Device Server deployment

The SKA telescope software is a conteinerized application that run with kubernetes (k8s). A TANGO device server can be seen as a set of k8s resources, as a service, pods, etc. deployed with the help of Helm. By using the ska-tango-util chart, a device server is composed by:

  • a job for the initialization of the entry in the tangodb,

  • a service,

  • a statefulset with one init container per dependency,

  • a role, rolebinding and a service account for waiting for the job to be finish in an init container.

The following image shows the deployment flow with the use of the ska-tango-util (in any version < 0.4.0):

TANGO deployment flow

Clearly this approach has some disadvantages in case of problems like software exception, bugs or wrong configuration. In all those cases, extra resources are required from the Kubernetes cluster - as it requires multiple PODs to be created as init-containers and jobs. It also leaves behind spent resources (i.e. job pods that have completed). It can take a lot longer for a Device Server to startup - because of the Crash Loop Backoff behaviour that exists in the Kubernetes cluster, the greater the POD completions without success, the longer it takes to restart - an effect that can be compounded with multiple device dependencies.

Extending Kubernetes

There are many possibilities for extending kubernetes. In specific the following list shows the current extension points:
  • Kubectl plugins, official client libraries - Keystone

  • API Server extension - ACL, edit requests - Keystone

  • Custom Resources Definitions - partner with Custom Controllers

  • Custom schedulers - rare

  • Custom Controllers - API aggregation, pick up custom resources - KubeDB

  • Network extensions - Calico, Kuryr

  • Storage plugins - Cinder storage class, and operator

The Operator pattern

The operator pattern aims to capture the key aim of a human operator who is managing a service or set of services. Human operators who look after specific applications and services have deep knowledge of how the system ought to behave, how to deploy it, and how to react if there are problems (from k8s docs - Operator pattern). In specific:
  • Extends the Control Plane to give Custom Behaviours

  • Use Custom Resource Definitions (basically extend the API)

  • Use the control loop pattern (in automation, a control loop is a non-terminating loop that regulates the state of a system)

The ska-tango-operator is a kubernetes operator capable of managing TANGO resources (DeviceServer and DatabaseDS) that is to control their lifecycle within the Kubernetes’ native control/event loop. The goal is to have a cleaner deployment (no init-containers and jobs to perform configuration and dependency-checking operations), as well as an optimised startup time for Device Servers, as the operator can directly tap into the TANGO environment and retrieve information on dependent devices and the TANGO Host itself.

Developers know Device Servers, not StatefulSet resources, as those are components with specific behaviors relevant to the platform in use. Essentially the ska-tango-operator is an extension of the Kubernetes API with the perception of TANGO to Kubernetes mapping, automating much of the tasks a human would do to operate a TANGO resource, running on Kubernetes.

The Operator pattern

Custom Resource Definition (CRD):

The command kubectl describe crd shows the list of options for this resource definition. In specific by creating this resource the following resources will be created:
  • TANGO DB StatefulSet, Service and PersistentVolumeClaim

  • Database DS StatefulSet and Service

  • Database DS/TANGO DB ConfigMap

  • Script ‘’ used as entrypoint for TANGO Database

  • Script ‘’ used as docker entrypoint for Database DS

  • File ‘config.json’ Database DS json2tango configuration

The databaseds has 2 states: Building and running.


Custom Resource Definition (CRD):

The command kubectl describe crd shows the list of options for this resource definition. In specific by creating this resource the following resources will be created:
  • Device Server StatefulSet and Service

  • Device Server ConfigMap

  • Device Server script used to run the device (command called within

The possible states for a device server are: Building, Waiting, Error, Pending, Running.


TANGO Operator flow

The ska-tango-base and ska-tango-util charts have been refactored in order to generate deviceserver and databaseds CRD instead of usual k8s resources depending on the parameter global.operator (true for deviceserver and databaseds generation). The charts are completely retro-compatible.

The following code how the system behaves in the above examples using the ska-tango-operator controller:

make k8s-uninstall-chart

helm repo list | grep || helm repo add k8s-helm-repository

helm install to k8s-helm-repository/ska-tango-operator --create-namespace --namespace ska-tango-operator-system

make k8s-install-chart SKA_TANGO_OPERATOR=true K8S_EXTRA_PARAMS="--values my_values.yaml"
make k8s-watch SKA_TANGO_OPERATOR=true

The following code shows how to get some information from the deployment using the operator.

kubectl describe crd
kubectl describe crd
kubectl get databaseds --all-namespaces
kubectl describe -n ska-tango-examples
kubectl get -n ska-tango-examples
kubectl describe -n ska-tango-examples

make k8s-template-chart # will produce the file manifests.yaml

Metrics and grafana dashboard

When the ska-tango-operator is installed and an application is deployed in the k8s cluster, a set of metrics are available from the controller. The cluster has an ingress for those metrics available at /<namespace where the operator is installed>/metrics.

Every day there is a pipeline execution for the ska-tango-examples repository. So a live example of the dashboard can be found here (please select the namespace that start with ci-ska-tango-examples-*).

Confluence pages

There is a confluence page that describes the ska-tango-operator in great details here. A workshop has been done with this topic and the recording is available here.