
rascil_sensitivity is a command line app written using RASCIL. It allows calculation of point source sensitivity (pss) and surface brightness sensitivity (sbs). The analysis is based on Dan Briggs’s PhD thesis https://casa.nrao.edu/Documents/Briggs-PhD.pdf

rascil_sensitivity works by constructing a Visibility set and running invert to obtain the point spread function. The visibility weights in the Visibility are constructed to be equal to the time-bandwidth product each visibility sample. For natural weighting, these weights are used as the imaging weights. The sum of gridded weights therefore gives the total time-bandwidth of the observation. Given Tsys and efficiency it can then calculate the point source sensitivity. To obtain the surface brightness sensitivity, we calculate the solid angle of the clean beam fitted to the PSF, and divide the point source sensitivity by the solid angle.

Weighting schemes such as robust weighting and visibility tapering modify the imaging weights. The point source sensitivity always worsens compared to natural weighting but the surface brightness sensitivity may improve.

The robustness parameter and the visibility taper can be specified as single values or as a list of values to test.

The array configuration is specified by 2 parameters: configuration identifies a table with details of the available dishes, subarray names a json file listing the ids (i.e. row numbers in the configuration table) of the dishes to be used. If no subarray is specified then all dishes will be selected. The json format is:

{"ids": [64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, ....etc.]}

The principal output is a CSV file, written by pandas in which all values of robustness and taper are tested, along with natural weighting.

The processing is distributed using Dask over all frequency channels specified.

Example script

The following:

python $RASCIL/rascil/apps/rascil_sensitivity.py --results range_0.5_int_20 --time_range -0.25 0.25 \
    --integration_time 20 --msfile range_0.5_int_20.ms

produces the output:

Final results:
   weighting  robustness  taper  cleanbeam_bmaj  cleanbeam_bmin  cleanbeam_bpa  ...      pss_casa reltonat_casa            sa           sbs            tb     sbs_casa
0    uniform         0.0    0.0        0.000124        0.000106       0.348636  ...  5.055773e-08      4.214877  5.290084e-12  4.844478e+06  7.435200e+13  9557.074591
1     robust        -2.0    0.0        0.000125        0.000107       0.346705  ...  4.907281e-08      4.091084  5.423607e-12  4.528158e+06  8.096404e+13  9048.003290
2     robust        -1.5    0.0        0.000138        0.000119       0.366295  ...  4.237805e-08      3.532957  6.570541e-12  2.905383e+06  1.339994e+14  6449.703859
3     robust        -1.0    0.0        0.000220        0.000209      19.006936  ...  3.168845e-08      2.641790  1.669975e-11  6.384441e+05  4.295821e+14  1897.540277
4     robust        -0.5    0.0        0.000328        0.000316      40.826795  ...  2.208990e-08      1.841582  3.703912e-11  1.701715e+05  1.229183e+15   596.393758
5     robust         0.0    0.0        0.000454        0.000437      33.235117  ...  1.618849e-08      1.349596  7.111900e-11  5.956637e+04  2.721061e+15   227.625391
6     robust         0.5    0.0        0.000600        0.000577      30.284717  ...  1.360183e-08      1.133952  1.242658e-10  2.643972e+04  4.523710e+15   109.457521
7     robust         1.0    0.0        0.000729        0.000702    -149.373492  ...  1.228866e-08      1.024476  1.836020e-10  1.549264e+04  6.035397e+15    66.930950
8     robust         1.5    0.0        0.000791        0.000761      30.715780  ...  1.200501e-08      1.000829  2.160325e-10  1.241103e+04  6.792939e+15    55.570408
9     robust         2.0    0.0        0.000802        0.000772    -149.271796  ...  1.199519e-08      1.000010  2.221125e-10  1.194877e+04  6.932970e+15    54.005008
10   natural         0.0    0.0        0.000804        0.000773    -149.270574  ...  1.199506e-08      1.000000  2.228600e-10  1.189396e+04  6.950160e+15    53.823312

[11 rows x 24 columns]

Command line arguments

Calculate relative sensitivity for MID observations

usage: rascil_sensitivity [-h] [--use_dask USE_DASK]
                          [--imaging_npixel IMAGING_NPIXEL] [--msfile MSFILE]
                          [--imaging_cellsize IMAGING_CELLSIZE]
                          [--imaging_oversampling IMAGING_OVERSAMPLING]
                          [--imaging_weighting IMAGING_WEIGHTING]
                          [--imaging_robustness [IMAGING_ROBUSTNESS ...]]
                          [--imaging_taper [IMAGING_TAPER ...]] [--ra RA]
                          [--tsys TSYS] [--efficiency EFFICIENCY]
                          [--diameter DIAMETER] [--declination DECLINATION]
                          [--configuration CONFIGURATION]
                          [--subarray SUBARRAY] [--rmax RMAX]
                          [--frequency FREQUENCY]
                          [--integration_time INTEGRATION_TIME]
                          [--time_range TIME_RANGE TIME_RANGE] [--nchan NCHAN]
                          [--channel_width CHANNEL_WIDTH] [--verbose VERBOSE]
                          [--results RESULTS]

Named Arguments


Use dask processing?

Default: “True”


Number of pixels in ra, dec: Should be a composite of 2, 3, 5

Default: 1024


Export Measurement file.

Default: “”


Cellsize (radians). Default is to calculate.


Oversampling of synthesised_beam (Default 3.0)

Default: 3.0


Type of weighting: uniform or robust or natural


Robustness for robust weighting,

Default: [-2.0, -1.5, -1.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0]


If set, use value for Gaussian taper, specified as radians in image plane


Right ascension (degrees)

Default: 15.0


System temperature (K)

Default: 20.0


Correlator efficiency

Default: 1.0


MID antenna diameter (m)

Default: 15.0


Declination (degrees)

Default: -45.0


Name of configuration or path: MID(=MIDR5), MIDR5, MEERKAT+

Default: “MIDR5”


Name of json file describing subarray to be used, default is all antennas

Default: “”


Maximum distance of station from centre (m)

Default: 200000.0


Centre frequency (Hz)

Default: 1360000000.0


Integration time (s)

Default: 600


Hour angle range in hours

Default: [-4.0, 4.0]


Number of channels

Default: 1


Channel bandwidth (Hz)

Default: 100000000.0


Verbose output?

Default: “False”


Root name for output files

Default: “rascil_sensitivity”