
Goals and Considerations

A prime consideration in the design of the calculator is exactly how the user will interface with it. Some users may prefer a simple, accessible interface, e.g. a web page, while others may prefer to be able to download a GUI to their own device. Some may even prefer to access the calculator API directly to use with their own code. Importantly, however, the sensitivity calculator will ultimately be part of some larger observing tool. The calculator is expected to provide the user with a report for attachment to their observing proposal supporting their use of the telescope. After speaking to the developer of the ALMA Observing Support Tool, it became clear that the vast majority of their users would use the web-based tool where possible and nearly always have internet access when wanting to use the tool. Therefore it was decided that the prototype calculator should use a web-based interface to demonstrate functionality, but feature a distinct front- and back-end, allowing the interface to be modified, or for other interfaces to be added (if needed) as the project evolves. Because the calculator is publicly available via the SKA GitLab, anyone who wants to directly interact with the source code can do so.

The scientific model behind the sensitivity calculation will be updated as the life-cycle of the telescope progresses. At the time of writing it is based on the calculation framework of ‘SKA1: Design Baseline Description - SKA-TEL-SKO-0001075’ and ‘SKA1 System Performance Assessment Report - SKA-TEL-SKO-0001089’, with some additional information from the earlier document Anticipated SKA1 Science Performance. Once the telescope is live, we should be able to actively record, for example, the system temperature. This, among other possible developments, will change how the sensitivity calculator functions. In addition, with the current calculator being a prototype, a number of features will certainly be added as time goes on. With all of this considered, it is sensible to maintain a modular design for the calculator back-end, where functionality is separated into independent modules. This means that if, say, the model describing the receiver temperature for SKA1 dishes is changed, the relevant code can easily be modified and the rest of the program should still run without any issues.

One of the desired features of the calculator is to be able to both calculate sensitivity, given an on-source integration time (and the other required parameters) and calculate the integration time required to reach a given sensitivity. The user should also be offered a range of different observing modes, so they can calculate e.g. total continuum noise, line noise, etc. These observing modes are not mutually exclusive, however. A user may be interested in performing a continuum observation with a number of zooms and would therefore want to know the sensitivity they could obtain in each case. Allowing for this while also allowing the user to swap between calculating sensitivity and integration time potentially makes both the front- and back-end design quite complicated. The solution ultimately was to separate out the different observing modes into individual tabs.