Development Plan

PI13 Iteration 1

The suggested development plan for iteration 1 of the Angular Sensitivity Calculator is described in the plan diagram in Figure 1.

The main key point for development is to have two Angular developers working in parallel on the application to complete non blocking tasks.

The first 3 steps are core tasks that must be performed in order to get the large majority of the sensitivity calculator hanging together.

By specifying the tasks for each developer in step 1 to 3, it will prevent each developer waiting too long on something from the previous step being completed.

The first 6 tasks have been split out as fairly as possible in terms of size and complexity, so each developer will be busy and not overloaded.

For example, the Mid-Calculator Component and Mid-Calc-Tab-Selector Component depends on some sort of core SCSS styles/UX to be available for consistent look and feel for the componments so these must wait on step 2, but the Header Compomnent can probably be its own entity for the majority and tidy up with some parent level CSS at the end so it can be developed in parallel to the SCSS.

The final steps are not attached to either developer but are still in some sort of priority by steps to drive focus. When a developer reaches step 4 and beyond, they can pick up any task in that step (as long as its not been picked up already by the other dev). This also would allow a third developer to come onboard and pick up these later tasks if we need support for deadlines.


Figure 1 . Diagram shows the flow of work for two developers working in parallel.

Risks :

Availability in Sprint 4/5 is a risk, as these are already bloated sprints, so we have noted as a team we could descope Cypress testing to PI14 if required.