Source code for ska_pst_lmc.smrb.smrb_device

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the SKA PST LMC project
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-clause new license.
# See LICENSE for more info.
"""Module for providing the SMRB capability for the Pulsar Timing Sub-element."""

from __future__ import annotations

import dataclasses
from typing import Any, List, Optional

import tango
from ska_tango_base.control_model import SimulationMode
from tango import DebugIt
from tango.server import attribute, command, device_property, run

import ska_pst_lmc.release as release
from ska_pst_lmc.component import as_device_attribute_name
from ska_pst_lmc.component.pst_device import PstBaseProcessDevice
from ska_pst_lmc.smrb.smrb_component_manager import PstSmrbComponentManager
from ska_pst_lmc.smrb.smrb_model import SmrbMonitorData

__all__ = ["PstSmrb", "main"]

[docs]class PstSmrb(PstBaseProcessDevice[PstSmrbComponentManager, SmrbMonitorData]): """ A software TANGO device for managing the SMRB component of the PST.LMC subsystem. This TANGO device is used to manage the Shared Memory Ring Buffer (SMRB) for the PST.LMC subsystem. """ # ----------------- # Device Properties # ----------------- process_api_endpoint = device_property(dtype=str, doc="Endpoint for the SMRB.CORE service.") # --------------- # General methods # ---------------
[docs] def init_device(self: PstSmrb) -> None: """ Initialise the attributes and properties of the PstSmrb. This overrides the :py:class:`CspSubElementSubarray`. """ util = tango.Util.instance() util.set_serial_model(tango.SerialModel.NO_SYNC) super().init_device() self._build_state = "{}, {}, {}".format(release.NAME, release.VERSION, release.DESCRIPTION) self._version_id = release.VERSION for f in dataclasses.fields(SmrbMonitorData): self.set_change_event(as_device_attribute_name(, True, False) self.set_archive_event(as_device_attribute_name(, True, False)
[docs] def create_component_manager( self: PstSmrb, ) -> PstSmrbComponentManager: """ Create and return a component manager for this device. :return: a component manager for this device. """ return PstSmrbComponentManager( device_interface=self, simulation_mode=SimulationMode.TRUE, logger=self.logger, )
[docs] def always_executed_hook(self: PstSmrb) -> None: """Execute call before any TANGO command is executed."""
[docs] def delete_device(self: PstSmrb) -> None: """ Delete resources allocated in init_device. This method allows for any memory or other resources allocated in the init_device method to be released. This method is called by the device destructor and by the device Init command. """
[docs] def handle_monitor_data_update(self: PstSmrb, monitor_data: SmrbMonitorData) -> None: """ Handle monitoring data. :param monitor_data: the latest monitoring data that has been reported. :type monitor_data: SmrbMonitorData """ for (key, value) in dataclasses.asdict(monitor_data).items(): self.handle_attribute_value_update(key, value)
# ------------------ # Attributes # ------------------ @attribute( dtype=float, label="Utilisation", unit="Percentage", display_unit="%", max_value=100, min_value=0, max_alarm=90, max_warning=80, doc="Percentage of the ring buffer elements that are full of data", ) def ringBufferUtilisation(self: PstSmrb) -> float: """ Get the percentage of the ring buffer elements that are full of data. :returns: the percentage of the ring buffer elements that are full of data. :rtype: float """ return self.component_manager.ring_buffer_utilisation @attribute( dtype=int, label="Ring Buffer Size", unit="Bytes", standard_unit="Bytes", display_unit="B", doc="Capacity of ring buffer in bytes", ) def ringBufferSize(self: PstSmrb) -> int: """ Get the capacity of the ring buffer, in bytes. :returns: the capacity of the ring buffer, in bytes. :rtype: int """ return self.component_manager.ring_buffer_size @attribute( dtype=int, label="Ring Buffer Read", unit="Bytes", standard_unit="Bytes", display_unit="B", doc="Amount of data read from the ring buffer", ) def ringBufferRead(self: PstSmrb) -> int: """ Get the amount of data read from the ring buffer, in bytes. :returns: the amount of data read from then ring buffer, in bytes. :rtype: int """ return self.component_manager.ring_buffer_read @attribute( dtype=int, label="Ring Buffer Written", unit="Bytes", standard_unit="Bytes", display_unit="B", doc="Amount of data written to ring buffer", ) def ringBufferWritten(self: PstSmrb) -> int: """ Get the amount of data written to the ring buffer, in bytes. :returns: the amount of data written to the ring buffer, in bytes. :rtype: int """ return self.component_manager.ring_buffer_written @attribute( dtype=int, doc="Number of sub-bands", ) def numberSubbands(self: PstSmrb) -> int: """ Get the number of sub-bands. :returns: the number of sub-bands. :rtype: int """ return self.component_manager.number_subbands @attribute( dtype=(float,), max_dim_x=4, unit="Percent", standard_unit="Percent", display_unit="%", max_value=100, min_value=0, max_alarm=90, max_warning=80, doc="Percentage of full ring buffer elements for each sub-band", ) def subbandRingBufferUtilisations(self: PstSmrb) -> List[float]: """ Get the percentage of full ring buffer elements for each sub-band. :returns: the percentage of full ring buffer elements for each sub-band. :rtype: List[float] """ return self.component_manager.subband_ring_buffer_utilisations @attribute( dtype=(int,), max_dim_x=4, label="Sub-band ring buffer sizes", unit="Bytes", standard_unit="Bytes", display_unit="B", doc="Capacity of ring buffers, in bytes, for each sub-band", ) def subbandRingBufferSizes(self: PstSmrb) -> List[int]: """ Get the capacity of ring buffers for each sub-band. :returns: the capacity of ring buffers, in bytes, for each sub-band. :rtype: List[int] """ return self.component_manager.subband_ring_buffer_sizes @attribute( dtype=(int,), max_dim_x=4, label="Sub-band ring buffer read", unit="Bytes", standard_unit="Bytes", display_unit="B", doc="Amount of data read, in bytes, for each sub-band", ) def subbandRingBufferRead(self: PstSmrb) -> List[int]: """ Get the amount of data read, in bytes, for each sub-band. :returns: the amount of data read, in bytes, for each sub-band. :rtype: List[int] """ return self.component_manager.subband_ring_buffer_read @attribute( dtype=(int,), max_dim_x=4, label="Sub-band ring buffer written", unit="Bytes", standard_unit="Bytes", display_unit="B", doc="Amount of data written, in bytes, for each sub-band", ) def subbandRingBufferWritten(self: PstSmrb) -> List[int]: """ Get the amount of data written, in bytes, for each sub-band. :returns: the amount of data written, in bytes, for each sub-band. :rtype: List[int] """ return self.component_manager.subband_ring_buffer_written # -------- # Commands # -------- @command( dtype_out=("str",), doc_out="Version strings", ) @DebugIt() def GetVersionInfo(self: PstSmrb) -> List[str]: """ Return the version information of the device. :return: The result code and the command unique ID """ return [f"{self.__class__.__name__}, {self._build_state}"]
# ---------- # Run server # ----------
[docs]def main(args: Optional[list] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> int: """ Entry point for module. :param args: positional arguments :param kwargs: named arguments :return: exit code :rtype: int """ return run((PstSmrb,), args=args, **kwargs)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()