gRPC + Protobuf API

Table of Contents


File: ska/pst/lmc/ska_pst_lmc.proto
Python Package: ska_pst_lmc
C++ Package: ska::pst::lmc

The protobuf definitions for the PST Local Monitoring and Controle (LMC) used within the PST infrastructure. The interface between the PyTango devices and the the core PST applications is provided by gRPC which uses protobuf messages to define the exchange of data and request messages.

Messages are in general made map what is needed by the core applications and not the SKA Telmodel JSON schema. The LMC devices will need to map values from a JSON request to send to a remote implementaion.

C++ bindings are generated as part of the ska-pst-common build pipeline but the Python bindings are not generated to allow for the ska-pst-lmc project to use the correct version of protobuf/protoc to generate the bindings. Access to the C++ bindings are available in the ska-pst-common-builder Docker image in /usr/local/include/ska/pst/lmc


The following rpc services are defined within the protobuf file.


Service to expose the local monitoring and control functionality of a process.

Signature: rpc connect(ConnectionRequest) returns (ConnectionResponse)
Description: Used by a client to try to connect to the remote service.

Signature: rpc configure_beam(ConfigureBeamRequest) returns (ConfigureBeamResponse)
Description: Used by a client to configure the component with given beam configuration.

Beam configuration is different to scan configuration as it relates to how the beam is configured for bandwidth, number of channels, and calculated subbands. Between scans the same beam configuration may be used and this allows the system to be reconfigured without the need of tearing down the shared memory ringbuffers.

Signature: rpc deconfigure_beam(DeconfigureBeamRequest) returns (DeconfigureBeamResponse)
Description: Used by a client to release a beam and put the component in an state that is not even connected to ring buffers.
Signature: rpc get_beam_configuration(GetBeamConfigurationRequest) returns (GetBeamConfigurationResponse)
Description: Used by a client to get the current beam configuration for the component.
Signature: rpc configure_scan(ConfigureScanRequest) returns (ConfigureScanResponse)
Description: Used by a client to configure a server to be ready for a scan request putting the server in a READY state.
Signature: rpc deconfigure_scan(DeconfigureScanRequest) returns (DeconfigureScanResponse)
Description: Used by a client to deconfigure a server and put it back to an IDLE state.
Signature: rpc get_scan_configuration(GetScanConfigurationRequest) returns (GetScanConfigurationResponse)
Description: Utility method that can be used to get the current scan configuration for a component.
Signature: rpc start_scan(StartScanRequest) returns (StartScanResponse)
Description: Used by a client to start a scan of the component.

Signature: rpc stop_scan(StopScanRequest) returns (StopScanResponse)
Description: Used by a client to end a scan of the component.

The StopScanRequest has an end_time parameter that if set the service must stop the scan at that exact time. This method should block until that time has been reached as to allow the LMC to know that scanning has stopped.

Signature: rpc get_state(GetStateRequest) returns (GetStateResponse)
Description: Used by a client to verify the state of the component.
Signature: rpc monitor(MonitorRequest) returns (stream MonitorResponse)
Description: Used to monitor a service. The service is expected to stream results back and putting the monitor data specific to itself in a given sub-message, i.e. SMRB to return data in an SmrbMonitorData wrapped in a MonitorResponse.
Signature: rpc abort(AbortRequest) returns (AbortResponse)
Description: Used by a client to put the server into the ABORTED state. This can affect the configuring and scanning stages and the service must end those stages. If monitoring is happening due to be in a scanning state then the monitoring should also stop as that is only valid for scanning states.
Signature: rpc reset(ResetRequest) returns (ResetResponse)
Description: Used by a client to reset the device from ABORTED or FAULT state into an IDLE / deconfigured state.
Signature: rpc restart(RestartRequest) returns (RestartResponse)
Description: Used by a client to reset the device from ABORTED or FAULT state into an EMPTY state (i.e. not having any beam configuration). Implementations of this can do a logical restart, i.e. make sure the the system is deconfigured for scan and then deconfigure it for beam, resulting in all resources have been released.

Signature: rpc go_to_fault(GoToFaultRequest) returns (GoToFaultResponse)
Description: Used by a client to set the service into a FAULT state. This can be due to another part of the logical BEAM being faulty and a call to this method from a client it advising the service to move to the FAULT state.

By moving to the FAULT state the service can be reset or restarted.

Implementations of this should stop scanning if there it is in a scanning state.

Signature: rpc get_env(GetEnvironmentRequest) returns (GetEnvironmentResponse)
Description: Used by a client to get the environmental state for the sevice.

The client may call this many times as a form of monitoring. Unlike the monitor fuction, which is for monitoring a scan, this method doesn’t stream results back as it is a standard request and response method.

Implementations of this should document clearly what they provide in the map of values. The default implementation is to return an empty map of values.

Signature: rpc set_log_level(SetLogLevelRequest) returns (SetLogLevelResponse)
Description: Used by a client to set LogLevel of the service.

The client may call this many times to dynamically change the LogLevel.

Signature: rpc get_log_level(GetLogLevelRequest) returns (GetLogLevelResponse)
Description: Used by a client to get LogLevel of the service.


The following Protobuf messages are defined in the protobuf file.


Have the server abort its current process. This can happen IDLE, CONFIGURING, READY, SCANNING, or RESETTING states.

This is an empty message without any fields.


The Response message for the abort command.

This is an empty message without any fields.


A message to represent the beam configuration for the different services used within PST. This message is used as a field within the configure_beam and get_beam_configuration service methods.

It is only valid to only one field set, such as smrb, receive, or the test field.

Field Type Description
oneof configuration.smrb SmrbBeamConfiguration The beam configuration for SMRB. This message can only be used for sending to/from the SMRB services.
oneof configuration.receive ReceiveBeamConfiguration The beam configuration for RECV. This message can only be used for sending to/from the RECV services.
oneof configuration.dsp_disk DspDiskBeamConfiguration The beam configuration for DSP.DISK It is invalid to send DSP.DISK configuration to any other system.
oneof configuration.stat StatBeamConfiguration The beam configuration for STAT.CORE It is invalid to send STAT.CORE configuration to any other system.
oneof configuration.test TestBeamConfiguration The beam configuration used within testing. This field should only be used with unit testing in the ska-pst-common project.


Configure beam is by the LMC to setup the PST system ready to then be used for configuring scans. The main purpose of this is setting up the ring buffers and the subbands that may not change between scans but can change between different types of observations at different frequency bands and different number of channels.

Field Type Description
beam_configuration BeamConfiguration The beam configuration for the service. This uses a BeamConfiguration message that has specific fields for the difference services.
dry_run bool Whether to perform a validation of the configuration without performing the actual configuration process on the service.

If not set or the default value of false then the request will be performed.


An empty response message that is used to define successfully doing beam configuration.

This is an empty message without any fields.


Request message to configure a server to be ready for a scan request.

Field Type Description
scan_configuration ScanConfiguration The scan configuration for the service. This uses a ScanConfiguration message that has specific fields for the difference services.
dry_run bool Whether to perform a validation of the configuration without performing the actual configuration process on the service.

If not set or the default value of false then the request will be performed.


An empty message used as a response for a configure request.

This is an empty message without any fields.


A request message to be sent to the service to identify which client is connecting.

Field Type Description
client_id string The ID of the client. For the TANGO devices this should be the full-qualified domain name of the device.


An empty response message for the connection request.

This is an empty message without any fields.


An empty message used in requesting the service to deconfigure itself of the beam configuration, such as disconnecting from ring buffers.

This is an empty message without any fields.


An empty response message that is used for successful response of deconfiguring beam.

This is an empty message without any fields.


An empty message used to request that a server deconfigures itself.

This is an empty message without any fields.


An empty message used as a response for a deconfigure request.

This is an empty message without any fields.


Message to represent configuration for the DSP.DISK of PST

Field Type Description
data_key string The key for the data buffer to read from
weights_key string The key for the weights buffer to read from


Message for the DSP.DISK monitoring results of a subband.

Field Type Description
disk_capacity uint64 Disk size (in bytes)
disk_available_bytes uint64 Available disk space left
bytes_written uint64 Amount of data written during current scan
write_rate double Current write rate, in bytes / second


Message used for the DSP.DISK scan configuration.

Field Type Description
scanlen_max double maximum length of observation (in seconds)
bytes_per_second double The calculated bytes per second for the beam data
execution_block_id string Execution block id. Used to group multiple scans together with an overall context.


Message representing value of an environment value. This is done as a `oneof` field which allows for a string, float, signed int/long, or a unsigned int/long.

Field Type Description
oneof value.string_value string
oneof value.float_value float
oneof value.signed_int_value sint64
oneof value.unsigned_int_value uint64


An empty message used to request the current beam configuration.

This is an empty message without any fields.


The response message for getting the current beam configuration for the the component.

Field Type Description
beam_configuration BeamConfiguration The beam configuration for the service. This uses a BeamConfiguration message that has specific fields for the difference services.


An empty request message to get the environment of the service.

This is an empty message without any fields.


The response message for the get_env command.

Field Type Description
values map GetEnvironmentResponse.ValuesEntry A map of values where the key is the environment variable name and the value is of type `EnvValue`.

It is valid to return an empty response.


Field Type Description
key string
value EnvValue


An empty request message for the get_log_level command.

This is an empty message without any fields.


The response message for the get_log_level command.

Field Type Description
log_level LogLevel Enum containing the current LogLevel of the service


An empty message used to retreive the current scan configuration of a component.

This is an empty message without any fields.


A response message used to return the scan configuration of the a component.

Field Type Description
scan_configuration ScanConfiguration


Request from the server to find out what state it is in.

This is an empty message without any fields.


Response from the server for what state it is in.

Field Type Description
state ObsState The current ObsState of the managed service.


An empty request message for the go_to_fault command.

Field Type Description
error_message string the message relating to the fault and why the go_to_fault message was called.


An emptry response message for the go_to_fault command.

This is an empty message without any fields.


A message to represent the current monitoring data for the different services used within PST.

It is only valid to only one field set, such as smrb, receive, or the test field.

Field Type Description
oneof monitor_data.smrb SmrbMonitorData The monitoring data for SMRB.CORE.
oneof monitor_data.receive ReceiveMonitorData The monitoring data for RECV.CORE.
oneof monitor_data.dsp_disk DspDiskMonitorData The monitoring data for DSP.CORE.
oneof monitor_data.stat StatMonitorData The monitoring data for STAT.CORE.
oneof monitor_data.test TestMonitorData Only used for testing


Request from the server to stream monitoring telemetry.

Field Type Description
polling_rate uint64 rate in milliseconds to stream data back. The rate should be in the order of seconds but instead of using a float using a long int to represent that time.

If the server does not respond in 2 * this rate then the client should raise an alert.


Response message from the server that is an envelope for a specific type of monitoring data, such at SMRB to populate SmrbMonitorData messages and put them into the smrb field of the monitore_data sub-message field.

Field Type Description
monitor_data MonitorData The current monitor data to be returned for the service.


Message to represent configuration for the RECV.CORE of PST

Field Type Description
udp_nsamp uint32 Number of time samples per packet
wt_nsamp uint32 Number of time samples per relative weight
udp_nchan uint32 Number of frequency channels per packet
frequency double Centre frequency of observation (in MHz)
bandwidth double Total critical bandwidth (in MHz)
nchan uint32 Total number of input channels
frontend string The timing beam identifier
fd_poln string native polarisation of feed
fd_hand sint32 handedness of feed, having valid values are +1 or -1. For value of +1 for XYZ forming RH set with Z in the direction of propagation. Looking up into the feed of a prime-focus receiver or at the sky).
fd_sang float feed angle (in degrees)
fd_mode string feed tracking mode
fa_req float feed position angle. If the feed_mode = ‘FA’ this is respect to the telescope’s reference frame (feed_angle = 0), and for feed_mode = ‘CPA’ this is with respect to the celestial north (parallic angle = 0) or with respect to the Galactic north for coordinate_mode = ‘GALACTIC’.
nant uint32 number of receptors in sub-array
antennas string comma separated list of anntenna names.
ant_weights string comma separated list of receptor weights (which are floats)
npol uint32 number of polarisation
nbits uint32 number of bits per sample
ndim uint32 number of dimensions - should always be 2
tsamp double sampling time, inferred from the bandwidth, nchan and oversample (in microseconds)
ovrsamp string oversampling rate - this is a fraction expressed as numerator/denominator
nsubband uint32 number of subbands
subband_resources ReceiveSubbandResources subband configuration
udp_format string udp format for scan
bytes_per_second double calculated bytes_per_second
beam_id string the beam id for the scans


Message for the Receive monitoring results of a subband.

Field Type Description
receive_rate float UDP data received in bytes per second. This is the instantaneous rate for the last second.
data_received uint64 UDP data received in the current scan (in bytes).
data_drop_rate float UDP data dropped in bytes per second. This is the instantaneous rate for the last second.
data_dropped uint64 UDP data dropped in the current scan (in bytes).
misordered_packets uint64 Number of out of order UDP packets received in the current scan. The UDP packets for all frequency channels of a given set of time samples that start at time t0 shall arrive before the first packet containing data sampled at time t0+2 delta_t, where delta_t is the time spanned by the set of time samples in a single packet.
misordered_packet_rate float Number of out of order UDP packets per second. This is the instantaneous rate for the last second. See the misordered_packets for more detail.
malformed_packets uint64 Malformed packets are valid UDP packets, but where contents of the UDP payload does not conform to the specification in the CBF/PST ICD. Examples of malformation include: bad magic-word field, invalid meta-data, incorrect packet size.
malformed_packet_rate float The rate of malformed packets per second for the current scan. See the malformed_packets field for more detail.
misdirected_packets uint64 Total number of (valid) UDP packets that were unexpectedly received. Misdirection could be due to wrong ScanID, Beam ID, Network Interface or UDP port. Receiving misdirected packets is a sign that there is something wrong with the upstream configuration for the scan.
misdirected_packet_rate float The rate of mis-directected packets per second. See documentation on the misdirected_packets field for explanation of what a misdirected packet is.
checksum_failure_packets uint64 Total number of packets with a UDP, IP header or CRC checksum failure. This value is reported from the network interface (NIC).
checksum_failure_packet_rate float The number of packet checksum failures per second. See the checksum_failure_packets field for more detail.
timestamp_sync_error_packets uint64 The number of packets received where the timestamp has become desynchronised with the packet sequence number * sampling interval
timestamp_sync_error_packet_rate float The number of packet timestamp sync errors per second. See the timestamp_sync_error_packets field for more detail.
seq_number_sync_error_packets uint64 The number of packets received where the packet sequence number has become desynchronised with the data rate and elapsed time.
seq_number_sync_error_packet_rate float The number of packet sequence number sync errors per second. See the seq_number_sync_error_packets for more detail.


Message representing scan configuration for RECV

NOTE - OBSMODE is listed in detailed design but the LMC is set into an OBSMODE and this would be sent to DSP directly.

Field Type Description
activation_time string UTC data and time to perform the requested command (in UTC string format)
observation_id string Unique indentifer for observation
scan_id uint64 64-bit scan ID (Deprecated - now part of the Start Scan request)
observer string The person in charge of the observation
projid string Project the observations are for
pnt_id string ID for sub-array pointing
subarray_id string ID for the sub-array
source string The name/id of the source
itrf string Comma separated string of IRTF coordinates of the telescope delay centre (in metres)
bmaj float Beam major axis
bmin float Beam minor axis
coord_md string frame of coordinates
equinox string coordinate epoch
stt_crd1 string X component of starting co-ords in COORD_MD frame. If equatorial coordinates this would be the RA in Hours, minutes, seconds
stt_crd2 string Y component of starting co-ords in COORD_MD frame. If equatorial coordinates this would be the Dec in degrees, minutes, seconds.
trk_mode string tracking mode
scanlen_max int32 maximum length of observation (in seconds)
test_vector string identifier of preconfigured test-vector
calibration ScanCalibration calibration information for the scan
execution_block_id string Execution block id. Used to group multiple scans together with an overall context.


Message to represent subband configuration for RECV.CORE

The detailed design document has parameters for the networking interface, like IP listener address and UDP port numbers. These have not been added here due to the fact that we now use Docker/Kubernetes. If they are need in the future this is where they should be added.

Field Type Description
data_key string subband data key
weights_key string subband weights key
bandwidth double RF bandwidth for sub-band (in MHz)
nchan uint32 number of input frequency channels for subband
start_channel uint32 lowest channel number for input of sub-band (in MHz)
end_channel uint32 highest channel number for input of sub-band (in MHz)
frequency double subband centre frequency (in MHz)
start_channel_out uint32 lowest frequency channel number for output of sub-band
end_channel_out uint32 highest channel number for input of sub-band (in MHz)
nchan_out uint32 number of output frequency channels of sub-band
bandwidth_out double total output bandwidth across the frequency channels of sub-band (in MHz)
frequency_out double centre RF frequency of output channels of subband (in MHz)
data_host string interface to listen on
data_port uint32 udp port to listen on


Request message to reset the state of a server. Based on the SKA Obs State model this should put the server in an IDLE (i.e. deconfigured/unconfigured) state but still have the beam configuration still set.

This is an empty message without any fields.


The response message for the reset command.

This is an empty message without any fields.


Request message to restart the state of a server. Based on the SKA Obs State model this should put the server back to an EMPTY (i.e. no beam configuration set) state. The implementation of this may do a logical restart rather than restarting the process.

This is an empty message without any fields.


The response message for the reset command.

This is an empty message without any fields.


Message representing scan calibration values this is used to allow for the calibration values to be null (i.e. not set) as protobuf defaults not set fields to zero.

For now SKA will not be using calibration in PST but this may change in the future.

Field Type Description
cal_mode string operation mode for the injected calibration
cal_freq double calibration modulation frequency (in MHz)
cal_dcyc float calibration signal duty cycle
cal_phs float calibration phase leading edge
cal_nphs uint32 number of states in calibration pulse


A message to represent the scan configuration for the different services used within PST. This message is used as a field within the configure and get_scan_configuration service methods.

It is only valid to only one field set, such as smrb, receive, or the test field.

Field Type Description
oneof configuration.smrb SmrbScanConfiguration The scan configuration for SMRB. This message can only be used for sending to/from the SMRB services.
oneof configuration.receive ReceiveScanConfiguration The scan configuration for RECV. This message can only be used for sending to/from the RECV services.
oneof configuration.dsp_disk DspDiskScanConfiguration The scan configuration for DSP.DISK. This message can only be used for sending to/from the DSP services.
oneof configuration.stat StatScanConfiguration The scan configuration for STAT.CORE. This message can only be used for sending to/from the STAT services.
oneof configuration.test TestScanConfiguration The scan configuration used within testing. This field should only be used with unit testing in the ska-pst-common project.


The request message for the set_log_level command.

Field Type Description
log_level LogLevel Enum containing the LogLevel to be implemented


An empty response message for the set_log_level command

This is an empty message without any fields.


Represents the beam configuration for a share memory ring buffer (SMRB)

Field Type Description
data_key string The key for the data buffer
weights_key string The key for the weights buffer
hb_nbufs uint32 The number of header buffers
hb_bufsz uint64 The size in bytes of the header buffers
db_nbufs uint32 The number of data buffers
db_bufsz uint64 The size in bytes of the data buffers
wb_nbufs uint32 The number of weights bufffers
wb_bufsz uint64 The size of the weights buffers


Message for the monitor results of a subband. This includes the data and weights statistics. It is up to the client of this to aggregate the data and weights statistics.

Field Type Description
data SmrbStatitics The data ring buffer statistics.
weights SmrbStatitics The weights ring buffer statistics.


Message representing scan configuration for SMRB this is an empty message for SMRB as there is nothing specific for the scan that needs to be configured.

This is an empty message without any fields.


Message for the statistics of a subband ring buffer

Field Type Description
nbufs uint32 total number of buffers
bufsz uint64 size of each buffer in bytes
written uint64 total number of buffers written to the ring
read uint64 total number of buffers read from the ring
full uint32 number of filled buffers in the ring
clear uint32 number of cleared buffers in the ring
available uint32 number of free buffers in the ring


Request that the component initiates a scan

Expect a timestamp for when the Scan should start. This is an open issue at the moment.

Field Type Description
scan_id int64 The unique ID for the scan.


Response for the scan request.

This is an empty message without any fields.


Message to represent configuration for the STAT.CORE of PST

Field Type Description
data_key string The key for the data buffer to read from
weights_key string The key for the weights buffer to read from


Message for the STAT.CORE monitoring results of a subband.

Field Type Description
mean_frequency_avg repeated float The mean of the data for each polarisation and dimension, averaged over all channels.
mean_frequency_avg_masked repeated float The mean of the data for each polarisation and dimension, averaged over all channels, except those flagged for RFI.
variance_frequency_avg repeated float The variance of the data for each polarisation and dimension, averaged over all channels.
variance_frequency_avg_masked repeated float The variance of the data for each polarisation and dimension, averaged over all channels, except those flagged for RFI.
mean_spectrum repeated float The mean of the data for each polarisation, dimension, and channel.
variance_spectrum repeated float The variance of the data for each polarisation, dimension, and channel.
mean_spectral_power repeated float Mean power of the data for each polarisation and channel.
max_spectral_power repeated float Maximum power of the data for each polarisation and channel.
histogram_1d_freq_avg repeated uint32 Histogram of the input data integer states for each polarisation and dimension, averaged over all channels.
histogram_1d_freq_avg_masked repeated uint32 Histogram of the input data integer states for each polarisation and dimension, averaged over all channels, except those flagged for RFI.
histogram_rebinned_2d_freq_avg repeated uint32 Rebinned 2D histogram of the input data integer states for each polarisation, averaged over all channels.
histogram_rebinned_2d_freq_avg_masked repeated uint32 Rebinned 2D histogram of the input data integer states for each polarisation, averaged over all channels, except those flagged for RFI.
histogram_rebinned_1d_freq_avg repeated uint32 Rebinned histogram of the input data integer states for each polarisation and dimension, averaged over all channels.
histogram_rebinned_1d_freq_avg_masked repeated uint32 Rebinned histogram of the input data integer states for each polarisation and dimension, averaged over all channels, except those flagged for RFI.
num_clipped_samples_spectrum repeated uint32 Number of clipped input samples (maximum level) for each polarisation, dimension, and channel.
num_clipped_samples repeated uint32 Number of clipped input samples (maximum level) for each polarisation and dimension, averaged over all channels.
num_clipped_samples_masked repeated uint32 Number of clipped input samples (maximum level) for each polarisation and dimension, averaged over all channels, except those flagged for RFI.
spectrogram repeated float Spectrogram of the data for each polarisation, rebinned in frequency to NCHAN_DS bins and in time to NDAT_DS bins.
timeseries repeated float Time series of the data for each polarisation, rebinned in time to NDAT_DS bins, averaged over all frequency channels. This includes max, min, and mean of the power in each bin.
timeseries_masked repeated float Time series of the data for each polarisation, rebinned in time to NDAT_DS bins, averaged over all frequency channels, except those flagged by RFI. This includes max, min, and mean of the power in each bin.


Message used for the STAT.CORE scan configuration.

Field Type Description
execution_block_id string Execution block id. Used to group multiple scans together with an overall context.
processing_delay_ms uint32 delay to wait between processing segements of statistics in milliseconds.
req_time_bins uint32 the requested number of temporal bins in integrated spectrograms and timeseries.
req_freq_bins uint32 the requested number of spectral bins in integrated spectrograms.
num_rebin uint32 the requested number of bins in integrated histograms.


A status message that will be returned by the services Only valid if there is an error

Field Type Description
code ErrorCode The error code for which this status relates to.
message string Optional error message to be provided when the error occurs.


Request that the component stops scanning

if end_time > 0 then the scan must stop at that exact time.

Field Type Description
end_time uint64 the time at which all the scans should stop as to allow synchonisation between RECV subbands This is in milliseconds from UNIX epoch (January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC)


Response for the end scan request.

This is an empty message without any fields.


Message used in unit testing to stub out the need for ska-pst-common to know about the structure of the core PST beam configurations.

This should only be used internally of the ska-pst-common project.

Field Type Description
resources map TestBeamConfiguration.ResourcesEntry A map to put any data into.


Field Type Description
key string
value string


Message used in unit testing to stub out the need for ska-pst-common for monitoring.

This should only be used internally of the ska-pst-common project.

Field Type Description
data map TestMonitorData.DataEntry A map of any monitoring data.


Field Type Description
key string
value string


Message used in unit testing to stub out the need for ska-pst-common to know about the structure of the core PST scan configurations.

This should only be used internally of the ska-pst-common project.

Field Type Description
configuration map TestScanConfiguration.ConfigurationEntry Map to put any test scan configuration data into.


Field Type Description
key string
value string


The following enums are defined within the protobuf file.


Enum representing particular error code that might happen during processing.

Name Number Description
OK 0 Not used but to avoid the default value
INVALID_REQUEST 1 Used if the request sent to the service is invalid, such as a Oneof value is not set when it should have been.
INTERNAL_ERROR 2 There was an internal server error raised.
CONFIGURED_FOR_BEAM_ALREADY 3 The component has already been configured for the beam. Should have been deconfigured for beam before the request was made.
NOT_CONFIGURED_FOR_BEAM 4 The component is not configured for beam.
ALREADY_SCANNING 5 The service is already performing a scann
NOT_SCANNING 6 The service is not scanning
CONFIGURED_FOR_SCAN_ALREADY 7 The component has already been configured for scan. Should have deconfigured for scan before the request had been made.
NOT_CONFIGURED_FOR_SCAN 8 There is no scan configuration for the server.


Enum representing the LogLevel

Name Number Description
INFO 0 The least verbose loglevel.
DEBUG 1 Information that is diagnostically helpful to people more than just developers.
WARNING 2 Anything that can potentially cause application oddities.
CRITICAL 3 Overall application or system failure that should be investigated immediately.
ERROR 4 Logs that highlight when the current flow of execution is stopped due to a failure.


This is a protobuf representation of the SKA Obs State model enum. This is used by the LMC client to check the state of the service. Not all states will be valid for the system but are provided to map one-to-one with the SKA specific model

Name Number Description
EMPTY 0 The sub-array is ready to observe, but is in an undefined configuration and has no resources allocated.
RESOURCING 1 The system is allocating resources to, or deallocating resources from, the subarray. This may be a complete de/allocation, or it may be incremental. In both cases it is a transient state and will automatically transition to IDLE when complete. For some subsystems this may be a very brief state if resourcing is a quick activity.
IDLE 2 The subarray has resources allocated and is ready to be used for observing. In normal science operations these will be the resources required for the upcoming SBI execution.

For PST this means that the component has beam configuration and connected to the appropriate ring buffers.

CONFIGURING 3 The subarray is being configured ready to scan. On entry to the state no assumptions can be made about the previous conditions. It is a transient state and will automatically transition to READY when it completes normally.
READY 4 The subarray is fully prepared to scan, but is not actually taking data or moving in the observed coordinate system (it may be tracking, but not moving relative to the coordinate system).
SCANNING 5 The subarray is taking data and, if needed, all components are synchronously moving in the observed coordinate system. Any changes to the sub-systems are happening automatically (this allows for a scan to cover the case where the phase centre is moved in a pre-defined pattern).
ABORTING 6 The subarray is trying to abort what it was doing due to having been interrupted by the controller.
ABORTED 7 The subarray has had its previous state interrupted by the controller, and is now in an aborted state.
RESETTING 8 The subarray device is resetting to the IDLE state.
FAULT 9 The subarray has detected an error in its observing state making it impossible to remain in the previous state.
RESTARTING 10 The subarray device is restarting, as the last known stable state is where no resources were allocated and the configuration undefined.


Enum representing the observation mode for the scan

Name Number Description
PULSAR_TIMING 0 The default observation mode is Pulsar timing which is used to time a known pulsar.
DYNAMIC_SPECTRUM 1 Dynamic spectrum is used on a target, such as a candidate pulsar, to determine more details about it before doing a pulsar timing scanning.
FLOW_THROUGH 2 The observation mode that just records the data without processing the data.

Protobuf Scalar Value Types

The following value types are standard Protobuf types and documented for reference

.proto Type C++ Type Python Type Notes
double double float
float float float
int32 int32 int Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead.
int64 int64 int/long Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead.
uint32 uint32 int/long Uses variable-length encoding.
uint64 uint64 int/long Uses variable-length encoding.
sint32 int32 int Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s.
sint64 int64 int/long Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s.
fixed32 uint32 int Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28.
fixed64 uint64 int/long Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56.
sfixed32 int32 int Always four bytes.
sfixed64 int64 int/long Always eight bytes.
bool bool boolean
string string str/unicode A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text.
bytes string str May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes.