
rascil_advise is a command line app written using RASCIL. It provides advice on imaging parameters for a CASA MeasurementSet.

Example script

The following provides advice on an MS generated by the MID continuum imaging simulations:

# Run this in the directory containing SKA_MID_SIM_custom_B2_dec_-45.0_nominal_nchan100_nominal.ms
python3 $RASCIL/rascil/apps/rascil_advise.py --ingest_msname SKA_MID_SIM_custom_B2_dec_-45.0_nominal_nchan100_nominal.ms

Command line arguments

RASCIL imaging advise

usage: rascil_advise [-h] [--ingest_msname INGEST_MSNAME]
                     [--ingest_dd [INGEST_DD ...]] [--logfile LOGFILE]
                     [--guard_band_image GUARD_BAND_IMAGE]
                     [--oversampling_synthesised_beam OVERSAMPLING_SYNTHESISED_BEAM]
                     [--dela DELA]

Named Arguments


MeasurementSet to be read


Data descriptors in MS to read (all must have the same number of channels)

Default: [0]


Name of logfile (default is to construct one from msname)


Size of field of view in primary beams

Default: 3.0


Pixels per syntheised beam

Default: 3


Maximum allowed decorrelation

Default: 0.02