SKA PST COMMON Architecture


A SegmentProducer represents a continuous time series of data, weights, and scale factors from some source (file, network, ring buffer, simulator, etc.), composed of a series of temporally-contiguous segments.

A Segment is a time-bound part of a Stream, composed of a series of temporally-contiguous heaps.

A Heap is a time-bound part of a Segment, composed of a set of spectrally-contiguous packets. The packets in a heap span the entire bandwidth of the signal that is being processed, and all packets in a heap span the same time.

A Packet is a frequency-bound part of a Heap. Each packet is composed of a set of spectrally-contiguous channels, each containing a temporally-contiguous set of time samples.

In some sources, such as files and ring buffers, the content of each heap is divided into separate files/buffers for data and weights+scales.

A Block is one part of a Heap, either data or weights+scales.

The following diagram shows the classes involved in the definition and implementation of a time series.

@startuml PST Data Segment class diagram

interface SegmentProducer 
    + num_heaps_per_segment: int
    + next_segment() : Segment

' A segment is contiguous sequence of heaps and in general the source of data is
' a source of multiple contiguous sequences of heaps.
' Such as the ringbuffers have a size of N * resolution, where
' resolution is the size of a heap.
class Segment
    + data: Block
    + data_header: AsciiHeader
    + weights: Block
    + weights_header: AsciiHeader
    + number_of_heaps() : uint32_t
    + get_heap(heap_number: uint32_t): Heap

SegmentProducer .. "produces" Segment

' In PST a Heap is a specific term that ensures that all channels
' for a subband have been seen. A packet may only have a subset of
' of channels but a heap will have all channels.
class Heap
    + data: Block
    + weights: Block
    + number_of_packets(): uint32_t
    + get_packet(packet_num: uint32_t): Packet

Segment o-- "1..*" Heap

' a packet is the smallest chunk of data we get from CBF
' and what we can write to a file.
class Packet
    + data: Block
    + weights: Block

Heap o-- "1..*" Packet

interface BlockProducer 
    + next_block(): Block

' A block could be any size it, it could be a chunck of data
' for a whole slice, heap, packet, etc or chunck of weights.
' The only thing is it is not a combination of data+weights it
' is one or the other.
class Block 
    + data: char*
    + size: size_t

' A source of heaps that have been divided into blocks
class BlockSegmentProducer 
    - data: BlockProducer
    - weights: BlockProducer
    + next_segment(): Segment

SegmentProducer <|-- BlockSegmentProducer

class FileBlockProducer 
    - reader : FileReader
    + get_header(): AsciiHeader
    + next_block(): Block

package ska::pst::smrb {
  class RingBufferBlockProducer

class RingBufferBlockProducer 
    - reader: DataBlockReader
    + get_header(): AsciiHeader
    + next_block(): Block

BlockSegmentProducer *-- "2" BlockProducer
BlockProducer <|-- FileBlockProducer
BlockProducer <|-- RingBufferBlockProducer

BlockProducer .. "produces" Block

class SegmentGenerator 
    - generator: PacketGenerator
    - layout: HeapLayout
    + next_segment(): Segment

SegmentProducer <|-- SegmentGenerator
SegmentGenerator *-- HeapLayout
SegmentGenerator *-- PacketGenerator

class PacketGenerator 
    - layout: PacketLayout

class HeapLayout
  packet_layout : PacketLayout*

  packets_per_heap : unsigned
  data_packet_stride : unsigned
  weights_packet_stride : unsigned
  data_heap_stride : unsigned
  weights_heap_stride : unsigned 

class PacketLayout
  packet_size : unsigned
  packet_header_size : unsigned
  packet_data_size : unsigned
  packet_weights_size : unsigned
  packet_scales_size : unsigned
  packet_data_offset : unsigned
  packet_weights_offset : unsigned
  packet_scales_offset : unsigned
  nsamp_per_packet : unsigned
  nchan_per_packet : unsigned
  nsamp_per_weight : unsigned

HeapLayout o-- PacketLayout

PacketGenerator o-- PacketLayout


Class diagram showing main classes involved in the definition of a stream


Describes the layout of a packet in memory, including the offsets and sizes of data, weights, and scales. The contents of a packet can be contained in either a single contiguous block of memory (e.g. a UDP packet), or distributed over different blocks of memory (e.g. data and weights blocks in shared memory).


Describes the layout of a heap in memory.