Source code for rascil.processing_components.skymodel.operations

"""Function to manage skymodels.


__all__ = [

import logging

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy
from astropy.wcs.utils import skycoord_to_pixel
from ska_sdp_datamodels.sky_model.sky_model import SkyModel
from ska_sdp_func_python.sky_component import (

from rascil.processing_components.image.operations import smooth_image
from rascil.processing_components.parameters import get_parameter

log = logging.getLogger("rascil-logger")

[docs] def partition_skymodel_by_flux(sc, model, flux_threshold=-numpy.inf): """Partition skymodel according to flux Bright skycomponents are put into a SkyModel as a list, and weak skycomponents are inserted into SkyModel as an image. :param sc: List of skycomponents :param model: Model image :param flux_threshold: :return: SkyModel For example:: fluxes = numpy.linspace(0, 1.0, 11) sc = [create_skycomponent(direction=phasecentre, flux=numpy.array([[f]]), frequency=frequency, polarisation_frame=PolarisationFrame('stokesI')) for f in fluxes] sm = partition_skymodel_by_flux(sc, model, flux_threshold=0.31) assert len(sm.components) == 7, len(sm.components) """ brightsc = filter_skycomponents_by_flux(sc, flux_min=flux_threshold) weaksc = filter_skycomponents_by_flux(sc, flux_max=flux_threshold) "Converted %d components into %d bright components and one image containing %d components" % (len(sc), len(brightsc), len(weaksc)) ) im = model.copy(deep=True) im = insert_skycomponent(im, weaksc) return SkyModel( components=[comp.copy() for comp in brightsc], image=im.copy(deep=True), mask=None, fixed=False, )
[docs] def show_skymodel(sms, psf_width=1.75, cm="Greys", vmax=None, vmin=None): """Show a list of SkyModels :param sms: List of SkyModels :param psf_width: Width of PSF in pixels :param cm: matplotlib colormap :param vmax: Maximum in image display :param vmin: Minimum in image display :return: """ sp = 1 for ism, sm in enumerate(sms): plt.clf() plt.subplot(121, projection=sms[ism].image.image_acc.wcs.sub([1, 2])) sp += 1 smodel = sms[ism].image.copy(deep=True) smodel = insert_skycomponent(smodel, sms[ism].components) smodel = smooth_image(smodel, psf_width) if vmax is None: vmax = numpy.max(smodel["pixels"].data[0, 0, ...]) if vmin is None: vmin = numpy.min(smodel["pixels"].data[0, 0, ...]) plt.imshow( smodel["pixels"].data[0, 0, ...], origin="lower", cmap=cm, vmax=vmax, vmin=vmin, ) plt.xlabel(sms[ism].image.image_acc.wcs.wcs.ctype[0]) plt.ylabel(sms[ism].image.image_acc.wcs.wcs.ctype[1]) plt.title("SkyModel%d" % ism) components = sms[ism].components if components is not None: for sc in components: x, y = skycoord_to_pixel( sc.direction, sms[ism].image.image_acc.wcs, 1, "wcs" ) plt.plot(x, y, marker="+", color="red") gaintable = sms[ism].gaintable if gaintable is not None: plt.subplot(122) sp += 1 phase = numpy.angle(sm.gaintable.gain[:, :, 0, 0, 0]) phase -= phase[:, 0][:, numpy.newaxis] plt.imshow(phase, origin="lower") plt.xlabel("Dish/Station") plt.ylabel("Integration")
[docs] def initialize_skymodel_voronoi(model, comps, gt=None): """Create a skymodel by Voronoi partitioning of the components, fill with components :param model: Model image :param comps: SkyComponents :param gt: Gaintable :return: """ skymodel_images = list() for i, mask in enumerate(image_voronoi_iter(model, comps)): im = model.copy(deep=True) im["pixels"].data *= mask["pixels"].data if gt is not None: newgt = gt.copy(deep=True) newgt.attrs["phasecentre"] = comps[i].direction else: newgt = None skymodel_images.append( SkyModel(image=im, components=None, gaintable=newgt, mask=mask) ) return skymodel_images
[docs] def calculate_skymodel_equivalent_image(sm): """Calculate an equivalent image for a skymodel Uses the image from the first skymodel as the template for the image :param sm: List of skymodels :return: Image """ combined_model = sm[0].image.copy(deep=True) combined_model["pixels"].data[...] = 0.0 for th in sm: if th.image is not None: if th.mask is not None: combined_model["pixels"].data += ( th.mask["pixels"].data * th.image["pixels"].data ) else: combined_model["pixels"].data += th.image["pixels"].data return combined_model
[docs] def update_skymodel_from_image(sm, im, damping=0.5): """Update a skymodel for an image, applying damping factor :param sm: List of skymodels :param im: Image :return: List of SkyModels """ for i, th in enumerate(sm): newim = im.copy(deep=True) if th.mask is not None: newim["pixels"].data *= th.mask["pixels"].data th.image["pixels"].data += damping * newim["pixels"].data return sm
[docs] def update_skymodel_from_gaintables(sm, gt_list, calibration_context="T", damping=0.5): """Update a skymodel from a list of gaintables :param sm: List of skymodels :param gt_list: List of gain tables :param calibration_context: Type of gaintable e.g. 'T', 'G' :return: List of skymodels """ assert len(sm) == len(gt_list) for i, th in enumerate(sm): th.gaintable["gain"].data *= numpy.exp( damping * 1j * numpy.angle(gt_list[i][calibration_context].gain) ) return sm
[docs] def expand_skymodel_by_skycomponents(sm, **kwargs): """Expand a sky model so that all components and the image are in separate skymodels The mask and gaintable are taken to apply for all new skymodels. :param sm: SkyModel :return: List of SkyModels """ def copy_image(im): """Copy an image :param im: :return: """ if im is None: return None else: return im.copy(deep=True) result = [ SkyModel( components=[comp], image=None, gaintable=sm.gaintable.copy(deep=True) if sm.gaintable else None, mask=copy_image(sm.mask), fixed=sm.fixed, ) for comp in sm.components ] if sm.image is not None: result.append( SkyModel( components=None, image=copy_image(sm.image), gaintable=sm.gaintable.copy(deep=True) if sm.gaintable else None, mask=copy_image(sm.mask), fixed=sm.fixed, ) ) return result
[docs] def create_skymodel_from_skycomponents_gaintables(components, gaintables, **kwargs): """Create a list of sky model from lists of components and gaintables :param sm: SkyModel :return: List of SkyModels """ assert len(components) == len(gaintables) result = [ SkyModel( components=[comp.copy()], image=None, mask=None, gaintable=gaintables[icomp].copy(deep=True), ) for icomp, comp in enumerate(components) ] return result
[docs] def extract_skycomponents_from_skymodel(sm, im=None, **kwargs): """Extract the bright components from the image in a skymodel This produces one component per frequency channel :param sm: skymodel :param im: image to be searched :param kwargs: Parameters for functions :param component_threshold: (in kwargs) Threshold in Jy to be classified as a source :param component_method: (in kwargs) Method to extract skycomponents: fit :return: Updated skymodel """ component_threshold = get_parameter(kwargs, "component_threshold", None) if component_threshold is None: return sm component_method = get_parameter(kwargs, "component_method", None) if component_threshold > 1e12: component_threshold = None component_method = None if component_method is None: return sm elif component_method == "fit": f"extract_skycomponents_from_image: Searching and fitting for components > {component_threshold} Jy" ) newsm = sm.copy() try: if im is None: found_components = find_skycomponents( newsm.image, fwhm=3, threshold=component_threshold ) fitted_components = [ fit_skycomponent(sm.image, sc, **kwargs) for sc in found_components ] else: found_components = find_skycomponents( im, fwhm=3, threshold=component_threshold ) fitted_components = [ fit_skycomponent(im, sc, **kwargs) for sc in found_components ] number_points = len(fitted_components) if number_points > 0: f"extract_skycomponents_from_image: Found {number_points} sources > {component_threshold} Jy" ) newsm.components += fitted_components except AssertionError: log.warning( f"extract_skycomponents_from_image: No sources found > {component_threshold} Jy" ) return sm else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown component extraction method {component_method}") return newsm