Source code for ska_pst_lmc.util.background_task

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the SKA PST LMC project
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-clause new license.
# See LICENSE for more info.
"""This module is to abstract background task processes."""

from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import logging
from enum import IntEnum
from logging import Logger
from threading import Thread
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Optional, TypeVar, cast

from readerwriterlock import rwlock

__all__ = [

Wrapped = TypeVar("Wrapped", bound=Callable[..., Any])

[docs]def background_task(func: Wrapped) -> Wrapped: """ Return a decorated function that runs tasks in a background. Use this decorator on methods of a class that contains a :py:class:`BackgroundTaskProcessor` in the field `_background_task_processor`. If the field doesn't exist than this wrapper will error with the field not existing. .. code-block:: python @background_task def configure_beam(self): ... :param func: the wrapped function :return: the wrapped function """ @functools.wraps(func) def _wrapper( obj: Any, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: def _task() -> None: func(obj, *args, **kwargs) obj._background_task_processor.submit_task(_task) return cast(Wrapped, _wrapper)
[docs]class BackgroundTaskProcessor: """ Class used for submitting and reaping of background tasks. This class is used to abstract away needing to hold and monitor :py:class:`BackgrounTask` objects. This class submits a background task itself to reap completed tasks. """ def __init__(self: BackgroundTaskProcessor, default_logger: logging.Logger): """ Initialise processor. :param default_logger: the logger that the tasks should use if one is not provided. :type default_logger: logging.Logger """ # need a queue self._tasks: List[BackgroundTask] = list() self._default_logger: logging.Logger = default_logger # need a background reaper self._reaper = BackgroundTask( action_fn=self._reap, logger=self._default_logger, frequency=10.0, ) def __del__(self: BackgroundTaskProcessor) -> None: """ Destructor for processor. Stops all the background tasks. """ for t in self._tasks: t.stop() self._reaper.stop()
[docs] def submit_task( self: BackgroundTaskProcessor, action_fn: Callable, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None, frequency: Optional[float] = None, ) -> BackgroundTask: """ Submit a background task to run. This will submit a background task, whether it is a one shot task or a periodic task. It can take an optional logger, or the default logger used by the processor is used, and an optional frequency. :param task: the callable function to run, this must wrap its own callbacks if needed. :param logger: an optional logger to use, else the default logger is used. :param frequency: an optional parameter for background task to run at a given frequency. :returns: the task that was submit if there is a need for external monitoring. :rtype: BackgroundTask """ task: BackgroundTask = BackgroundTask( action_fn=action_fn, logger=logger or self._default_logger, frequency=frequency, ) self._tasks.append(task) return task
def _reap(self: BackgroundTaskProcessor) -> None: """Reap completed tasks.""" for t in self._tasks: if not t.running(): self._tasks.remove(t)
[docs]class RunState(IntEnum): """Enum to represent run state of :py:class:`BackgroundTask`.""" STOPPED = (1,) """ Background task is stopped and not running. This is the default state when the task is created. """ STARTING = (2,) """ The state the task is put into when the task is started. This is an intermediate state. When the method :meth:`` is called the task goes into a STARTING state. If the task starts successfully then the state goes into RUNNING. """ RUNNING = (3,) """ The state to indicate that the task is running. This state represents that the task is running successfully. """ STOPPING = (4,) """ The state the task is put into when asked to stop. This is an intermediate state, used to avoid calling stop mulitple times. When the method :meth:`BackgroundTask.stop` is called the task will go in to the STOPPING state. """ ERRORED = (5,) """ The state to represent that the task has errored. The task can go into this state while starting, running or stopping. """
[docs] def running(self: RunState) -> bool: """ Check if in a state that represents a running state. If the state is STARTING or RUNNING then this is considered as running state. :returns: is in a running state """ return self in [RunState.STARTING, RunState.RUNNING]
[docs] def errored(self: RunState) -> bool: """ Check if in an errored state. This only happens if the state is ERRORED. :returns: is in a errored state """ return self == RunState.ERRORED
[docs]class BackgroundTask: """ BackgroundTask. This class is used for background task processing. Rather than code being littered with creating background threads or asyncio code, this class is used to provide the functionality to start/stop the process. The task has to be explicitly started. However, if this task is deleted by the Python runtime it will stop the background processing. It is, however, advised to that a user explicitly stops the task. This task does waiting/looping and the provided action is not expected to do any waiting. """ _state: RunState _thread: Optional[Thread] _exception: Optional[Exception] _completed: bool def __init__( self, action_fn: Callable[[], None], logger: Logger, frequency: Optional[float] = None, daemon: bool = True, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """ Initialise background task. :param action_fn: action to call during background process. If the frequency is set then this is a per loop callback, else this action will be called once. :param logger: logger to be used by the task object. :param frequency: how often to execute the action. If None (the default) then action is only called once, else this task will attempt to sleep for 1/frequency seconds. :param daemon: run task in a background daemone thread (default is True) """ self._action_fn = action_fn self._logger = logger self._frequency = frequency self._daemon = daemon self._lock = rwlock.RWLockWrite() self._state = RunState.STOPPED self._thread = None self._exception = None self._completed = False def __del__(self: BackgroundTask) -> None: """ Deconstruct object. Stops any background thread if processing. """ if self.running(): self.stop() else: self._join() def _set_state(self: BackgroundTask, state: RunState) -> None: """ Set run state of background task. :param state: state to set task to. """ with self._lock.gen_wlock(): self._state = state def _run(self: BackgroundTask) -> None: """Background thread action.""" self._set_state(RunState.RUNNING) try: while self.running(): self._action_fn() if self._frequency: import time time.sleep(1 / self._frequency) else: self._set_state(RunState.STOPPED) self._completed = True self._thread = None return except Exception as e: self._logger.error("Error during processing of task.", exc_info=True) self._set_state(RunState.ERRORED) self._exception = e self._completed = True self._thread = None
[docs] def run(self: BackgroundTask) -> None: """ Run the background task. If the task is already in a running state then this task will exit immediately. """ assert not self._completed, "Task has already completed, cannot run it again." if self.running(): return with self._lock.gen_wlock(): self._state = RunState.STARTING self._thread = Thread(target=self._run, daemon=self._daemon) self._thread.start()
[docs] def running(self: BackgroundTask) -> bool: """Check if the task is in a running state.""" if self._thread is None: return False with self._lock.gen_rlock(): return self._state.running()
[docs] def has_errored(self: BackgroundTask) -> bool: """Check if the task has errored.""" with self._lock.gen_rlock(): return self._state.errored()
[docs] def exception(self: BackgroundTask) -> Optional[Exception]: """ Return the exception raised during background processing. If no exception has been raised then None is returned. :returns: the exception raised during background processing. """ return self._exception
def _join(self: BackgroundTask) -> None: """Wait for background task to end and join.""" if self._thread is None: return try: self._thread.join() with self._lock.gen_rlock(): if self._state.errored(): return self._set_state(RunState.STOPPED) except Exception as e: self._logger.warn("Waiting for background thread raised error.", e) self._set_state(RunState.ERRORED) self._exception = e finally: self._completed = True self._thread = None
[docs] def stop(self: BackgroundTask) -> None: """ Stop the background task. If the task is not in a running state this will exit immediately. """ with self._lock.gen_wlock(): # have a write lock which implies we can read the state. if not self._state.running(): return self._state = RunState.STOPPING self._join()