Release deployment

This page describes how to install, interact with, and uninstall released versions of PST.LMC using helm, kubectl, and the itango console.

Configure environment

If running in a local kubernetes environment, either use the default namespace or create a namespace; e.g.

$ kubectl create namespace pst

Configure the namespace used by helm and kubectl:

$ export HELM_NAMESPACE=pst
$ kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=pst

In the following, it is assumed that the namespace is either the default or configured appropriately.

Deploy PST.LMC

Released versions of PST Helm charts are published in the SKAO artefact repository. To install a released version, first add this chart repository to helm:

$ helm repo add ska

If the SKAO repository has already been added, update to gain access to latest chart versions:

$ helm repo update

Check to see that the PST.LMC chart is available:

$ helm search repo ska/ska-pst-lmc

Deploy PST.LMC in simulation mode:

$ helm install ska-pst-lmc ska/ska-pst-lmc

Watch the deployment in progress using either the k9s terminal-based UI (recommended) or kubectl:

$ kubectl get pod --watch

Wait until all the pods are Running or Completed:

NAME                                    READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
databaseds-tango-base-test-0            1/1     Running     0          48s
low-pst-beam-01-0                       1/1     Running     0          48s
low-pst-beam-ska-pst-lmc-config-ndg62   0/1     Completed   0          48s
ska-tango-base-tangodb-0                1/1     Running     0          48s
tangotest-ska-pst-lmc-config-gnqtg      0/1     Completed   0          48s
tangotest-test-0                        1/1     Running     0          48s

You can check the logs of pods to verify that they are doing okay:

$ kubectl logs <pod_name>

For example,

$ kubectl logs low-pst-beam-01-0 | grep OK

should show that dsp, recv, smrb, and beam have successfully completed initialisation:

1|2023-01-12T23:39:06.903Z|INFO|MainThread|do||tango-device:low-pst/dsp/01|SKAObsDevice Init command completed OK
1|2023-01-12T23:39:06.903Z|INFO|MainThread|do||tango-device:low-pst/dsp/01|CspSubElementObsDevice Init command completed OK
1|2023-01-12T23:39:07.005Z|INFO|MainThread|do||tango-device:low-pst/recv/01|SKAObsDevice Init command completed OK
1|2023-01-12T23:39:07.005Z|INFO|MainThread|do||tango-device:low-pst/recv/01|CspSubElementObsDevice Init command completed OK
1|2023-01-12T23:39:07.203Z|INFO|MainThread|do||tango-device:low-pst/smrb/01|SKAObsDevice Init command completed OK
1|2023-01-12T23:39:07.203Z|INFO|MainThread|do||tango-device:low-pst/smrb/01|CspSubElementObsDevice Init command completed OK
1|2023-01-12T23:39:07.309Z|INFO|MainThread|do||tango-device:low-pst/beam/01|SKAObsDevice Init command completed OK
1|2023-01-12T23:39:07.309Z|INFO|MainThread|do||tango-device:low-pst/beam/01|CspSubElementObsDevice Init command completed OK

Interact with PST.LMC

By default, the ska-pst-lmc chart does not deploy the iTango shell pod from the ska-tango-base chart. To enable it:

$ helm upgrade ska-pst-lmc ska/ska-pst-lmc --set ska-tango-base.itango.enabled=true

See Operation / Using itango for an example of interacting with PST.LMC via itango.

Shut down PST.LMC

To remove the PST.LMC deployment from the cluster:

$ helm uninstall ska-pst-lmc