
SCAMPI deployment must be robust, repeatable, and idempotent. We have multiple flavours of deployment for different configurations.


By running make in the command line, we can see all the targets and arguments (and their defaults) available.

[user@pc skampi]$ make
make targets:
Makefile:clean                 clean out references to chart tgz's
Makefile:delete_namespace      delete the kubernetes namespace
Makefile:delete_sdp_namespace  delete the kubernetes SDP namespace
Makefile:get_versions          lists the container images used for particular pods
Makefile:help                  show this help.
Makefile:install-or-upgrade    install or upgrade the release
Makefile:install               install the helm chart on the namespace KUBE_NAMESPACE
Makefile:k8s                   Which kubernetes are we connected to
Makefile:lint                  lint the HELM_CHART of the helm chart
Makefile:lint_all              lint ALL of the helm chart
Makefile:logs                  POD logs for descriptor
make vars (+defaults):
Makefile:API_SERVER_IP         $(THIS_HOST)# Api server IP of k8s
Makefile:API_SERVER_PORT       6443# Api server port of k8s
Makefile:CHART_SET ?=#for additional flags you want to set when deploying (default empty)
Makefile:CLIENT_ID             417ea12283741e0d74b22778d2dd3f5d0dcee78828c6e9a8fd5e8589025b8d2f# For the gangway kubectl setup, taken from Gitlab
Makefile:CLIENT_SECRET         27a5830ca37bd1956b2a38d747a04ae9414f9f411af300493600acc7ebe6107f# For the gangway kubectl setup, taken from Gitlab
Makefile:CLUSTER_NAME          integration.cluster# For the gangway kubectl setup
Makefile:DEPLOYMENT_CONFIGURATION skamid## umbrella chart to work with
Makefile:DOMAIN_TAG            test## always set for TANGO_DATABASE_DS

All the following deployments are deployed using using the same makefile.



Add here a description of the prerequisites that a developer/tester needs in order to configure and install the SKA-LOW or SKA-MID products.

Things like: - access to the VPN - ubuntu - ssh - VSCode/PyCharm professional

Skampi enables the deployment of two separate products as charts

  • mvp-low: (DEPLOYMENT_CONFIGURATION = skalow)

  • mvp-mid: (DEPLOYMENT_CONFIGURATION = skamid)

After setting the variable, run the following:

make install

It isn’t necessary to always delete and install from scratch once you have a running deployment

make upgrade_chart

The default release name (instance name of the chart) is test, change using env variable:

HELM_RELEASE= <your release name>

To uninstall :

make uninstall

To uninstall and the install from scratch:



The deployments of the low and mid charts are parametrized, enabling the user to have a wide degree of configuration choices. These parameters (values in helm nomenclature) can be set by a user using different layers, each capable of overriding the lower one:

  1. Makefile: values are set based on variables within the makefile (e.g. webjive.ingress.hostname ) the default values of which can be set by the user upon calling the make targets.

  2. Values file: A user can define a values file that refer to values for the mid or low chart the location of which is set by the makefile variable VALUES. (note the values file can also refer to values from specific subcharts but this should only be used during diagnostic work)

The default values file can be found at ./values.yaml while the values used for testing the pipeline is found under pipeline.yaml