Development deployment

This page describes how to install, interact with, and uninstall development versions of PST.LMC using make commands that are run from the root directory of the ska-pst-lmc git repository.

Configure environment

First clone the repo and submodules to your local file system

git clone --recursive
cd ska-pst-lmc

The following environment variables control the deployment and testing of the PST.LMC:

Environment variable

Default value




Kubernetes namespace for deployment



Name of the Helm chart to be installed; for simulation mode, use ska-pst-lmc

Deploy PST.LMC

Deploy PST.LMC into the default pst namespace using the test-parent chart.

$ make k8s-install-chart

Interact with PST.LMC

See Operation / Using itango for an example of interacting with PST.LMC via itango.

Shut down PST.LMC

When finished with PST.LMC, clean up the deployment.

$ make k8s-uninstall-chart