Class ApplicationManager

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Derived Types

Class Documentation

class ApplicationManager : public ska::pst::common::StateModel

The ApplicationManager.

Subclassed by ska::pst::dsp::DiskManager, ska::pst::dsp::DiskMonitor, ska::pst::dsp::FlowThroughManager, ska::pst::dsp::StreamWriter, ska::pst::recv::Receiver, ska::pst::smrb::DataBlockManager, ska::pst::stat::StatApplicationManager

Public Functions

ApplicationManager(const std::string &entity)

Construct a new ApplicationManager object, initialising the State to Unknown.


Destroy the ApplicationManager object.

void main()

Main thread of control for the implementing class, and uses UpdateCommands to transistion intermediate states to steady states. Intended to be called in a separate std::thread from the LmcService that controls this state.

void quit()

Issue the commands on the ApplicationManager required to terminate the main method.

bool is_idle() const

Return true if Application state model is Idle.


true if application state is Idle


false if application state is not Idle

bool is_beam_configured() const

Return true if Application beam resources are currently assigned.


true if state is one of the following: BeamConfigured, ScanConfigured, Scanning


false beam not configured

bool is_scan_configured() const

Return true if the Application has been configured for scan.


true Application has been configured for scan


false Application has not been configured for scan

bool is_scanning() const

Return true if the Application is Scanning.


true Application is in a Scanning state


false Application is not in a Scanning state

State get_previous_state() const

Get the previous state before being in a RuntimeError state.



void enforce(bool required, const std::string &contextual_message) const

Utility method to enforce that required is true or else an exception is thrown.

  • required – boolean value that must be true.

  • contextual_message – Runtime error message describing the calling context.


std::runtime_error – if required is false

void enforce_state(ska::pst::common::State required_state, const std::string &contextual_message) const

Mandate the application manager is in the required state.

  • required_state – required state for the state model

  • contextual_message – Runtime error message describing the calling context


std::runtime_error – if the state does not match the required_state

void go_to_runtime_error(std::exception_ptr exception)

Utility method to move application manager to RuntimeError state.

This method is used by the gRPC interface to make sure that the application is in a faulted state, this could be because an error from the LMC.


exception – an exception pointer to store as most recently received exception.

Protected Functions

virtual void perform_initialise() = 0

Initialisation callback to be implemented in the child class. The method should wait for the Unknown state and transition the state model to the Initialised.

virtual void perform_configure_beam() = 0

Beam configuration callback that is called by main to transition the state from Idle to BeamConfigured.

virtual void perform_configure_scan() = 0

Scan configuration callback that is called by main to transition the state from BeamConfigured to ScanConfigured.

virtual void perform_scan() = 0

Scan callback that is called by main to spawn a child thread that calls perform_start_scan. This method is expected to block until the scan is complete.

void perform_scan_safely()

Calls the perform_scan method wrapped in a try/catch statement for a std::exception. This method is run by the main in a std::thread, and so the try/catch wrapper ensures that any std::exception thrown by the child class’ perform_scan method is caught and used to transition to the RuntimeError state. Note that the child class can additionally wrap its’ perform_scan method in a try/catch statement, allowing it to perform any necessary releasing of resources.

virtual void perform_start_scan() = 0

Scan callback that is called by main to transition the state from StartingScan to Scanning. This method is expected to block until the scan is complete.

virtual void perform_stop_scan() = 0

StopScan callback that is called by main to transition the state from Scanning to ScanConfigured. This method is expected to block until state transitions to ScanConfigured.

virtual void perform_deconfigure_scan() = 0

Scan callback that is called by main to transition the state from ScanConfigured to BeamConfigured. This method is expected to block until state transitions to BeamConfigured.

virtual void perform_deconfigure_beam() = 0

Scan callback that is called by main to transition the state from BeamConfigured to Idle. This method is expected to block until state transitions to Idle.

virtual void perform_reset()

Reset callback that is called by main to transition the state from RuntimeError to Idle. This method is expected to block until state transitions to Idle.

virtual void perform_terminate() = 0

Terminate callback that is called by main to transition the state from Idle to Terminating.

void set_state(State state)

Transition the state.


state – state to transition to.