] ) # edge rows: interpolated_screen[[0, -1], 1:Nsub1:2] = 0.5 * ( input_screen[[0, -1], 1:] + input_screen[[0, -1], :-1] ) # interpolate centre of squares -- each an average of four corners # new phase between input rows and columns: interpolated_screen[1:Nside:2, 1:Nside:2] = 0.25 * ( interpolated_screen[0:Nsub1:2, 0:Nsub1:2] + interpolated_screen[0:Nsub1:2, 2:Nside:2] + interpolated_screen[2:Nside:2, 0:Nsub1:2] + interpolated_screen[2:Nside:2, 2:Nside:2] ) # interpolate centre of diamonds -- each an average of four corners # on input columns and between input rows: interpolated_screen[1:Nside:2, 2:Nsub2:2] = 0.25 * ( interpolated_screen[1:Nside:2, 1:Nsub3:2] + interpolated_screen[1:Nside:2, 3:Nsub1:2] + interpolated_screen[0:Nsub2:2, 2:Nsub2:2] + interpolated_screen[2:Nside:2, 2:Nsub2:2] ) # on input rows and between input columns: interpolated_screen[2:Nsub2:2, 1:Nside:2] = 0.25 * ( interpolated_screen[1:Nsub3:2, 1:Nside:2] + interpolated_screen[3:Nsub1:2, 1:Nside:2] + interpolated_screen[2:Nsub2:2, 0:Nsub2:2] + interpolated_screen[2:Nsub2:2, 2:Nside:2] ) return interpolated_screen
[docs] def displace_phasescreen(interpolated_screen, res, r_0, beta): """ Distort interpolated phasescreen to maintain Kolmogorov statistics. Add extra random phase shifts to phasescreen elements interpolated with interpolate_phasescreen. This follows the midpoint displacement method described in "Simulation of a Kolmogorov phase screen," Lane, Glindemann & Dainty (1992) Waves in Random Media, 2, 209--224. The bilinear interpolation from interpolate_phasescreen results in new points that have a certain amount of extra variance relative to the points being interpolated. And this extra variance will be different from that required to maintain the structure function. Midpoint Displacement is the technique of adding a little more variation to be consistent with r_0 and beta at the interpolated scale. For the interpolated centres of squares in interpolate_phasescreen, the four initial points are each assumed to be a gaussian random variable plus a second random variable connecting it to the sample on the other size of the midpoint. # a b # m # c d Midpoint m sees the independent variable of a and half the correlated variable for a and d, along with the independent variable of b and half the correlated variable for b and c. This can all be combined and compared with the required variation given by the structure function: var(separation) = (separation / r_0)**beta. :param interpolated_screen: input interpolated phase screen :param res: resolution of phase screen prior to interpolation [m] :param r_0: indiffractive scale [m]reen :param beta: exponent of the power spectrum :return: displaced phase screen """ displaced_screen = interpolated_screen.copy() Nside = displaced_screen.shape[0] Nsub1 = Nside - 1 Nsub2 = Nside - 2 # new edge phases -- points interpolated were separated by res # edge columns: displaced_screen[1:Nsub1:2, [0, -1]] += numpy.random.normal( loc=0, scale=numpy.sqrt(0.0650 * (res / r_0) ** beta), size=displaced_screen[1:Nsub1:2, [0, -1]].shape, ) # edge rows: displaced_screen[[0, -1], 1:Nsub1:2] += numpy.random.normal( 0, numpy.sqrt(0.0650 * (res / r_0) ** beta), displaced_screen[[0, -1], 1:Nsub1:2].shape, ) # centre of squares -- points interpolated were separated by res # new phase between input rows and columns: displaced_screen[1:Nside:2, 1:Nside:2] += numpy.random.normal( 0, numpy.sqrt(0.0885 * (res / r_0) ** beta), displaced_screen[1:Nside:2, 1:Nside:2].shape, ) # centre of diamonds -- points interpolated were separated by res/sqrt(2) # on input columns and between input rows: displaced_screen[1:Nside:2, 2:Nsub2:2] += numpy.random.normal( 0, numpy.sqrt(0.0885 * (res / numpy.sqrt(2) / r_0) ** beta), displaced_screen[1:Nside:2, 2:Nsub2:2].shape, ) # on input rows and between input columns: displaced_screen[2:Nsub2:2, 1:Nside:2] += numpy.random.normal( 0, numpy.sqrt(0.0885 * (res / numpy.sqrt(2) / r_0) ** beta), displaced_screen[2:Nsub2:2, 1:Nside:2].shape, ) return displaced_screen
[docs] def zern(m, n, rho, phi): """ Generate Zernike polynomial values. :param m: standard Zernike m integer (azimuthal degree) :param n: standard Zernike n integer (radial degree) :param rho: array of polar radial coordinates :param phi: array of polar angular coordinates :return array of Zernike polynomial values: """ if m >= 0: func = numpy.cos else: func = numpy.sin m = numpy.abs(m) R = numpy.zeros(rho.shape) for k in range((n - m) // 2 + 1): R += ( (-1) ** k * math.factorial(n - k) // ( math.factorial(k) * math.factorial((n + m) // 2 - k) * math.factorial((n - m) // 2 - k) ) * rho ** (n - 2 * k) ) return R * func(m * phi)
[docs] def zern_array(nm, x, y, noll_order=False): """ Generate an array of all Zernike polynomials up to a given degree. :param nm: maximum degree. If noll_order is selected, this sets the maximum radial degree (n), otherwise it set the maximum values of n+|m| :param x: array of cartesian x coordinates :param y: array of cartesian y coordinates :param noll_order: whether to limit the Zernike polynomial order by n (True) or n+|m| (False) :return array of Zernike polynomial values: """ # get normalised polar coords for all of the stations in cluster 0 x -= numpy.mean(x) y -= numpy.mean(y) phi = numpy.arctan2(y, x) rho = numpy.sqrt(x * x + y * y) rho /= numpy.amax(rho) coeff = numpy.array([]) count = 0 if noll_order is True: for n in range(nm + 1): for m in range(-n, n + 1, 2): coeff = numpy.append(coeff, zern(m, n, rho, phi)) count += 1 else: for n in range(nm + 1): for m in range(-n, n + 1, 2): if n + numpy.abs(m) > nm: continue coeff = numpy.append(coeff, zern(m, n, rho, phi)) count += 1 return numpy.reshape(coeff, (count, len(x))).T