XRT Build

Generally we use Xilinx’s official releases of XRT (Xilinx Runtime), however from time to time it may be useful to build XRT from source. For example, if there is a bug in the published package that has since been resolved in the XRT source repository.

As there are a lot of dependencies required for the build that are not useful in production, we have a containerised build process.


  • The build script will clone the latest version of the XRT repository

  • There’s no straightforward way to inject a patch (you could edit xrt_build.sh to clone a different repo/branch?)

  • Really the dependency installation should go into the Dockerfile to save time if you’re modifying code and doing multiple builds

  • This whole thing is a bit of a hack that hopefully isn’t needed again

  • There may be an extra step required to pack some firmware from an official XRT release into the build result - copy the contents of /opt/xilinx/xrt/share/fw from an XRT install into the build tree


  • Docker installed

  • You are in the docker user group

  • If you need to use a web proxy, set http_proxy and/or https_proxy environment variables

cd tools/xrt_build_docker
mkdir build

Build Container Image

If direct web access available:

docker build . -t xrt_build

If HTTP proxy is required:

docker build . --build-arg https_proxy --build-arg http_proxy -t xrt_build

Compile XRT

If direct web access available:

docker run -it --rm --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/build,target=/build xrt_build bash -c ./xrt_build.sh

If HTTP proxy is required:

docker run -it --rm --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/build,target=/build -e https_proxy -e http_proxy xrt_build bash -c ./xrt_build.sh