GitLab CI Configuration

At present all CI configuration is in one file, gitlab/build.yml.

Importing CI Config to Your Project

As mentioned in the README, you’ll need to add this common project as a git submodule, and also include the CI configuration in your .gitlab-ci.yml file.

Here’s a complete example taken from ska-low-cbf-fw-pst (as of 29 June 2022)

  XPFM: "/opt/xilinx/platforms/xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_2_202110_1/xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_2_202110_1.xpfm"

  # Alveo FPGA build common CI configuration
  # Note: GitLab includes always grab the latest.
  # This may not match the copy in our 'common' submodule!
  - project: 'ska-telescope/low-cbf/ska-low-cbf-fw-common'
    file: 'gitlab/build.yml'

  # SKA standard includes
  # RAW artefact handling
  - project: 'ska-telescope/templates-repository'
    file: 'gitlab-ci/includes/raw.gitlab-ci.yml'
  # Release management
  - project: 'ska-telescope/templates-repository'
    file: 'gitlab-ci/includes/release.gitlab-ci.yml'
  # Docs pages
  - project: 'ska-telescope/templates-repository'
    file: 'gitlab-ci/includes/docs.gitlab-ci.yml'
  # .post step finalisers eg: badges
  - project: 'ska-telescope/templates-repository'
    file: 'gitlab-ci/includes/finaliser.gitlab-ci.yml'

  # note: this is modifying a job imported from templates-repository!
    - job: v++
      optional: true  # v++ job doesn't always exist in pipeline
    BUILD_STRING: "CI CAR Package. Pipeline ${CI_PIPELINE_ID} created at ${CI_PIPELINE_CREATED_AT} on branch ${CI_COMMIT_BRANCH}. Commit ${CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA}."
    # we check if the build directory exists because v++ doesn't always run
    # CI=false is a hack to stop the package_firmware script from uploading anything.
    - if [ -d build ]; then CI=false common/scripts/; fi;

Testing a Development Branch

In your downstream project, edit .gitlab-ci.yml using the ref keyword to include your ska-low-cbf-fw-common development branch

  - project: 'ska-telescope/low-cbf/ska-low-cbf-fw-common'
    file: 'gitlab/build.yml'
    ref: 'perentie-1234-fw-common-branch-name'

If you’re modifying shell scripts, you’ll also need to modify the common submodule to point to the branch. This sequence of commands may help…

cd common
git checkout perentie-1234-fw-common-branch-name
cd ..
git add common
git commit


A variable defined in build.yml is assumed to be mandatory unless it contains the word “EXTRA”. A sensible default value should be provided if possible, but mandatory variables may be left empty in build.yml, leaving downstream projects to provide their value in their .gitlab-ci.yml file.


The BASEDIR variable is used to provide the absolute path to the base directory where the build is starting from. As this is not known at CI pipeline instantiation time, we have to use some tricks to evaluate it later, when the jobs are running.

So you will see $${BASEDIR} in the YAML, escaping the $ so GitLab does not interpret it. The variable BASEDIR is set to the repositry root in Then, at the time of use, envsubst is used to substitue the current value in.

(Perhaps all this complexity could go away if the TCL scripts / tools were able to use relative paths instead??)

Runner Configuration

Due to licensing restrictions, pipeline access is locked down to members of the SKA Perentie Team (aka CSIRO S&A Employees).

See Alveo Gitlab Runner on SKA Confluence for installation instructions.

Runner Tags

  • vitis-$VITIS-VERSION - e.g. “vitis-2021.2” indicates the runner has a particular version of Xilinx Vitis (and Vivado) installed.

  • EXTRA_DEVELOPER_TAG - Optionally supplied at pipline launch. FPGA developer’s initials, used to keep a precious build box for use by one person only.

  • matlab - indicates MathWorks MATLAB is installed.

Pipeline Stages

Stages are copied from the standard SKA pipeline for compatibility.

Pipeline Jobs

As the build process takes a long time and we have limited servers to run on, the job steps are dynamic and the full build is not always run.

The following build processes are supported:

  • Building the FPGA design will be triggered via:

    • Commit to a branch with keyword build in the commit message.

    • Merge Request. This is to test timing on the work before merging.

    • Any commit on the main branch. This is to make sure main is always in a working state.

    • Tag, which triggers a pipeline including publication to the Central Artefact Repository (CAR).

  • Commit documentation, release notes or build information. Due to restrictions of committing to main, there is a commit message key word “docs”, that will not trigger FPGA build jobs but just run up to FPGA lint on a branch. Note: Jobs included from other sources will still run.

    • The magic word “docs” needs to be used in the commit first line and in the branch name due to how MR to main adopts the branch name.

  • Simulation jobs:

    • Manually triggered long and short simulation jobs are available.

    • The short sim will run on a merge request or tag, long will not be required.

See the rules in build.yml for exact details.