# Low CBF Firmware Common This project provides features that are common to the various Low CBF firmware projects.

## Documentation [![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/ska-telescope-ska-low-cbf-fw-common/badge/?version=latest)](https://developer.skao.int/projects/ska-low-cbf-fw-common/en/latest/?badge=latest)

The documentation for this project can be found in the docs folder, or browsed in the SKA development portal:

## Project Avatar (Repository Icon) [Solution icons created by Freepik - Flaticon](https://www.flaticon.com/free-icons/solution “solution icons”)

# Quick Start

This is the minimum to get you up and running quickly. Refer to other documentation for further details.

## Prerequisites

The [yq](https://github.com/kislyuk/yq) YAML processor is used in scripts.

  • You should be able to install it with pip3 install yq. (Do not use the

‘snap’ version of yq, it’s not compatible!)
  • yq uses jq under the hood, install it with sudo apt install jq.

For version labelling, the SKA standard .release file should be used. (A text file version containing only a version string is supported for non-SKA projects)

## Integration into other projects

### Git Submodule

For access to the scripts, use a git submodule, in a directory named common in the base directory of your repository.

e.g. ` git submodule add "../ska-low-cbf-fw-common" common git add .gitmodules common git commit `

### GitLab CI Configuration

Include gitlab/build.yml in your CI configuration file .gitlab-ci.yml, and tell GitLab that it needs to clone the submodule when it’s running pipelines:

```yaml variables:



# Alveo FPGA build common CI configuration # Note: GitLab includes always grab the latest. # This may not match the copy in our ‘common’ submodule! - project: ‘ska-telescope/low-cbf/ska-low-cbf-fw-common’

file: ‘gitlab/build.yml’


You may need to modify other variables depending on your project, for example a different platform file:

```yaml variables:

GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY: recursive XPFM: “/opt/xilinx/platforms/xilinx_u50lv_gen3x4_xdma_2_202010_1/xilinx_u50lv_gen3x4_xdma_2_202010_1.xpfm”
