

Common type definitions for SDP config entity models.


Type definition for model fields holding an Execution Block ID

alias of Annotated[str]


Type definition for model fields holding a Processing Block ID

alias of Annotated[str]


Deployment configuration entities.

class ska_sdp_config.entity.owner.Owner(*, pid: int, hostname: str, command: list[str])[source]

Owner information for an entity, uniquely identifying the process owning the entity on a distributed system.

command: list[str]

The command line used to start the process

hostname: str

The name of the host where the process is running

pid: int

The process ID of the entity’s owner

Processing Block

Processing block configuration entities.

class ska_sdp_config.entity.pb.PBDependency(*, kind: list[str], pb_id: str)[source]

A Processing Block dependency.

kind: list[str]

How this dependency is meant to be interpreted.

pb_id: str

The ID of the Processing Block that is depended on.

class ska_sdp_config.entity.pb.ProcessingBlock(*, key: str, eb_id: str | None, script: Key, parameters: dict = None, dependencies: list[PBDependency] = None)[source]

Processing block entity.

Collects configuration information relating to a processing job for the SDP. This might be either real-time (supporting a running observation) or batch (to process data after the fact).

Actual execution of processing steps will be performed by a (parameterised) processing script interpreting processing block information.

dependencies: list[PBDependency]

Dependencies of this Processing Block on others.

eb_id: str | None

ID of the Execution Block associated with this Processing Block, if any.

key: str

The primary key to this entity.

parameters: dict

Parameters for the Processing Block.

property pb_id: str

This Processing Block’s ID

script: Key

The script that will execute this Processing Block.


Returns a dictionary representation of this entity, kept for backwards compatibility. Prefer model_dump().


Deployment configuration entities.

class ska_sdp_config.entity.deployment.Deployment(*, key: str, kind: Literal['helm'], args: dict)[source]

Deployment entity.

Collects configuration information relating to a cluster configuration change.

args: dict

A dictionary of values used to customise the deployment. In the case of helm deployments, these are Helm values.

property dpl_id

This Deployment’s ID.

key: str

The primary key to this entity.

kind: Literal['helm']

The kind of deployment, currently only “helm” is supported.

to_dict() dict[source]

Returns a dictionary representation of this entity, kept for backwards compatibility. Prefer model_dump().


Script model.

class ska_sdp_config.entity.script.Script(*, key: Key, image: str)[source]

An SDP Script.

class Key(*, kind: str, name: str, version: str)[source]

An SDP Script primary key.

kind: str

The kind of this script (realtime or batch).

name: str

The name of this script.

version: str

The version of this script.

image: str

The OCI image used to launch this script.

key: Key

The primary key to this entity.