DSP Component Manager

This module provides an implementation of the DSP PST component manager.

class ska_pst_lmc.dsp.dsp_component_manager.PstDspComponentManager(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Component manager for the DSP component for the PST.LMC subsystem.

Initialise instance of the component manager.

  • device_name – the FQDN of the current device. This is used within the gRPC process to identify who is doing the calling.

  • process_api_endpoint – the endpoint of the gRPC process.

  • logger – a logger for this object is to use.

  • monitor_data_callback – the callback that monitoring data should call when data has been received. This should be used by the TANGO device to be notified when data has been updated.

  • communication_state_callback – callback to be called when the status of the communications channel between the component manager and its component changes.

  • component_state_callback – callback to be called when the component state changes.

stop_disk_stats_monitoring() None[source]

Stop monitoring of disk usage.

property disk_capacity: int

Get size, in bytes, for the disk for DSP processing for this beam.

property available_disk_space: int

Get currently available bytes of the disk.

property disk_used_bytes: int

Get amount of bytes used on the disk that DSP is writing to.

property disk_used_percentage: float

Get the percentage of used disk space that DSP is writing to.

property data_recorded: int

Get total amount of bytes written in current scan across all subbands.

property data_record_rate: float

Get total rate of writing to disk across all subbands, in bytes/second.

property available_recording_time: float

Get estimated available recording time left for current scan.

property subband_data_recorded: List[int]

Get a list of bytes written, one record per subband.

property subband_data_record_rate: List[float]

Get a list of current rate of writing per subband, in bytes/seconds.

validate_configure_scan(configuration: Dict[str, Any], task_callback: Optional[Callable[[...], Any]] = None) Tuple[ska_tango_base.executor.TaskStatus, str][source]

Validate a ConfigureScan request sent from CSP.LMC to the DSP sub-component.

This asserts the request can be converted to DSP resources and then calls the process API to perform the validation.

  • configuration (Dict[str, Any]) – configuration that would be used when the configure_beam and configure_scan methods are called.

  • task_callback (Callback) – callback for background processing to update device status.

configure_beam(configuration: Dict[str, Any], task_callback: Optional[Callable[[...], Any]] = None) Tuple[ska_tango_base.executor.TaskStatus, str][source]

Configure the beam of the the component with the resources.


configuration – parameters to be configured and their requested values

start_scan(args: Dict[str, Any], task_callback: Optional[Callable[[...], Any]] = None) Tuple[ska_tango_base.executor.TaskStatus, str][source]

Start scanning.

stop_scan(task_callback: Optional[Callable[[...], Any]] = None) Tuple[ska_tango_base.executor.TaskStatus, str][source]

Stop scanning.