SKA PST COMMON Applications


Prints the version of the ska-pst-common library to stdout.


Generates a pair of data and weights files containing a simulated signal, in the DADA file format as output by the AA0.5 voltage recorder.

Usage: ska_pst_generate_file [options]

-d config

name of configuration file for output data

-w config

name of configuration file for output weights

-s signal

name of signal generator (Random, Sine, GaussianNoise)

-T seconds

duration of simulated signal (default: 10)


use O_DIRECT for writing file output

Example: generate 0.1 seconds of data containing normally distributed GaussianNoise

ska_pst_generate_file -d data_config.txt -w weights_config.txt -s GaussianNoise -T 0.1

The example data_config.txt

HDR_SIZE      4096
NPOL          2
NDIM          2
NCHAN         20736
NBIT          16

RESOLUTION              5308416

UDP_NSAMP               32
WT_NSAMP                32
UDP_NCHAN               24

UTC_START           2023-08-05-11:07:09

FREQ                1000
BW                  800    # MHz
TSAMP               25.92  # microseconds

The example weights_config.txt

HDR_SIZE      4096
NPOL          1
NDIM          1
NCHAN         20736
NBIT          16

RESOLUTION              44928

UDP_NSAMP               32
WT_NSAMP                32
UDP_NCHAN               24