
Supported entity operations in the SDP configuration DB.


Common DB operations for SDP Configuration Database entities.

class ska_sdp_config.operations.entity_operations.CollectiveEntityOperations(*_args, **_kwargs)[source]

Bases: Generic[ModelT, ModelKeyT]

Base class defining common operations that can be performed on an entity type that can have multiple of its entities stored in the SDP Config database, all of which are stored under a common prefix. Subclasses need to provide the entities’ prefix and key patterns. The latter are used to verify user invocations and key contents, and build the full key (and thus the SDP config DB path) for a particular entity.

HAS_OWNER: bool = False

Whether entities of this type have an owner.

HAS_STATE: bool = False

Whether entities of this type have state.

KEY_PARTS: dict[str, str]

The (name, pattern) string pairs describing how keys are built for elements belonging to this entity. The order in which elements are given affects how full key are generated.


The model class for this entity. If given, it must derive from MultiEntityBaseModel, and implement the key_patterns() class method.

alias of dict


The prefix under which entities are stored in the SDP Configuration DB.

__call__(*args, **kwargs) EntityOperations[ModelT][source]

A convenience method that internally forwards all arguments to index_by_key_parts(). Available only to entities modelled as plain dictionaries. Entities modelled via pydantic should use the higher level methods offered by this class instead.

create(value: ModelT) None[source]

Create an entry in the database for this entity. Available only for entities defined as pydantic models.

create_or_update(value: ModelT) None[source]

Creates or updates an entry in the database with the given entity’s contents. Available only for entities defined as pydantic models.

delete(index: ModelT | ModelKeyT, recurse: bool = False) None[source]

Deletes this entry from the database. Note that only the key fields from the entity are used to determine the database entry, the rest of the contents don’t need to match those in the database. Available only for entities defined as pydantic model.

exists(index: ModelT | ModelKeyT) ModelT[source]

Check if the entity exists. See __call__() for details on how to specify the entity to be read. Available only for entities defined as pydantic models..

get(index: ModelT | ModelKeyT) ModelT[source]

Get an entry from the database. See __call__() for details on how to specify the entity to be read. Available only for entities defined as pydantic models..

index_by_key_parts(*key_args, **key_kwargs)[source]

Return operations over a single entity.

Individual entities are accessed by specifying their key. This entity key can be given in the following ways:

  • Via a key keyword argument, in which case it’s taken verbatim and its constituent parts are extracted.

  • Via multiple keyword arguments that make up the full key. The keyword argument names must correspond to the key part names.

  • If the key has a single part, it can be given as a positional argument for ease of use.

is_alive(index: ModelT | ModelKeyT) bool[source]

Whether this entity is avlie. Available only for entities defined as pydantic models declaring ownership.

list_keys(**key_matches_kwargs) list[ModelKeyT][source]

Like query_keys(), but returns a list.

list_values(**key_matches_kwargs) list[tuple[ModelKeyT, dict]][source]

Like query_values(), but returns a list.

ownership(index: ModelT | ModelKeyT) OwnershipOperations[source]

Get the operations on entity’s ownership. Available only for entities defined as pydantic models declaring ownership.

path(index: ModelT | ModelKeyT) str[source]

The full path in the SDP Configuration Database for the given entity.

query_keys(**key_matches_kwargs) Iterator[ModelKeyT][source]

Iterate over the keys matching the given constrains.

Constrains are given via keyword arguments, where each keyword argument name corresponds to a key part of this entity type, and the argument value corresponds to the value the key part should have in the database to match the query. If a keyword argument name doesn’t match any key part name an InvalidKey error is raised.

Keyword argument names can be suffixed with _prefix or _suffix, in which case matching is done not exactly, but by prefix or suffix respectively.

Invalid keys in the database are ignored.

query_values(**key_matches_kwargs) Iterator[tuple[ModelKeyT, ModelT]][source]

Like query_keys(), but yields (key, value) pairs.

state(index: ModelT | ModelKeyT) StateOperations[source]

Get the operations on an entity’s state. Available only for entities defined as pydantic models that declare a state.

take_ownership_if_not_alive(index: ModelT | ModelKeyT) None[source]

Takes ownership of this entity if it’s not currently alive. Available only for entities defined as pydantic models declaring ownership.

update(value: ModelT) None[source]

Updates an entry in the database with the given entity’s contents. Available only for entities defined as pydantic models.

class ska_sdp_config.operations.entity_operations.ComparisonMode(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

Ways to compare two strings (needle and haystack).

EQ = 3

The needle is equals to the haystack


The needle appears at the start of the haystack


The needle appears at the end of the haystack

class ska_sdp_config.operations.entity_operations.EntityOperations(txn: BaseTransaction, path: str, key: str | None = None, key_parts: dict | None = None)[source]

Bases: PathOperations, Generic[ModelT]

Base class defining common operations that can be performed on a entity.


The model class for this entity.

alias of dict

create(value: ModelT) None[source]

Creates the entity.

create_or_update(value: ModelT) None[source]

Creates or updates the entity.

delete(recurse=False) None[source]

Deletes the entity.

get() ModelT | None[source]

Reads the entity.

property key: str | None

For entity types with multiple entries, the key to this individual entity. None for entity types with single multiplicity.

property key_parts: dict

For entity types with multiple entries, the individual parts that make up the entity’s key. Empty for entity types with single multiplicity.

update(value: ModelT) None[source]

Updates the entity.

exception ska_sdp_config.operations.entity_operations.InvalidKey(key: str, pattern: Pattern)[source]

Bases: RuntimeError

Raised when an invalid key is given, either directly or indirectly.

class ska_sdp_config.operations.entity_operations.OwnedEntityOperationsMixIn[source]

Bases: object

Mix-in class to derive from to get access to ownership-related operations.

is_alive() bool[source]

Whether this entity is alive, based on its ownership entry.

property ownership: OwnershipOperations

Get a set of ownership operations for a single entity.

take_ownership_if_not_alive() None[source]

Takes ownership of this entity if it’s not currently alive.

class ska_sdp_config.operations.entity_operations.OwnershipOperations(txn: BaseTransaction, path: str)[source]

Bases: PathOperations

Operations performed on an entity’s ownership.

get() Owner | None[source]

Return the owner value

is_owned() bool[source]

Whether the entity is owned by anyone.

is_owned_by_this_process() bool[source]

Whether this process owns the entity.

take() None[source]

Takes ownership of the entity.

class ska_sdp_config.operations.entity_operations.PathOperations(txn: BaseTransaction, path: str)[source]

Bases: object

Operations performed on any path.

exists() bool[source]

Whether there’s anything stored under this path.

get() dict | None[source]

Return the value under this path.

property path: str

The full path in the SDP Configuration Database.

class ska_sdp_config.operations.entity_operations.StateOperations(txn: BaseTransaction, path: str)[source]

Bases: PathOperations

Operations performed on an entity’s state.

create(state: dict) None[source]

Creates the state of the entity.

update(state: dict) None[source]

Updates the state of the entity.

class ska_sdp_config.operations.entity_operations.StatefulEntityOperationsMixIn[source]

Bases: object

Mix-in class to derive from to get access to state-related operations.

property state: StateOperations

Get a set of state operations for a single entity.


Arbitrary entity management for the SDP Configuration Database.

class ska_sdp_config.operations.arbitrary.ArbitraryOperations(txn: BaseTransaction, known_roots: Iterable[str])[source]

Bases: object

Database operations related to arbitrary entities. Entities are selected at runtime with a given path. If the given path doesn’t belong to the set of known paths given at construction time, a warning is issued.

__call__(path: str) EntityOperations[source]

Returns a set of operations over the requested arbitrary path.


SDP Component management for the SDP Configuration Database.

Note that the current contents of the SDP Configuration Database usually contain nothing under /component/<name> but an ownership record under /component/<name>/owner. It is foreseen that this will not be the case anymore in future versions of the SDP Configuration Database, and therefore we model components as an entity type with multiple entities.

class ska_sdp_config.operations.component.ComponentOperations(*_args, **_kwargs)[source]

Bases: CollectiveEntityOperations

Database operations related to SDP components.

HAS_OWNER: bool = True

Whether entities of this type have an owner.

KEY_PARTS: dict[str, str] = {'component_name': '[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+'}

The (name, pattern) string pairs describing how keys are built for elements belonging to this entity. The order in which elements are given affects how full key are generated.

PREFIX: str = '/component'

The prefix under which entities are stored in the SDP Configuration DB.

arbitrary_check_is_alive(key: str) bool[source]

Check if the given arbitrary key exists under the components path

arbitrary_create_is_alive(key: str) str[source]

Take onwnership of an arbitrary key under the components path.


Controller management for SDP Configuration Database.

class ska_sdp_config.operations.controller.ControllerOperations(base_txn: BaseTransaction)[source]

Bases: EntityOperations

Database operations related to controller management.


Deployment management for the SDP Configuration Database.

class ska_sdp_config.operations.deployment.DeploymentOperations(*_args, **_kwargs)[source]

Bases: CollectiveEntityOperations

Database operations related to deployment management.

HAS_STATE: bool = True

Whether entities of this type have state.


alias of Deployment

PREFIX: str = '/deploy'

The prefix under which entities are stored in the SDP Configuration DB.

Execution Block

Execution Block management for SDP Configuration Database.

class ska_sdp_config.operations.execution_block.ExecutionBlockOperations(*_args, **_kwargs)[source]

Bases: CollectiveEntityOperations

Database operations related to resource allocation management.

KEY_PARTS: dict[str, str] = {'eb_id': '[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+'}

The (name, pattern) string pairs describing how keys are built for elements belonging to this entity. The order in which elements are given affects how full key are generated.

PREFIX: str = '/eb'

The prefix under which entities are stored in the SDP Configuration DB.

Processing Block

Processing Block management for the SDP Configuration Database.

class ska_sdp_config.operations.processing_block.ProcessingBlockOperations(*_args, **_kwargs)[source]

Bases: CollectiveEntityOperations

Database operations related to Processing Block management.

HAS_OWNER: bool = True

Whether entities of this type have an owner.

HAS_STATE: bool = True

Whether entities of this type have state.


alias of ProcessingBlock

PREFIX: str = '/pb'

The prefix under which entities are stored in the SDP Configuration DB.


Script management for SDP Configuration Database.

class ska_sdp_config.operations.script.ScriptOperations(*_args, **_kwargs)[source]

Bases: CollectiveEntityOperations[Script, Key]

Database operations related to scripts management.


alias of Script

PREFIX: str = '/script'

The prefix under which entities are stored in the SDP Configuration DB.


Subarray management for SDP Configuration Database.

class ska_sdp_config.operations.subarray.SubarrayOperations(*_args, **_kwargs)[source]

Bases: CollectiveEntityOperations

Database operations related to subarray management.

KEY_PARTS: dict[str, str] = {'subarray_id': '[0-9-_]+'}

The (name, pattern) string pairs describing how keys are built for elements belonging to this entity. The order in which elements are given affects how full key are generated.

PREFIX: str = '/lmc/subarray'

The prefix under which entities are stored in the SDP Configuration DB.