
From the command-line

A vis-receiver program should be available after installing the package. Configuration options can be given through a configuration file or through the command-line. vis-receiver -h for details.


Show help

-c config-file

The configuration file to load, default is empty


Additional configuration options in the form of

A typical configuration file looks like this:

  measurement_set: tests/data/

  consumer: mswriter
  outputfilename: tests/data/

In practical terms it makes sense to start the receiver(s) before the transmitter so they are waiting for data. But you do not have to - the protocols and consumers are flexible enough to be started when the data-stream is already running.


A high-level receive coroutine is available for users of this package to setup, run a receiver, and wait for its completion. The coroutine hides all the complexity of creating all the objects that are needed to setup a fully-working receiver, while giving full control to the user on how to configure this setup.

The vis-receiver is indeed a thin wrapper around this high-level entry-point.


For a more complex deployment of the receiver program in the context of SDP please see the documentation of the vis-receive script, part of the SDP Scripts.