Source code for ska_pst_lmc.component.grpc_lmc_client

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the SKA PST LMC project
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-clause new license.
# See LICENSE for more info.
"""Module for providing the gRPC LMC client to external processes."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from threading import Event
from typing import Any, Dict, Generator, NoReturn, Optional, Type

import grpc
from grpc import Channel
from ska_pst_lmc_proto.ska_pst_lmc_pb2 import (
from ska_pst_lmc_proto.ska_pst_lmc_pb2_grpc import PstLmcServiceStub
from ska_tango_base.control_model import ObsState

from ska_pst_lmc.util.timeout_iterator import TimeoutIterator

GRPC_STATUS_DETAILS_METADATA_KEY = "grpc-status-details-bin"

[docs]class BaseGrpcException(Exception): """Base exception to capture gRPC related exceptions.""" def __init__(self: BaseGrpcException, message: str) -> None: """Initialise exception.""" self.message = message super().__init__()
[docs]class AlreadyScanningException(BaseGrpcException): """ Exception for when the process is already scanning. Raised when the server is already scanning and is in the SCANNING ObsState state. If this exception is raised it is likely due to a mismatch in the state model of the LMC and the server, which could be the case if a command line interface has interacted with the server directly. The LMC can recover from this as it should only be raised when the scan command is called. The LMC should log this happened but can safely go into SCANNING state. """
[docs]class NotScanningException(BaseGrpcException): """ Exception for when tyring to end scan but component is not scanning. Raised when the server is not in a scanning state but received an end scan command. Just like :py:class:`AlreadyScanningException` it is possible for the LMC to recover from this as this exception is only raised during stop_scan. The LMC should log this happened but can safely go into a READY state. """
[docs]class ResourcesAlreadyAssignedException(BaseGrpcException): """ Exception for when resources were already assigned. Raised when the server is already in an assigned resources state and the request should not have been called. """
[docs]class ResourcesNotAssignedException(BaseGrpcException): """ Exception for when resources have not been assigned. Raised when the server does not have any resources assigned. This request should not have been called. """
[docs]class ScanConfiguredAlreadyException(BaseGrpcException): """ Exception for when scan has already been configured. Raised when the server is in a READY state and is already configured for scan. This request should have not been made. """
[docs]class NotConfiguredForScanException(BaseGrpcException): """ Exception for when server has no scan configuration. Raised when the server does not have a scan configuration but as request to deconfigure, scan, or get scan configuration was made but no configuration existed. """
[docs]class InvalidRequestException(BaseGrpcException): """ Exception with the actual request parameters. This is raised when the server validates the request and request is not correct, such as the assign resources message has a protobuf Oneof field for resources and the incorrect one was applied. """
[docs]class ServerError(BaseGrpcException): """ Exception when an exception on the server side happens. The server raised an exception during the processing of the request and the logs of the server should be checked. The client is not expected to handle this exception. """ def __init__(self: ServerError, error_code: int, message: str) -> None: """Initialise exception.""" self.error_code = error_code super().__init__(message)
[docs]class UnknownGrpcException(BaseGrpcException): """ An unknown gRPC exception. This error occurs due to gRPC itself. The client is not expected to handle this request. """ def __init__(self: UnknownGrpcException, error_code: int, message: str) -> None: """Initialise exception.""" self.error_code = error_code super().__init__(message)
ERROR_CODE_EXCEPTION_MAP: Dict[ErrorCode, Type[BaseGrpcException]] = { ErrorCode.ALREADY_SCANNING: AlreadyScanningException, ErrorCode.NOT_SCANNING: NotScanningException, ErrorCode.INVALID_REQUEST: InvalidRequestException, ErrorCode.CONFIGURED_FOR_BEAM_ALREADY: ResourcesAlreadyAssignedException, ErrorCode.NOT_CONFIGURED_FOR_BEAM: ResourcesNotAssignedException, ErrorCode.CONFIGURED_FOR_SCAN_ALREADY: ScanConfiguredAlreadyException, ErrorCode.NOT_CONFIGURED_FOR_SCAN: NotConfiguredForScanException, } def _handle_grpc_error(error: grpc.RpcError) -> NoReturn: if hasattr(error, "trailing_metadata"): for k, v in error.trailing_metadata(): if k == GRPC_STATUS_DETAILS_METADATA_KEY: msg = Status() msg.ParseFromString(v) error_code = msg.code if error_code in ERROR_CODE_EXCEPTION_MAP: raise ERROR_CODE_EXCEPTION_MAP[error_code](msg.message) from error else: if hasattr(error, "code"): error_code = error.code() raise ServerError(error_code, msg.message) from error if hasattr(error, "code"): error_code = error.code() else: error_code = -1 raise UnknownGrpcException(error_code, error.details()) from error
[docs]class PstGrpcLmcClient: """ The client API that connects to a remote gRPC service. This client is a wrapper around the :py:class:`PstLmcServiceStub` that is generated from the gRPC/Protobuf bindings. Once fully implemented this class will be able to be used by any of the LMC components :py:class:`PstProcessApi` implementations. """ _client_id: str _channel: Channel _endpoint: str _service: PstLmcServiceStub _logger: logging.Logger def __init__( self: PstGrpcLmcClient, client_id: str, endpoint: str, logger: Optional[logging.Logger], **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """ Initialise gRPC client. :param client_id: the ID of the client. :param endpoint: the endpoint of the service that this client is to communicate with. :param logger: the logger to use within this instance. """ self._logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__) self._client_id = client_id self._endpoint = endpoint"Connecting '{client_id}' to remote endpoint '{endpoint}'") self._channel = grpc.insecure_channel(endpoint, options=[("wait_for_ready", True)]) self._service = PstLmcServiceStub(channel=self._channel)
[docs] def connect(self: PstGrpcLmcClient) -> bool: """ Connect client to the remote server. This is used to let the server know that a client has connected. """ self._logger.debug(f"Connect called for client {self._client_id}") request = ConnectionRequest(client_id=self._client_id) try: self._service.connect(request) return True except grpc.RpcError: self._logger.warning(f"Error in connecting to remote server {self._endpoint}", exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def configure_beam(self: PstGrpcLmcClient, request: ConfigureBeamRequest) -> bool: """Call configure_beam on remote gRPC service.""" self._logger.debug(f"Configuring beam for '{self._client_id}'.") try: self._service.configure_beam(request) return True except grpc.RpcError as e: _handle_grpc_error(e)
[docs] def deconfigure_beam(self: PstGrpcLmcClient) -> bool: """Call deconfigure_beam on remote gRPC service.""" self._logger.debug(f"Deconfiguring beam for '{self._client_id}'") try: self._service.deconfigure_beam(DeconfigureBeamRequest()) return True except grpc.RpcError as e: _handle_grpc_error(e)
[docs] def get_beam_configuration(self: PstGrpcLmcClient) -> GetBeamConfigurationResponse: """Call get_beam_configuration on remote gRPC service.""" self._logger.debug(f"Getting beam configuration for '{self._client_id}'.") try: return self._service.get_beam_configuration(GetBeamConfigurationRequest()) except grpc.RpcError as e: _handle_grpc_error(e)
[docs] def configure_scan(self: PstGrpcLmcClient, request: ConfigureScanRequest) -> bool: """Call configure_scan on remote gRPC service.""" self._logger.debug(f"Calling configure_scan on remote service for '{self._client_id}'.") try: self._service.configure_scan(request) return True except grpc.RpcError as e: _handle_grpc_error(e)
[docs] def deconfigure_scan(self: PstGrpcLmcClient) -> bool: """Call deconfigure_scan on remote gRPC service.""" self._logger.debug(f"Calling deconfigure_scan on remote service for '{self._client_id}'.") try: self._service.deconfigure_scan(DeconfigureScanRequest()) return True except grpc.RpcError as e: _handle_grpc_error(e)
[docs] def get_scan_configuration(self: PstGrpcLmcClient) -> GetScanConfigurationResponse: """Call get_scan_configuration on remote gRPC service.""" self._logger.debug(f"Calling remote service for its scan configuration for '{self._client_id}'.") try: return self._service.get_scan_configuration(GetScanConfigurationRequest()) except grpc.RpcError as e: _handle_grpc_error(e)
[docs] def start_scan(self: PstGrpcLmcClient, request: StartScanRequest) -> bool: """Call start_scan on remote gRPC service.""" self._logger.debug(f"Calling start_scan for '{self._client_id}'.") try: self._service.start_scan(request) return True except grpc.RpcError as e: _handle_grpc_error(e)
[docs] def stop_scan(self: PstGrpcLmcClient) -> bool: """Call stop_scan on remote gRPC service.""" self._logger.debug(f"Calling stop_scan for '{self._client_id}'.") try: self._service.stop_scan(StopScanRequest()) return True except grpc.RpcError as e: _handle_grpc_error(e)
[docs] def go_to_fault(self: PstGrpcLmcClient) -> None: """Put the gRPC service in to a FAULT state.""" self._logger.debug(f"Calling go_to_fault on remote service for '{self._client_id}'.") try: self._service.go_to_fault(GoToFaultRequest()) except grpc.RpcError as e: _handle_grpc_error(e)
[docs] def get_state(self: PstGrpcLmcClient) -> ObsState: """Call get_state on remote gRPC service.""" self._logger.debug(f"Calling get_state for '{self._client_id}'.") try: result: GetStateResponse = self._service.get_state(GetStateRequest()) return ObsState(result.state) except grpc.RpcError as e: _handle_grpc_error(e)
[docs] def get_env(self: PstGrpcLmcClient) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get the enviroment values from the remote gRPC service. This will map the Protobuf `EnvVal` objects to the appropriate Python types. :return: the enviroment values from the remote gRPC service. :rtype: Dict[str, Any] """ def _map_value(value: EnvValue) -> Any: if value.HasField("string_value"): return value.string_value elif value.HasField("float_value"): return value.float_value elif value.HasField("signed_int_value"): return value.signed_int_value else: return value.unsigned_int_value try: response = self._service.get_env(GetEnvironmentRequest()) values = response.values return {k: _map_value(values[k]) for k in values} except grpc.RpcError as e: _handle_grpc_error(e)
[docs] def abort(self: PstGrpcLmcClient) -> None: """ Abort scanning. This method is to be used by the LMC device that needs to abort a long running action, in particular scan. The ObsState model allows for this to be called if in IDLE (resources assigned), CONFIGURING (configuring a scan), READY (configured for a scan but not scanning), SCANNING (a scan is running), or RESETTING (is trying to reset from ABORTED/FAULT state). After this call the state of the service should be ABORTED. """ self._logger.debug(f"Calling abort for '{self._client_id}'.") try: self._service.abort(AbortRequest()) except grpc.RpcError as e: _handle_grpc_error(e)
[docs] def reset(self: PstGrpcLmcClient) -> None: """ Reset service. This method is to be used by the LMC device that is currently in an ABORTED or FAULT state to reset the service. After this call the state of the service should be in IDLE (resources assigned and not configured for a scan). """ try: self._service.reset(ResetRequest()) except grpc.RpcError as e: _handle_grpc_error(e)
[docs] def monitor( self: PstGrpcLmcClient, abort_event: Event, polling_rate: int = 5000, ) -> Generator[MonitorResponse, None, None]: """ Call monitor on reqmore gRPC service. :param abort_event: a :py:class:`threading.Event` that can be used to signal to stop monitoring. :param polling_rate: the rate, in milliseconds, at which the monitoring should poll. The default value is 5000ms (i.e. 5 seconds). """ self._logger.debug(f"Calling monitor for '{self._client_id}'.") # have timeout set to max of 5s or 2 time the polling interval timeout = max(5.0, 2.0 * polling_rate / 1000.0) try: monitor_stream = self._service.monitor(MonitorRequest(polling_rate=polling_rate)) self._monitor_stream = TimeoutIterator( iterator=monitor_stream, timeout=timeout, abort_event=abort_event, expected_rate=polling_rate / 1000.0, ) while not abort_event.is_set(): try: for t in self._monitor_stream: yield t except TimeoutError: if abort_event.is_set(): # received timeout during abort event being set. continue self._logger.warning( f"received timeout during monitoring for '{self._client_id}' before abort event set." ) except grpc.RpcError as e: _handle_grpc_error(e)
[docs] def set_log_level(self: PstGrpcLmcClient, request: SetLogLevelRequest) -> None: """ Set the LogLevel of the remote gRPC service. :param request: The request containing LogLevel to be set on the remote gRPC service. :returns: None. """ self._logger.debug(f"Calling set_log_level for '{self._client_id}'.") try: self._service.set_log_level(request=request) except grpc.RpcError as e: _handle_grpc_error(e)
[docs] def get_log_level(self: PstGrpcLmcClient, request: GetLogLevelRequest) -> LogLevel: """ Get the LogLevel of the remote gRPC service. :returns: The current LogLevel of the remote gRPC service. :rtype: LogLevel """ self._logger.debug(f"Calling get_log_level for '{self._client_id}'.") try: response = self._service.get_log_level(request=request) return response except grpc.RpcError as e: _handle_grpc_error(e)