Running the Receive Workflow

There are many ways to deploy this workflow, standalone on a local machine for testing. Distributed across a local cluster, or installed as a Kubernetes chart. This interface simlualtor sits across 2 domains in the SKA. The emulator (sender) is a synthesiser of the Correlator Beamformer (CBF) which is a device within the Central Signal Processor (CSP) domain. The receiver is an example of a Science Data Processor workflow and as such resides in the SDP regime.

We have developed a number of mechanisms by which these two elements can be deployed. But they essentailly fall into tow simple groups. A kubernetes deployment - be it in a general Kubernetes environment or more specifically the SKAMPI prototype of the SKA. This section of the documentation deals with a few example deployments.

Tests and Quick Start

Ok so you don’t want to read all the documentation, or just want to get something running straight away. Open in the quickstart directory and you will find some simple configuration files.

There are quickstart examples for the following situations:

1) A simple send and receive pair for a small number of channels on a single stream. The basic and simplest scheme - this will not expected to scale beyond a few hundred channels.

2) A simple send and receive pair for a larger number of channels using multiple streams but a single output file. This employs a multi-threaded asynchronous receive and should scale. Although the performance may be limited by disk performance - both sending and receiving.

Each experiment is in its own directory - example data sets are included in the tests/data directory. You should not need to install anything other than this package to get them to work.

Running the examples

The example directories include a working configuration and run script (‘’). Just executing the run script will run a receiver in the background and a sender in the foreground. It will transfer the visibility data weights and flags and transfer the meta-data from the mock-TM interface.

Deploying the Receive Workflow in the SDP Prototype

Setting up the Prototype

In these instructions we are assuming you have a deployed Kubernetes environment. Either minikube or the integration environment and the etcd and sdp-prototype charts are installed:

> helm list
NAME            NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART                                   APP VERSION
etcd            default         1               2020-10-27 10:20:42.192392 +1100 AEDT   deployed        etcd-operator-0.11.0                    0.9.4
sdp-prototype   default         1               2020-10-27 10:20:58.656668 +1100 AEDT   deployed        sdp-prototype-0.4.0                     1.0

Then ensure that all your pods are running:

> kubectl get pods
NAME                                                READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
databaseds-tango-base-sdp-prototype-0               1/1     Running     1          162m
etcd-etcd-operator-etcd-operator-796f6fd5bb-52qsf   1/1     Running     0          163m
itango-tango-base-sdp-prototype                     1/1     Running     2          162m
sdp-prototype-console-86dc9bb7d6-4fxfc              1/1     Running     0          162m
sdp-prototype-etcd-vnkfzzwzgk                       1/1     Running     0          162m
sdp-prototype-helmdeploy-5cbdbd9d48-68rs2           1/1     Running     0          162m
sdp-prototype-lmc-cb799bbdf-5p5dg                   3/3     Running     0          162m
sdp-prototype-proccontrol-854779ff7d-m5s6w          1/1     Running     0          162m
tangodb-tango-base-sdp-prototype-0                  1/1     Running     0          162m

The pods may take a while to start running.

Configuring the Workflow

Although this repository contains example helm-charts - the helm-charts specific to deployment of the sdp-prototype are stored in another repository ( For the purposes of continuity we will document the use of the sdp-prototype chart here. The documentation may be replicated in other repositories.

The configuration of the receive workflow is managed via adding to the configuration of the processing block. The processing block can be created using the ska-sdp utility or via the iTango interface. In this example we will assume ska-sdp is being used:

> ska-sdp create pb realtime:test_new_receive:0.1.4

This will start up a default deployment. Without arguments this is a test deployment. If will launch a number of containers and both a sender and receiver in the same pod. We typically use this for testing purposes. The behaviour and the chart deployed can be altered by adding a JSON blob to the command line, for example:

> ska-sdp create pb realtime:test_new_receive:0.1.4 "{ transmit.model : false, reception.ring_heaps : 133 }"

In the above example you can see there are two key value pairs in the JSON blob. The first transmit.model : false tells the receive workflow not to start a sender/emulator container. In the future we may make this the default state. The second reception.ring_heaps : 133 is an example of a configuration setting for the receive workflow. All the options supported by the receiver are supported by the chart deployment. The defaults set by the workflow currently are:

'model.pull' : 'true',
'model.url' : '',
'' : '',
'transmit.model' : 'true',
'reception.outputfilename' : '',
'transmission.channels_per_stream' : 4,
'transmission.rate' : '147500',
'payload.method' : 'icd',
'reader.num_timestamps' : 0,
'reader.start_chan' : 0,
'reader.num_chan' :  0,
'reader.num_repeats' : 1,
'results.push' : 'false'

For more information on the configuration of the receivers see Configuration options. The will also be some default configurations for the chosen consumer in Consumers.

The important consideration for the current version of the emulator and receive workflow is that the interface Telescope Model is via the measurement set. As the charts need to be agnostic about where and how they are deployed it was neccesary to provide a scheme whereby the data-model could be accessed by the deployment. What we do here is we provide a mechanism by which the model can be pulled by providing a URL to a compressed tarfile of the model measurement set, and the name of that measurement set once unzipped. This should be the same as the measurement set that will be transmitted by the emulator to allow the UVW and timestamps to match.

Once ska-sdp has been run with the desired configuration the receive will be running as a server inside a POD and waiting for packets from the emulator (or even the actual CBF)

Retrieving Data from Kubernetes Deployments

If the receive workflow is configured to generate a measurement set. Then it needs to be exported from the Kubernetes environment. The mechanism we have provided for this is mediated by the rclone package In order for this to work in a secure manner we have provided a mechanism by which a container can pull an rclone configuration file - containing the credentials and configured end points. This configuration is then used by a container to push the results out. There are only two configuration options required:

  • rclone.configurl. This is a URL of an rclone.conf. Please see the rclone documentation for instructions regarding the generation of this.

  • rclone.command. This is the destination you want for the measurement set in the format expected by rclone - namely theremote type, as defined in your configuration file, followed by the path for that remote.

For example this is a workflow configuration utilising this capability:

> ska-sdp create pb realtime:test_new_receive:0.1.4 "{ transmit.model : false, results.push : true , rclone.configurl = '' , rclone.command = gcs:/yan-486-bucket/ }"

After the receive workflow completes the data will be synchronised with the end-point.

Deploying the Receive Workflow Behind a Proxy (PSI deployments)

One of the more complex issues to deal with when deploying to a Kubernetes environment is networking. THis is made more difficult if the kbernetes environment itself is behind a firewall. The SDP prototype deployment can be thought of as charts thant instantiate containers that themselves instantiate containers. Proxies are usually exposed through environment variables which requires the environment to be propagated from chart to chart.

The PSI in an integration environment which is managed by CSIRO and behind a web-proxy. When the sdp-prototype is deployed all the elements of the prototype need to be informed of the proxy

Configuring Workflow to Use The Proxy

Firstly the sdp prototype needs to be deployed with a proxy setting exposed. This is an install line which will expose the CSIRO proxy to the helm charts of the sdp prototype:

helm install sdp-prototype sdp-prototype  --set --set proxy.noproxy='{}'

This will ensure the prototype itself is launched with the correct proxy settings.

But as you would expect this does not neccesarily pass the proxy settings on to workflows. Ih the case of the receive workflow.

This is the equivalent ska-sdp line with the proxy information:

> ska-sdp create pb realtime:test_new_receive:0.1.4 "{proxy.server : ,
transmit.model : false , results.push : true ,
rclone.configurl : '' ,
rclone.command : gcs:/yan-483-bucket/ , reception.ring_heaps : 133 ,
proxy.use : true }"

This command line would launch the receive workflow on the PSI, behind a proxy, configured to push the results to a Google Cloud Services bucket.