
  • add the antenna table to the measurement set

  • perhaps add arbitrary measurement set tables based on the contents of a JSON file

  • add the information about the JSON table format

MSADD - Measurement Set Add Derived Data

Simple tool to add derived products to existing measurement sets. Basic functionality is to add UVW in a catalog frame to a measurement set - based on the DELAY_DIR direction and the antenna positions. But it is envisioned that other tables will be added.

UVW Calculation and Addition

The scheme to perform this is based upon the CASACORE package and utilises the python-casacore wrappers to the measures functionality of those classes. There are other member functions of this package that do not utilise this functionality. .. Automatic API Documentation section. Generating the API from the docstrings. Modify / change the directory structure as you like

The Applications


The first application developed with this package is msadd-uvw it can be run from the command line. Options can be examined by msadd-uvw -h

Essentially this takes a direction, a set of antenna positions and updates an output measurement set with the UVW calculated by the utilities in the package.

The following options are supported:

  • -i, --input: MSv2 input model file used for reference antenna positions, the locations option should really be used. (default: None)

  • -o, --output: Output MSv2 - this is the table which needs updating. (default: None)

  • -l, --locations : JSON input antenna-locations file - this can be a local location or a URL (default: None)

  • -d, --delay: Delay Centre Over-ride – You should set this. Otherwise the tools will inspect the output measurement set for the FIELD table. The units are (hour, degree). The format is anything an Astropy SkyCoord will take so "00 42 30 +41 12 00” or "00:42.5 +41:12” are fine

  • f, --frame: Reference frame for the delay direction (ICRS)

  • s, --swap: Default order of baseline calculation is Antenna2 - Antenna1 - you can swap this if you want.

The Module Contents

The Antenna Table

A simple set of classes and functions to read and construct an antenna table in memory from either a reference measurement set of a JSON file. THe JSON file can be stored remotely and accessed via URL

class ska.sdp.msadd.antenna.AntennaTable(input_table_name: Optional[str] = None, json_file_location=None)[source]

simple class that updates the antenna table using either a JSON object or another table from a reference MS The same class can deal with multiple reference options - in order of preference: It first checks if local MS reference table is given. Then it checks whether a remote file location is given. Finally it checks for a local json file.


Returns the XYZ antenna position as held in the internal representation of the antenna table


index (int) – The antenna index as listed in the relevant row of the MAIN table

Return position

The XYZ position geocentric of the antenna

Return type

[x, y, z]


Create an internal array of antenna dictionaries using the JSON format as input


data (dict) – Dictionary structure as generated by json.loads - the assumption is that this remains in order


If the input table name exists - set the input table load the values into a dictionary


input_table_name (str) – The actual ANTENNA table in a measurement set

The UVW Table

These methods are used to calculate UVW based upon the contents of a telescope model (antenna locations, Time, look direction). The contents of which are obtained from the AntennaTable and a reference measurement set.

class ska.sdp.msadd.uvw.UpdateUvwColumn(input_table_name=None, json_file_location=None, output_table_name=None, swap_baselines=False, delay_ra: typing.Optional[<MagicMock id='139938907188816'>] = None, delay_dec: typing.Optional[<MagicMock id='139938907188816'>] = None)[source]

A simple class that updates the UVW column in the main table - derived from ANTENNA locations in the ANTENNA table


Calculate the UVW for the row of internal representation of the table. Note this does not update the row in the measurement set. The geocentric UVW of each antenna is calculated separately using its position - this is probably better than doing it to some reference position.


row (int) – The row to calculate

Return uvw

The UVW in J2000 epoch

Return type



Get the antenna index of antenna 1 for the given row


row (int) – row index


Get the antenna index of antenna 2 for the given row


row (int) – row index


Get the antenna position from the internal representation of the antenna table


index (int) – index


Pull the delay direction from the reference measurement set


row (int) – row to take it from (0)


a list of form [ra,dec] in radian measure

Return type

[target_ra, target_dec]


Get the time from the internal representation of the main table row


row (int) – row index

Return time

Return type



If the input table name exists - set the input table load the values into a dictionary


If the input table name exists - set the input table


Calculate the UVW for the all the rows of internal representation of the table. This does update the measurement set on disk

The Calculation Utilities

The actual work in calculating the UVW is performed by these functions. There are some utilities that perform these tasks from first principles and others that use casacore measures - as accessed via the python wrappers

ska.sdp.msadd.utils.get_antenna_uvw(xyposA: <MagicMock id='139938902805264'>, epoch: <MagicMock id='139938903040784'>, ra: <MagicMock id='139938902721872'>, decl: <MagicMock id='139938902721872'>, position_frame='itrf', epoch_frame='J2000', swap_baselines=False) <MagicMock id='139938902814224'>[source]

Return the geocentric uvw vector for the the given position at the given epoch.

Note: This actually just calls get_uvw_J2000 with the geocentre as the other antenna and this antenna as the reference position.

Note: This is the per antenna calculation that you probably want

  • xyposA (list) – position of the antenna (vector geocentric XYZ in m)

  • epoch (astropy.Time) – Time for which to calculate the UVW

  • epoch_frame (str) – Whether you want a catalog (J2000) frome or epoch of date (default: ‘J2000’)

  • position_frame (str) – The frame of the input positions (generally WGS84 or ITRF) we are using casacore for this and these are the two frames supported

  • ra (astropy.Angle) – Right Ascension (J2000)

  • decl (astropy.Angle) – Declination (J2000)

  • swap_baselines (Bool) – (xyposB - xyposA) is assumed - if the reverse is required set this to True


The geocentric UVW baseline

Return type

numpy.array [u,v,w]

ska.sdp.msadd.utils.get_r(h, delta) <MagicMock id='139938903208464'>[source]

Return the matrix that will project XYZ into UVW. This is the matrix that is typically used to get the transformation from a geocentric position to a UVW at the epoch of date. See A.R. Thompson, J.M. Moran, and G.W. Swenson Jr., Interferometry and Synthesis in Radio Astronomy (equation 4.3 in the Third Edition)

  • h (double) – – the Greenwich hour angle in radian

  • delta (double) – – the declination in radian


A numpy array of the matrix R

Return type


ska.sdp.msadd.utils.get_uvw(xyposA: list, xyposB: list, epoch: <MagicMock id='139938903040784'>, ra: <MagicMock id='139938902721872'>, decl: <MagicMock id='139938902721872'>, swap_baselines=False) <MagicMock id='139938903232208'>[source]

Return the baseline vector for the 2 given positions in epoch of date

  • xyposA (list) – position of antenna 1 (vector geocentric XYZ in m)

  • xyposB (list) – position of antenna 2 (vector geocentric XYZ in m)

  • epoch (astropy.Time) – Time for which to calculate the UVW

  • ra (astropy.Angle) – Right Ascension (J2000)

  • decl (astropy.Angle) – Declination (J2000)

  • swap_baselines (Bool) – (xyposB - xyposA) is assumed - if the reverse is required set this to True


The uvw baseline at Epoch of Date

Return type


ska.sdp.msadd.utils.get_uvw_J2000(xyposA: <MagicMock id='139938902753808'>, xyposB: <MagicMock id='139938903218704'>, refpos: <MagicMock id='139938902758672'>, epoch: <MagicMock id='139938903040784'>, ra: <MagicMock id='139938902721872'>, decl: <MagicMock id='139938902721872'>, position_frame='itrf', swap_baselines=False) <MagicMock id='139938902743056'>[source]

Return the baseline vector for the 2 given positions at the J2000 Epoch. This ensures that any image formed by the Fourier transform of a UVW cube in this frame will itself be in the ICRS frame.

Note: I believe that the ICRS and J2000 are aligned <at> J2000 - but caveat emptor until I’ve sorted that out.

Note: This assumes you have a reference position at which all the sidereal angles are calculated but it is more likely that you want a “per antenna” calculation. So be sure you want this before you use it.

  • xyposA (list) – position of antenna 1 (vector geocentric XYZ in m)

  • xyposB (list) – position of antenna 2 (vector geocentric XYZ in m)

  • epoch (astropy.Time) – Time for which to calculate the UVW

  • ra (astropy.Angle) – Right Ascension (J2000)

  • decl (astropy.Angle) – Declination (J2000)

  • position_frame (str) – The frame of reference for the positions ITRF is default - WGS84 is also supported

  • swap_baselines (Bool) – (xyposB - xyposA) is assumed - if the reverse is required set this to True


The uvw baseline at J2000

Return type

numpy.array [u,v,w]


I have found that for some reason I get either a string or a byte array as returned isot format from astropy.time There seems to be no reason to it - but it does seem to be a function of the value. Some dates are always byte arrays and some are always strings - this helper function just tests what it going on tries to return a valid casacore.quanta


in_time (astropy.Time) – astropy Time object


a casacore.quantity of the same value