Expand and Contract Design Pattern in CDM

Every PI as we gradually evolve we expect schemas to keep changing as well, some scenarios like - commands may take new keywords in addition to / or replacing existing ones; there may be change in what kind of input a keyword takes in different schemas etc.

Thus devices and helper libraries would need to support an expand/contract strategy so that devices and JSON schemas could evolve without breaking compatibility with older clients. During expand, all required version of schemas should be supported, but users are expected to migrate to using the latest one as soon as possible. There may never be a final schema since as observatory evolves the science more information may need to be communicated from start to end. However, we will certainly like to discontinue many older schemas from time to time. This will be the contract phase

Since CDM validation/serialisation library should be used to validate the JSON strings for several commands of CentralNode , SubArrayNode and hence we start there by showing how commands through CDM will support the strategy with particular example of ‘release resources’.

Supporting existing and upcoming schemas with new keys in expand phase

We need to modify two message classes and two schema classes of release resource for both mid (central_node) and low (mccscontroller) telescopes respectively.

We can think of two scenarios that we need to support. Let’s understand the required modifications step by step for each scenario with example of a dummy schema for mid-telescope release resources.

Scenario 1 : Small number of additional unique keys and the values that they may take is well understood.

 <existing keys> ...
 "sdp_id": "sbi-mvp01-20220919-00001", # new in this schema
 "sdp_max_length": 125.40, # new in this schema


1. In constructor of the message class for <command>(here ReleaseResourcesRequest), add new parameters and declare them None value.

def __init__(
     interface: str = None,
     transaction_id: str = None,
     subarray_id: int = None,
     release_all: bool = False,
     dish_allocation: Optional[DishAllocation] = None,
     sdp_id: str = None,
     sdp_max_length: float = None,
     # init existing keys
     self.sdp_id = sdp_id
     self.sdp_max_length = sdp_max_length

     # value errors

2. Inside @post_load of schema class for <command> (here ‘ReleaseResourcesRequestSchema’), we modify for the same new keys as added in messages

   def create_request(self, data, **_):
           sdp_id = data.get("sdp_id", None)
           sdp_max_length = data.get("sdp_max_length", None)

        return ReleaseResourcesRequest(

3. We need to add the new keys otherwise unknown field validation error would be raised.

class ReleaseResourcesRequestSchema(ValidatingSchema):
# known fields
        sdp_id = fields.String()
        sdp_max_length = fields.Float()

Scenario 2 : While supporting multiple schemas the number of unique keys across several versions of schemas has grown very large and their validation is maintained at Telescope Model and/or the values they take is different across schemas.

1. In constructor of the message class for <command>(here ReleaseResourcesRequest), add **kwargs. We would also want to mention in constructor explicitly only those parameters which we’re sure and/or very important like we want to raise value error for incorrect value etc , rest let pass through kwargs.

  1. In the body of constructor we need to add one line,


Finally the code snippet should look like:-

def __init__(
     *_, # force non-keyword args
     interface: str = None,
     transaction_id: str = None,
     subarray_id: int = None,
     release_all: bool = False,
     dish_allocation: Optional[DishAllocation] = None,
     sdp_id: str = None,
     sdp_max_length: float = None,
     **kwargs, # arbitary keyword-value pairs
     # init existing keys
     self.sdp_id = sdp_id
     self.sdp_max_length = sdp_max_length

     # update new keywords-value pairs.

     # value errors

3. Inside @post_load of schema class for <command> (here ‘ReleaseResourcesRequestSchema’), we modify to allow all keys to come.

def create_request(self, data, **_):
     return ReleaseResourcesRequest(**data, )

4. However there is an additional challenge that validation error may get raised since the new keys are not mentioned inside schema class for <command>. For this we can propose the following :

i. including unknown in class Meta found in the same file. This would pass validation and work with load. But if we dump from object to JSON string these keys on the fly won’t be there. To have them working in both load and dump it seems we need to explicitly know atleast the keys and mention as additional.

class Meta:
     unknown = INCLUDE # passes validation and load but dump won't show these keys
     additional=('subbands','dummy_key1',) # mention all such expected keys

ii. Since CDM extends Telescope Model we can expect Telescope Model to maintain all keys and accepted values for validation to pass anyway.

Expectations in Contract phase

There should be additional challenges in contract phase that will be understood as we evolve. However for now we expect to:

  1. Remove support of kwargs

  2. Mention all keys by hand for the final schema.

  3. Have logical default values instead of declaring with NonelNull values. Remove null filtering in schemas.

    Users should not get away without correct keys and valid values in contract phase.

How to use during expand phase

from ska_tmc_cdm.schemas import CODEC

1. If we have some JSON-formatted string release_input_str

 "sdp_max_length": 125.40, # new key but mentioned in message, schema classes
 "subbands": [0.55e9, 0.95e9, 186], # on the fly
 "dummy_key1":"val1" # on the fly

# Convert the JSON to a Python object

req=CODEC.loads(ReleaseResourcesRequest, release_input_str) # requested object

2. If we received the object and want to convert it to JSON which may be used in a DeviceProxy call

json_str=CODEC.dumps(req) # from object to JSON string

3. Inside @post_load of schema class for <command> (here ‘ReleaseResourcesRequestSchema’) we expect the same message class constructor ‘ReleaseResourcesRequest’ to be able to support across different schemas using kwargs.

# expand
request = ReleaseResourcesRequest(
     dish_allocation=DishAllocation(receptor_ids=["ac", "b", "aab"]),
     sdp_id="sbi-mvp01-20220919-00001", # new in this schema
     sdp_max_length=125.40, # new in this schema
     subbands=[0.55e9, 0.95e9, 186], # arbitary new key-value captured
# contract
request = ReleaseResourcesRequest(
     dish_allocation=DishAllocation(receptor_ids=["ac", "b", "aab"]),
     sdp_id="sbi-mvp01-20220919-00001", # new in this schema


1. A prototype can be found at https://gitlab.com/ska-telescope/ska-tmc-cdm/-/tree/nak-74-expand-contract-design-pattern.

  1. Dummy schema for mid telescope release resource.

 "interface": https://schema.skao.int/ska-tmc-releaseresources/2.2, #optional
 "subarray_id": 1,
 "release_all": False,
 "receptor_ids": ["ac", "b", "aab"],
 "sdp_id": "sbi-mvp01-20220919-00001", # new in this schema
 "sdp_max_length": 125.40, # new in this schema
 "subbands: [0.55e9, 0.95e9, 186] # arbitary new key-value captured by kwargs​
  1. Dummy schema for low telescope release resource.

 "interface": https://schema.skao.int/ska-tmc-releaseresources/2.2, #optional
 "subarray_id": 1,
 "release_all": False,
 "subarray_beam_ids": [3], # new in this schema
 "channels": [[3, 4]], # new in this schema