
rascil.processing_components.imaging.imaging_params Module


get_rowmap(col[, ucol])

Map to unique cols

get_polarisation_map(vis[, im])

Get the mapping of visibility polarisations to image polarisations

get_frequency_map(vis[, im])

Map channels from visibilities to image

rascil.processing_components.imaging.primary_beams Module

Functions to create primary beam and voltage pattern models


set_pb_header(pb[, use_local])

Fill in PB header correctly for local coordinates.

create_pb(model[, telescope, ...])

Create an image containing the primary beam for a number of cases

create_pb_generic(model[, pointingcentre, ...])

Create a generic analytical model of the primary beam

create_vp([model, telescope, ...])

Create an image containing the dish voltage pattern for a number of cases

create_vp_generic(model[, pointingcentre, ...])

Create a generic analytical model of the voltage pattern

create_vp_generic_numeric(model[, ...])

Make an image like model and fill it with an analytical model of the primary beam

create_low_test_beam(model[, use_local, azel])

Create a test power beam for LOW

create_low_test_vp(model[, use_local, azel])

Create a test voltage beam for LOW

create_mid_allsky([frequency, npixel, cellsize])

Approximate all sky MID beam

convert_azelvp_to_radec(vp, im, pa)

Convert AZELGEO image to image coords at specific parallactic angle


Normalise the vp in place so that the peak gain on axis for parallel pols is equal